#!/usr/bin/perl # Found By :: HACK4LOVE # MixVibes Pro 7.043 (.vib File) Local Stack Overflow PoC # http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/MixVibes-Pro-Download-3074.html ################################################################################
/* Live For Speed 2 Version Z .Mpr Local buffer Overflow Exploit !! X version .mpr header specifications can be found at http://www.lfs.net/?page=MPR Version :Patch Z and all previous versions. Vendor :http://www.lfs.net/ Release date: July 14th 200
#!/usr/bin/perl #Icarus 2.0(GUEST.ICP) Local Stack Overflow PoC #By ThE g0bL!N #usage: After Clicking On Perl File Run The Program And Choose Continue Booom The Program Crashed :) ################################################################ $Head
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # JetAudio 7.5.3 COWON Media Center(.WAV file) Memory Comsumption DoS Exploit # # Founded and exploited by prodigy # # Vendor: JetAudio # # Usage to reproduce the bug: you need a file of recorded music in .wav,and then open it w
#!/usr/bin/perl## [~] HTMLDOC = 1.8.27 Bufferoverflow POC# [^] www.htmldoc.org# [*] Autore: ANTHRAX666 anthrax.the.666@gmail.com# [+] StackBased OverFlow In set_page_size()# [/] EIPregister Is Raped By Us So Not Just Krash# [!] Is Both Local Also Re
html head titleFirefox 3.5 Vulnerability/title Firefox 3.5 Heap Spray Vulnerabilty /br Author: SBerry aka Simon Berry-Byrne /br Thanks to HD Moore for the insight and Metasploit for the payload div id=content p FONT /FONT /p p FONTLoremipsumdoloregku
#!/usr/bin/perl #[+] Bug : Mp3-Nator 2.0 (ListData.dat) Universal Buffer Overflow Exploit (SEH) #[+] Author : ThE g0bL!N # # Greetz to all my friends ## Download:http://files.brothersoft.com/mp3_audio/players/mp3nator.zip ## Tested on: Windows XP Pro
#!/bin/bash # uglyswan - OpenSwan local root exploit (CVE-2008-4190) # # description: # The IPSEC livetest tool in Openswan 2.4.12 and earlier, and 2.6.x through 2.6.16, # allows local users to overwrite arbitrary files and execute arbitrary code via
/* atapanic.c * * by Shaun Colley, 13 July 2009 * * this panics the freebsd kernel by passing a large value to malloc(9) in one of * fbsd's ata ioctl's. tested on freebsd 6.0 and 8.0. you need read access to the * ata device in /dev to be able to ope