#!/usr/bin/perl -w## Exploit for the ProFTPd mod_ctrls vulnerability.# Stack Overflow in function# int pr_ctrls_recv_request(pr_crls_cl_t *cl)# unchecked buffer for arguments of the module## connects to the unix domain socket and sends a string# tha
#if 0FreeBSD 7.2 and below (including 6.4) are vulnerable to race condition in VFSand devfs code, resulting in NULL pointer dereference. In contrast to pipe racecondition, this vulnerability is actually much harder to exploit.Due to uninitalised val
#if 0FreeBSD 6.4 and below are vulnerable to race condition between pipeclose() andknlist_cleardel() resulting in NULL pointer dereference. The following codeexploits vulnerability to run code in kernel mode, giving root shell andescaping from jail.
httpdx web server 1.4 is vulnerable to a remote buffer overflow using long GET requests such as http://www.example.com/aaa=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...The vulnerability lies in httpdx_src/http.cpp in h_handlepeer() : strcpy(index,cli
#!/usr/bin/perl############################################## Free WMA MP3 Converter v1.1 (.wav) Local Buffer Overflow [seh]# Vendor: http://www.eusing.com/# Discovered by: KriPpLer # http://www.x-sploited.com/# Tested on: Windows XP Pro SP2.#######
/*BulletProof FTP Client suffer a buffer overflow (SEH).Tested on BullerProof FTP Client v. 2.63 build 56 (The last one) but may work with older releases aswellRegisters:EAX 00000000ECX 65646362EDX 7C9032BC ntdll.7C9032BCEBX 00000000ESP 0012F1E0EBP
!-- AOL 9.1 SuperBuddy ActiveX Control SetSuperBuddy() remote code execution exploit (IE7/heap spray version) by nine:situations:group::trotzkista Is possible to execute arbitrary code by setting the first argument to an overlong url and the second
### $Id$##### This file is part of the Metasploit Framework and may be subject to # redistribution and commercial restrictions. Please see the Metasploit# Framework web site for more information on licensing and terms of use.# http://metasploit.com/