? /* Vis Intelligendi http.//vis-intelligendi.co.cc E-Xooport 3.1 SQL Injection Exploit 01 (Mq on/off doesn't matter) bug details and explanation on http://vis-intelligendi.co.cc (search e-xooport) E-Xoops is a xoops-based cms. Many modules are bugg
Enjoy... -Dan /* * You've done it. After hours of gdb and caffeine, you've finally got a shell * on your target's server. Maybe next time they will think twice about * running MyFirstCompSciProjectFTPD on a production machine. As you take * another
* Crawler endless loop (CVE-2010-3899) The crawler has no recursion depth limit. A site with dynamic parameter manipulation can cause an endless loop. This loop will block the crawler thread and use permanent server resources. Too many blocks can le
* Privilege escalation in two applications (CVE-2010-3895) Root SUID bits are set for the applications esRunCommand and estaskwrapper. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -rwsr-xr-x 1 root users ... /opt/IBM/es/
* Remote buffer overflow (CVE-2010-3894) The administration interface has a login form with an username- and a passwordfield. Entering a valid username (default value is esadmin) and a very long string into the password field a buffer overflow is tr
The forms in the administrator interface are not protected against XSRF. The attacker can do any action in the context of the victim. An example attack scenario could be: The attacker creates a malicious website with a prepared form to add a new use
Source: http://www.securityfocus.com/bid/42596/info MySQL is prone to a denial-of-service vulnerability. An attacker can exploit this issue to crash the database, denying access to legitimate users. This issue affects versions prior to MySQL 5.1.49.
/* # Exploit Title: G Data TotalCare 2011 0day Local Kernel Exploit # Date: 2010-11-08 # Author: Nikita Tarakanov (CISS Research Team) # Software Link: http://www.gdata.de/ # Version: up to date, version, MiniIcpt.sys version # Test
# Exploit Title: PCSX2 v0.9.7 Crash # Date: 08/11/2010 # Author: 41.w4r10r # Version: 0.9.7 #Tested on : Windows XP SP2 Eng # Software Link: http://pcsx2.net/downloads.php?p=publicbeta #!/usr/bin/python #PCSX2 is PS2 emulator to play PS2 Games on PC