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Microsoft Edge Chakra StackScriptFunction::BoxState::Box Uninitialized Pointers
来源:Google Security Research 作者:lokihardt 发布时间:2017-10-16  
 Microsoft Edge: Chakra: Accesses to uninitialized pointers in StackScriptFunction::BoxState::Box 


Here's a snippet of the method that interprets a javascript function's bytecode.

Js::Var Js::InterpreterStackFrame::INTERPRETERLOOPNAME()
    PROBE_STACK(scriptContext, Js::Constants::MinStackInterpreter); <<----- (a)

    if (!this->closureInitDone)
        Assert(this->m_reader.GetCurrentOffset() == 0);
        this->InitializeClosures();    <<------- (b)

    ... interprets the bytecode


At (b), it initializes the local variables of the javascript function. In the PoC, the variables a, b and c are initialized.
But at (a), if it fails to allocate Js::Constants::MinStackInterpreter bytes to the stack, it throws an exception which leads to the following code.

void StackScriptFunction::BoxState::Box()

    if (callerFunctionBody->DoStackScopeSlots())
        Var* stackScopeSlots = (Var*)interpreterFrame->GetLocalClosure();
        if (stackScopeSlots)
            Var* boxedScopeSlots = this->BoxScopeSlots(stackScopeSlots, ScopeSlots(stackScopeSlots).GetCount());

"stackScopeSlots" contains the local variables that were supposed to be initialized at (b). So it results in accessing the uninitialized pointers.

It's a little difficult to trigger this in Edge. So I recommend to use the command: ./Debug/ch -NoNative ~/test.js.

function trigger() {
    let a, b, c;

    function g() {

        a, b, c;



This bug is subject to a 90 day disclosure deadline. After 90 days elapse
or a patch has been made broadly available, the bug report will become
visible to the public.

Found by: lokihardt

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