# Exploit Title : Wordpress webplayer Plugins SQL Injection Vulnerability
# Vendor Homepage: hdwebplayer.com
# Version : 2.8.6
# Date : 2017 10 April
# Category : Web App
#Test on : Sqlmap , linux
# Dork :inurl:/wp-content/plugins/webplayer/config.php?id=
# Software Link : https:
### Location
### Vulnerability Files : Config.php
require_once (dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/isMobile.php' );
add_filter( 'query_vars' , 'plugin_add_trigger' );
function plugin_add_trigger( $vars ) {
$vars [] = 'wid' ;
$vars [] = 'view' ;
$vars [] = 'vid' ;
$vars [] = 'pid' ;
$vars [] = 'lic' ;
return $vars ;
add_action( 'template_redirect' , 'plugin_trigger_check' );
function plugin_trigger_check() {
if (get_query_var( 'wid' ) && get_query_var( 'view' ) == "config" ){
configXml(get_query_var( 'wid' ));
} else if (get_query_var( 'vid' ) && checkL(get_query_var( 'lic' ))){
videoPlaylist(get_query_var( 'vid' ));
} else if (get_query_var( 'pid' ) && checkL(get_query_var( 'lic' ))){
playlist(get_query_var( 'pid' ));
function configXML( $id ){
global $wpdb ;
$id = encrypt_decrypt( 'decrypt' , $id );
$table_name = $wpdb ->prefix. "hdwplayer" ;
$config = $wpdb ->get_row( $wpdb ->prepare( "SELECT * FROM " . $table_name . " WHERE id = %d" ,trim( $id )));
$siteurl = get_option( 'siteurl' );
$br = "\n" ;
if (! $config ->id){
die ( '<b><h1>Restricted access</h1></b>' );
srand ((double) microtime( )*1000000);
$dyn = rand( );
$value [ 'token' ] = $dyn ;
$video_id = '' ;
if ( $_GET [ 'vid' ]){
$video_id = '&id=' . intval ( $_GET [ 'vid' ]);
$wpdb ->update( $table_name , $value , array ( 'id' => $config ->id));
header( "content-type:text/xml;charset=utf-8" );
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . $br ;
echo '<config>' . $br ;
echo '<skinMode>' . $config ->skinmode. '</skinMode>' . $br ;
echo '<autoStart>' .castAsBoolean( $config ->autoplay). '</autoStart>' . $br ;
echo '<stretch>' . $config ->stretchtype. '</stretch>' . $br ;
echo '<buffer>' . $config ->buffertime. '</buffer>' . $br ;
echo '<volumeLevel>' . $config ->volumelevel. '</volumeLevel>' . $br ;
if ( $config ->videoid){
echo '<playListXml>' . $siteurl . '/?vid=' . $config ->videoid. '</playListXml>' . $br ;
} else {
echo '<playListXml>' . $siteurl . '/?pid=' . $config ->playlistid. $video_id . '</playListXml>' . $br ;
echo skinXml( $config );
echo '<playListAutoStart>' .castAsBoolean( $config ->playlistautoplay). '</playListAutoStart>' . $br ;
echo '<playListOpen>' .castAsBoolean( $config ->playlistopen). '</playListOpen>' . $br ;
echo '<playListRandom>' .castAsBoolean( $config ->playlistrandom). '</playListRandom>' . $br ;
echo '<token>' . $dyn . '</token>' . $br ;
echo '</config>' . $br ;
exit ();
function videoPlaylist( $id ){
global $wpdb ;
$siteurl = get_option( 'siteurl' );
$br = "\n" ;
$config = $wpdb ->get_results( $wpdb ->prepare( "SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb ->prefix. "hdwplayer_videos WHERE id = %d" , intval ( $id )));
$item = $config [0];
header( "content-type:text/xml;charset=utf-8" );
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . $br ;
echo '<playlist>' . $br ;
echo '<media>' . $br ;
echo '<id>' . $item ->id. '</id>' . $br ;
echo '<type>' . $item ->type. '</type>' . $br ;
echo '<video>' . $item ->video. '</video>' . $br ;
if ( $item ->hdvideo) {
echo '<hd>' . $item ->hdvideo. '</hd>' . $br ;
echo '<streamer>' . $item ->streamer. '</streamer>' . $br ;
if ( $item ->dvr) {
echo '<dvr>' . $item ->dvr. '</dvr>' . $br ;
echo '<thumb>' . $item ->thumb. '</thumb>' . $br ;
if ( $item ->token) {
echo '<token>' . $item ->token. '</token>' . $br ;
echo '<preview>' . $item ->preview. '</preview>' . $br ;
echo '<title>' . $item ->title. '</title>' . $br ;
echo '</media>' . $br . $br ;
echo '</playlist>' . $br ;
exit ();
function playlist( $id ){
global $wpdb ;
$val = 0;
$siteurl = get_option( 'siteurl' );
$br = "\n" ;
$vid = ( $_GET [ 'id' ] != '' ) ? $_GET [ 'id' ] : '' ;
$query = "SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb ->prefix. "hdwplayer_videos WHERE" ;
if ( $vid == '' ){
$query .= " playlistid = %d" ;
$val = intval ( $id );
} else {
$query .= " id = %d" ;
$val = intval ( $vid );
$query .= ' ORDER BY ordering' ;
$config = json_decode(json_encode( $wpdb ->get_results( $wpdb ->prepare( $query , $val ))),true);
if ( $vid != '' ){
$query = "SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb ->prefix. "hdwplayer_videos WHERE" ;
$query .= " id != %d" ;
$query .= " AND playlistid = %d" ;
$query .= " ORDER BY ordering" ;
$config = array_merge ( $config ,json_decode(json_encode( $wpdb ->get_results( $wpdb ->prepare( $query , intval ( $vid ), intval ( $id )))),true));
if (! $config [0][ 'id' ]){
die ( '<b><h1>Restricted access</h1></b>' );
header( "content-type:text/xml;charset=utf-8" );
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . $br ;
echo '<playlist>' . $br ;
foreach ( $config as $item ){
$br ;
echo '<media>' . $br ;
echo '<id>' . $item [ 'id' ]. '</id>' . $br ;
echo '<type>' . $item [ 'type' ]. '</type>' . $br ;
echo '<video>' . $item [ 'video' ]. '</video>' . $br ;
if ( $item [ 'hdvideo' ]) {
echo '<hd>' . $item [ 'hdvideo' ]. '</hd>' . $br ;
echo '<streamer>' . $item [ 'streamer' ]. '</streamer>' . $br ;
if ( $item [ 'dvr' ]) {
echo '<dvr>' . $item [ 'dvr' ]. '</dvr>' . $br ;
echo '<thumb>' . $item [ 'thumb' ]. '</thumb>' . $br ;
if ( $item [ 'token' ]) {
echo '<token>' . $item [ 'token' ]. '</token>' . $br ;
echo '<preview>' . $item [ 'preview' ]. '</preview>' . $br ;
echo '<title>' . $item [ 'title' ]. '</title>' . $br ;
echo '</media>' . $br . $br ;
echo '</playlist>' . $br ;
exit ();
function skinXml( $config ){
$br = "\n" ;
$node = '<controlBar>' .castAsBoolean( $config ->controlbar). '</controlBar>' . $br ;
$node .= '<playPauseDock>' .castAsBoolean( $config ->playpause). '</playPauseDock>' . $br ;
$node .= '<progressBar>' .castAsBoolean( $config ->progressbar). '</progressBar>' . $br ;
$node .= '<timerDock>' .castAsBoolean( $config ->timer). '</timerDock>' . $br ;
$node .= '<shareDock>' .castAsBoolean( $config ->share). '</shareDock>' . $br ;
$node .= '<volumeDock>' .castAsBoolean( $config ->volume). '</volumeDock>' . $br ;
$node .= '<fullScreenDock>' .castAsBoolean( $config ->fullscreen). '</fullScreenDock>' . $br ;
$node .= '<playDock>' .castAsBoolean( $config ->playdock). '</playDock>' . $br ;
$node .= '<playList>' .castAsBoolean( $config ->playlist). '</playList>' . $br ;
return $node ;
function castAsBoolean( $val ){
if ( $val == 1) {
return 'true' ;
} else {
return 'false' ;
function encrypt_decrypt( $action , $string ) {
$output = false;
if ( $action == 'encrypt' ) {
$output = (double) $string *525325.24;
$output = base64_encode ( $output );
else if ( $action == 'decrypt' ){
$output = base64_decode ( substr ( $string ,0,-3));
$output = (double) $output /525325.24;
return $output ;
function checkL( $lic ){
global $wpdb ;
$token = $wpdb ->get_results( "SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb ->prefix. "hdwplayer" );
$license = array ();
foreach ( $token as $tok ){
$license [] = trim( $tok ->token);
if (in_array(trim( $lic ), $license )){
return true;
return false;
function hdwplayer_gallery_ajax(){
if (!isset( $_POST [ 'action' ]))
return ;
$action = $_POST [ 'action' ];
if ( 'flashvars' == $action )
global $wpdb ;
$player = $wpdb ->get_row ( $wpdb ->prepare( "SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb ->prefix . "hdwplayer WHERE id = %d" , intval ( $_POST [ 'id' ])));
$siteurl = get_option ( 'siteurl' );
$results = $wpdb ->get_row ( $wpdb ->prepare( "SELECT * FROM " . $wpdb ->prefix . "hdwplayer_videos WHERE id = %d" , intval ( $_POST [ 'vid' ])));
$detect = new Mobile_Detect();
if ( $detect ->isMobile()) {
switch ( $results ->type) {
case 'youtube' :
$url_string = parse_url ( $results ->video, PHP_URL_QUERY );
parse_str ( $url_string , $args );
$html5 = '<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="100%" height="100%" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/' . $args [ 'v' ] . '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>' ;
break ;
case 'dailymotion' :
$html5 = '<iframe frameborder="0" width="100%" height="100%" src="' . $results ->video . '"></iframe>' ;
break ;
case 'rtmp' :
$url_string = str_replace ( 'rtmp' , 'http' , $results ->streamer ) . '/' . $results ->video . '/playlist.m3u8' ;
$html5 = '<video poster="' . $results ->preview . '" onclick="this.play();" width="100%" height="100%" controls>' ;
$html5 .= '<source src="' . $url_string . '" />' ;
$html5 .= '</video>' ;
break ;
default :
$html5 = '<video poster="' . $results ->preview . '" onclick="this.play();" width="100%" height="100%" controls>' ;
$html5 .= '<source src="' . $results ->video . '" />' ;
$html5 .= '</video>' ;
} else {
$flashvars = 'baseW=' . $siteurl . '&id=' . encrypt_decrypt ( 'encrypt' , $player ->id ). '&vid=' . intval ( $_POST [ 'vid' ]);
$src = $siteurl . '/wp-content/plugins/' . basename ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) ) . '/player.swf' ;
$html5 .= '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="' . $player ->width . '" height="' . $player ->height . '">' ;
$html5 .= '<param name="movie" value="' . $src . '" />' ;
$html5 .= '<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" />' ;
$html5 .= '<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />' ;
$html5 .= '<param name="flashvars" value="' . $flashvars . '" />' ;
$html5 .= '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' . $src . '" width="' . $player ->width . '" height="' . $player ->height . '">' ;
$html5 .= '<param name="movie" value="' . $src . '" />' ;
$html5 .= '<param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" />' ;
$html5 .= '<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" />' ;
$html5 .= '<param name="flashvars" value="' . $flashvars . '" />' ;
$html5 .= '</object>' ;
$html5 .= '</object>' ;
$response = array (
'html5' => $html5
die (json_encode( $response ));
if ( 'email' == $action && checkL( $_POST [ "lic" ]))
$to = $_POST [ "to" ];
$from = $_POST [ "from" ];
$url = $_POST [ "url" ];
$subject = "You have received a video!" ;
$headers = "From: " . "<" . $_POST [ "from" ] . ">\r\n" ;
$headers .= "Reply-To: " . $_POST [ "from" ] . "\r\n" ;
$headers .= "Return-path: " . $_POST [ "from" ];
$message = $_POST [ "message" ] . "\n\n" ;
$message .= "Video URL: " . $url ;
if (mail( $to , $subject , $message , $headers )) {
echo "sent" ;
exit ;
} else {
echo "error" ;
exit ;
# Discovered By : Hassan Shakeri
# Twitter : @ShakeriHassan - Fb.com/General.BlackHat - Me@Seravo.ir