Here’s my automated scanning script. It’s got a few dependencies but will run with a number of threads and will output to a defined folder.
#__________________________________________________________ # Author: phillips321 # License: CC BY-SA 3.0 # Use: Update several applications # Released: version=1.0 # Dependencies: # nmap # sslscan # gnome-web-photo # arp-scan # debian users can apt-get install nmap sslscan gnome-web-photo arp-scan # # ToDo: # Delete WeakCiphers if it doesnt contain any weak ciphers # Use watch instead of looping a #process left message # Use a nice output to show status of scans and what has been complete # Allow changing of THREADS on fly by reading THREADS from file #___________________________________________________________
f_uservariables(){ CUSTOMPORTS="21,22,23,80,443,445,3389" #seperate with a comma e.g. CUSTOMPORTS="21,22,23,80,443,445,3389" NMAPSTRING="nmap -sS -vv -d -A -P0 -n -r -oA" } f_usage(){ #outputs usage information echo"MESSAGE: ${version}" echo"MESSAGE: Usage: `basename ${0}` [threads max = 99] [big/small/both/custom] [directory]" echo"MESSAGE: # `basename ${0}` 5 small VLANxyz" echo"MESSAGE: if scan size not given i will scan all ports" echo"MESSAGE: if directory is not given then I will write to ./devices/" echo"MESSAGE:" } f_yesorno(){ #returns 1 if yes is selected read-e CONFIRM case$CONFIRMin y|Y|YES|yes|Yes) return 1 ;; *) return 0 ;; esac } f_rootcheck(){ #checks for root and exits if not if[`echo-n$USER`!= "root"] then echo"MESSAGE: ${VERSION}" echo"MESSAGE: ERROR: Please run as root!" echo"MESSAGE:" exit 1 fi } f_threadcheck(){ #checks input for num of threads if[-z${1}] then f_usage exit 1 fi THREADS="`echo "${1}" | tr -cd ‘[:digit:]‘ | cut -c 1-2`" } f_scansizecheck(){ #checks input for type of scan if[${1} = "big" ]||[${1} = "small"]||[${1} = "both"]||[${1} = "custom"] then SIZETYPE="`echo "${1}" | tr -cd ‘[:alnum:]‘ | cut -c 1-6`" echo"MESSAGE: performing a ${SIZETYPE} scan" else SIZETYPE="both" echo"MESSAGE: no scan size given or its invalid so scan size will be both(small and big)." fi } f_directorycheck(){ #checks input for directory name to save to if[-z${1}] then DIRECTORY="devices" echo"MESSAGE: no dir given so outputting to ${DIRECTORY}" else DIRECTORY="`echo "${1}" | tr -cd ‘[:graph:]‘`" echo"MESSAGE: output dir = ${DIRECTORY}" fi } f_outputtargets(){ #cats targets.txt to screen echo"MESSAGE: targets.txt contents:" cat targets.txt echo"MESSAGE: end of IPs/Hosts" } f_arpscansubnet(){ #arpscans local subnet arp-scan -l-g|grep . |cut-f1|grep-v packets |grep-v Interface |grep-v Ending |grep-v Starting > targets.txt } f_findtargetstxt(){ #checks for targets.txt and offer to create if[-f ./targets.txt ] then echo"MESSAGE: targets.txt file located" f_outputtargets else echo-n"MESSAGE: there is no targets.txt file so do you want me to create one? yes/no : " f_yesorno &&exit 0 echo"MESSAGE: Now arp-scanning current subnet" f_arpscansubnet echo"MESSAGE: We found `cat targets.txt | wc -l` targets and have output them to targets.txt" f_outputtargets echo-n"MESSAGE: Do you wish to edit this list? (DELETE YOURSELF!)yes/no : " f_yesorno &&echo"MESSAGE: Chose not to edit…..continue with scan"||nano targets.txt ; f_outputtargets fi } f_numberoftargets(){#counts number of targets in targets.txt NUMBER=`wc-l targets.txt` COUNT=0 echo"MESSAGE: Found ${NUMBER} targets to scan" } f_createdirectory(){#makes the directory STARTDIR=`pwd` mkdir"${STARTDIR}/${1}" cp targets.txt ${STARTDIR}/${1}/. } f_nmapscans(){ #performs loops of nmap scans echo"MESSAGE: Starting Scan with ${THREADS} threads" for i in`cat targets.txt` do TARGET=${i} LOC=${DIRECTORY}/${TARGET} ((COUNT++)) echo"MESSAGE: now scanning ${TARGET}${COUNT} of ${NUMBER}" case${SIZETYPE}in small) xterm -title"${TARGET} small TCP"-e"${NMAPSTRING}${LOC}.small.tcp ${TARGET}"&;; both) xterm -title"${TARGET} small TCP"-e"${NMAPSTRING}${LOC}.small.tcp ${TARGET}"& xterm -title"${TARGET} big TCP"-e"${NMAPSTRING}${LOC}.big.tcp -p1-65535 ${TARGET}"&;; big) xterm -title"${TARGET} big TCP"-e"${NMAPSTRING}${LOC}.big.tcp -p1-65535 ${TARGET}"&;; custom) xterm -title"${TARGET} custom TCP"-e"${NMAPSTRING}${LOC}.custom -p${CUSTOMPORTS}${TARGET}"&;; esac xterm -title"${TARGET} UDP"-e"nmap -sU -vv -d -P0 -n -r -oA ${LOC}.small.udp ${TARGET}"& while[`ps-Aef–cols 200 |grep${DIRECTORY}|grep xterm |wc -l`-ge${THREADS}] do sleep 5 done sleep 5 done while[`ps-Aef–cols 200 |grep${DIRECTORY}|grep xterm |wc -l`-gt 0 ] do echo MESSAGE: `ps-Aef–cols 200 |grep${DIRECTORY}|grep xterm |wc -l`nmaps still running sleep 10 done echo"MESSAGE: NMap Scanning Complete" } f_amapscans(){ cd"${STARTDIR}/${DIRECTORY}" for i in`ls*.gnmap |sed-e"s/.gnmap//"` do xterm -title"${i} AMAP"-e"amap -i ${i}.gnmap -o ${i}.amap | tee -a amap_full.txt"& echo"MESSAGE: now amaping ${i}" while[`ps-Aef–cols 200 |grep AMAP |grep xterm |wc -l`-ge${THREADS}] do sleep 1 done sleep 5 done while[`ps-Aef–cols 200 |grep AMAP |grep xterm |wc -l`-gt 0 ] do echo MESSAGE: `ps-Aef–cols 200 |grep AMAP |grep xterm |wc -l`amaps still running sleep 10 done cat amap_full.txt |cut-d" " -f3,4,5 |grep matches |sort-n|uniq> amap.txt cat amap.txt |grep http |cut-d"/"-f 1 |sort|uniq> amap.http.txt cat amap.txt |grep ssl |cut-d"/"-f 1 |sort|uniq> amap.ssl.txt cd"${STARTDIR}/.." echo"MESSAGE: Amaping Complete" sleep 5 } f_sslscans(){ cd"${STARTDIR}/${DIRECTORY}" if[-s amap.ssl.txt ] then cat amap.ssl.txt for i in`cat amap.ssl.txt` do SSLOUT="`echo "${i}" | sed -e s/:/_/g`" echo"MESSAGE: now sslscanning ${i} and outputting as ${SSLOUT}.sslscan.txt" xterm -title"${i} SSLSCAN"-e"sslscan –no-failed ${i} | tee ${SSLOUT}.sslscan.txt ; sleep 5"& while[`ps-Aef–cols 200 |grep SSLSCAN |grep xterm |wc -l`-ge${THREADS}] do sleep 2 done sleep 5 done while[`ps-Aef–cols 200 |grep SSLSCAN |grep xterm |wc -l`-gt 0 ] do echo MESSAGE: `ps-Aef–cols 200 |grep SSLSCAN |grep xterm |wc -l`sslscans still running sleep 10 done cat*.sslscan.txt |grep"Testing\ SSL\|Accepted\|ERROR"|grep"SSLv2\|Testing\|\ 40\|\ 56"|grep-v"ERROR"> WeakCiphers.txt echo"MESSAGE: Auto SSLSCAN Complete" else echo"MESSAGE: sslscan will not run – no ssl ports found using amap" fi sleep 5 cd"${STARTDIR}/.."
} f_gwp(){ cd"${STARTDIR}/${DIRECTORY}" if[-s amap.ssl.txt ] then cat amap.ssl.txt for i in`cat amap.ssl.txt` do HTTPOUT="`echo "${i}" | sed -e s/:/_/g`" echo"MESSAGE: now taking photo of https://${i} and outputting as ${HTTPOUT}.png" xterm -title"${i} GNOME-WEB-PHOTO"-e"gnome-web-photo -m photo -f –format=png https://${i}${HTTPOUT}.png"& while[`ps-Aef–cols 200 |grep GNOME |grep xterm |wc -l`-ge${THREADS}] do sleep 5 done sleep 5 done else echo"MESSAGE: gnome-web-photo will not run – no https ports found using amap" fi if[-s amap.http.txt ] then cat amap.http.txt for i in`cat amap.http.txt` do HTTPOUT="`echo "${i}" | sed -e s/:/_/g`" echo"MESSAGE: now taking photo of http://${i} and outputting as ${HTTPOUT}.png" xterm -title"${i} GNOME-WEB-PHOTO"-e"gnome-web-photo -m photo -f –format=png ${i}${HTTPOUT}.png"& while[`ps-Aef–cols 200 |grep GNOME |grep xterm |wc -l`-ge${THREADS}] do sleep 5 done sleep 5 done else echo"MESSAGE: gnome-web-photo will not run – no http ports found using amap" fi while[`ps-Aef–cols 200 |grep GNOME |grep xterm |wc -l`-gt 0 ] do echo MESSAGE: `ps-Aef–cols 200 |grep GNOME |grep xterm |wc -l`screenshots still running sleep 10 done sleep 5 cd"${STARTDIR}/.." } f_cleanup(){ cd"${STARTDIR}/${DIRECTORY}" for i in`ls*.png` do iSIZE=`stat-c%s ${i}` if[${iSIZE}-eq"469"] then echo"MESSAGE: Deleting file: ${i} as it is ${iSIZE} bytes" rm${i} fi done } f_displayresults(){ cd"${STARTDIR}/${DIRECTORY}" cat*p.nmap |grep"scan\ report\ for\|Interesting\|open\|———————————————"|grep-v"OSScan"|grep-v"filtered"> open_ports.txt xterm -title"OpenPorts from ${DIRECTORY}"-e"grep -E –color=always ‘.*(ssh|rdp|ssl|http|telnet|https|sslv2|mail|smtp|snmp|oracle|sql|tnls|ftp|sftp).*|’ open_ports.txt | less -R"& if[-s WeakCiphers.txt ] then xterm -title"WeakCiphers from ${DIRECTORY}"-e"less -R WeakCiphers.txt"& else echo"No weak ciphers found"> WeakCiphers.txt echo"MESSAGE: no weak ciphers found" fi cd"${STARTDIR}/.." }
f_uservariables f_threadcheck ${1} f_scansizecheck ${2} f_directorycheck ${3} f_findtargetstxt f_numberoftargets f_createdirectory ${DIRECTORY} f_nmapscans #comment me out to skip nmap scans f_amapscans #comment me out to skip amap scans f_sslscans #comment me out to skip ssl scans f_gwp #comment me out to skip web screenshots f_cleanup f_displayresults exit0