# Exploit Title: Huawei EchoLife HG520 Remote Information Disclosure # Date: 2010-04-19 # Author: hkm # Product Link: http://www.huawei.com/mobileweb/en/products/view.do?id=660 # Firmware Versions: # # # Software Versions: V100R001B120Telmex # V100R001B121Telmex # Exploit Download Link: # http://www.hakim.ws/huawei/HG520_udpinfo.tar.gz # http://www.exploit-db.com/sploits/HG520_udpinfo.tar.gz
By sending a specially crafted UDP packet you can remotely obtain the following information: software and firmware versions, MAC, local and remote IP, model and PPPoE credentials in clear text.
The files required to reproduce this vulnerability can be downloaded from:
Requires Python, Scapy and Tcpdump. The way you run this program to test a local modem is:
~# python udp520.py
For a remote modem:
~# python udp520.py <remoteIP>
* If you can't see the response packet, try using Wireshark. * If "No module named all" error shows up, install scapy from source.
[ Comunidad Underground de Mexico - http://www.underground.org.mx ]