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PHP <= 5.2.9 Local Safemod Bypass Exploit (win32)
来源:vfocus.net 作者:vfocus 发布时间:2009-05-27  
Abysssec Inc Public Advisory

Title  : PHP <= 5.2.9 SafeMod Bypass Vulnerability 
Affected Version : Tested on 5.2.8, 5.2.6 but previous versions maybe be afftect
Vendor  Site   : www.php.net

Vulnerability Discoverd by   : www.abysssec.com

Description : 

Here is another safemod bypass vulnerability exist in php <= 5.2.9 on windows .
the problem comes from OS behavior - implement  and interfacing between php
and operation systems directory structure . the problem is php won't tell difference 
between directory browsing in linux and windows this can lead attacker to ability 
execute his / her commands on targert machie even in SafeMod On  (php.ini setting) . 

Vulnerability :

in linux when you want open a directory for example php directory you need
to go to /usr/bin/php and you can't use \usr\bin\php . but windows won't tell
diffence between slash and back slash it means there is no didffrence  between 
c:\php and c:/php , and this is not vulnerability but itself but  because of this  simple 
php implement "\" character can escape safemode using  function like excec . 

PoC / Exploit : 

orginal : www.abysssec.com/safemod-windows.zip
mirror  : www.milw0rm.com/sploits/2009-safemod-windows.zip

note : this vulnerabities is just for educational purpose and showing vulnerability exist 
so author will be not be responsible for any damage using this vulnerabilty. 

for more information visit Abysssec.com
feel free to contact me at admin [at] abysssec.com

# [2009-05-26]

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