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Job Script 2.0 Arbitrary Shell Upload Vulnerability
来源:vfocus.net 作者:vfocus 发布时间:2009-05-22  
  ___ ___         __                        
 /   |   \_____  |  | _____  ___ ___________
/    ~    \__  \ |  |/ /\  \/  // __ \_  __ \
\    Y    // __ \|    <  >    <\  ___/|  | \/
 \___|_  /(____  /__|_ \/__/\_ \\___  >__|  
       \/      \/     \/      \/    \/   :: Egy Coders Team Researcher
/- Job Board => Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerability
/- demo : http://www.jobscriptdemo.com
/- Greetz : ExH , ProViDoR , Bright D@rk , Error Code , all team
/- Proud To Be Egyptian .....
/- http://hakxer.blogspot.com/

* Hi every body
* in this vulnerability you can upload any file you want .php .. etc
* the script is job board from job script company we can upload shell into
* board ok now look at steps

       * first goto http://host/path/register.php
       * and now sign in board
       * goto add CV Page here http://host/path/mycv.php
       * then go and upload shell file
       * click Upload CV
       * now go to - Click Here to view your CV  -
              * like this http://host/path/accesscv.php?id=[randid]
       * shell uploaded successfully
* you can test this vulnerability in demo user
   * email : demo
   * pass : demo
*** notes :
          ** use it in your own risk

./be safe

# [2009-05-21]

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·Family Connections <= 1.8.2 Re
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·Flash Quiz Beta 2 Multiple Re
·Article Directory (Auth Bypass
·ChinaGames (CGAgent.dll) Activ
·Microsoft IIS 6.0 WebDAV Remot
·BaoFeng (config.dll) ActiveX R
·Winamp 5.551 MAKI Parsing Inte
·ASP Inline Corporate Calendar
·Winamp <= 5.55 (MAKI script) U
·VICIDIAL 2.0.5-173 (Auth Bypas
·ZaoCMS (user_updated.php) Remo
·Microsoft IIS 6.0 WebDAV Remot
·Winamp <= 5.55 (MAKI script) U
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